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Gene Review

CCT4  -  chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 4 (delta)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CCT-DELTA, CCT-delta, CCTD, Cctd, SRB, ...
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Disease relevance of CCT4


Psychiatry related information on CCT4

  • All subjects were initially examined and Tanner-staged by a physician (SRB), and instructed in self-assessment using the Tanner photographs; they then performed a self-assessment [6].

High impact information on CCT4

  • A large multisubunit complex containing RNA polymerase II, general transcription factors and SRB regulatory proteins initiates transcription of class II genes in yeast cells [7].
  • A human RNA polymerase II complex associated with SRB and DNA-repair proteins [8].
  • Three groups of mediator polypeptides could be distinguished: the products of five SRB genes, identified as suppressors of carboxy-terminal domain (CTD)-truncation mutants; products of four genes identified as global repressors; and six members of a new protein family, termed Med, thought to be primarily responsible for transcriptional activation [9].
  • Metabolic activities and counts of methanogenic (MB) and sulfate-reducing (SRB) bacteria were measured in feces [10].
  • Three proteins were identified in the cofactor fraction including two previously described proteins, elongation factor 1alpha (EF-1alpha) and the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB), and a novel protein designated the stimulator of TAR RNA-binding proteins (SRB) [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCT4


Biological context of CCT4

  • The cloning was achieved by amplification of a genomic library in the SRB (P2) host strain that allowed the replication of nonstandard DNA structures [17].
  • Cell proliferation was measured using the SRB protein dye [18].
  • However, HCT-8 and HCT-15 cells expressing significant levels of mdr-1 were less sensitive (IC50 2.3 and 3.7 nM, respectively) using a SRB assay [19].
  • Cell metabolic activity was assessed using the MTT assay, cell number using the SRB assay, and cell attachment from hepatocyte total protein content and protein synthesis using [14C]leucine incorporation [20].
  • The functional linkage of acLDL binding to the cloned SRB-like S. mansoni gene using RNA interference (RNAi) suggests a possible role of the tegumental SRB-like protein as a receptor for modified LDL [21].

Anatomical context of CCT4

  • This study reports on the in vitro anticancer properties of BITC against a variety of human and murine tumor cell lines by four independent methods; SRB, MTT, cell counting, and clonogenic assays [22].
  • Their antitumor activities were evaluated in vitro by SRB method for A-549 and BEL-7402 cells, and MTT method for P-388 and HL-60 cells [23].
  • To investigate the antiangiogenic potential of 10-hydroxycamptothecin (HCPT), the proliferation of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC) and seven human tumor cell lines were detected by SRB assay, and the endothelial cell migration and tube formation were assessed using two in vitro model systems [24].

Associations of CCT4 with chemical compounds

  • The other controls had high SRB counts and sulfate reduction rates [10].
  • Following 96-h drug exposure in a 5-day sulphohodamine B (SRB) in vitro assay, taxol demonstrated potent cytotoxicity in cell lines which were cisplatin sensitive (577 LM, H32, H12.1; mean IC50s 1.5-3.0 nM) or those with acquired or intrinsic cisplatin resistance (H12DDP, H23.1; mean IC50s 2.5 nM) [25].
  • As a consequence, the sulfide-oxidizing capacities of the biofilms became high enough to completely oxidize all H(2)S produced by SRB to SO(4)(2-) in the second phase, indicating establishment of the complete sulfur cycle in the biofilms [26].
  • By an SRB viability assay, we demonstrated that baicalein reduced the viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner [27].
  • The factors governing competitive interactions between SRB and other anaerobes involved in methanogenesis is discussed in the context of literature data on sulphate wastewater treatment and with particular reference to laboratory and full-scale digestion of citric acid production wastewater [28].

Other interactions of CCT4

  • Thus there was no significant difference noted for the following reagents: OKT4, CCT4, Leu 3a, Leu 2a, OKT8, or CCT8 [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCT4


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