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Gene Review

SENP8  -  SUMO/sentrin specific peptidase family...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DEN1, Deneddylase-1, FKSG8, HsT17512, NEDD8-specific protease 1, ...
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Disease relevance of SENP8

  • Inhibition studies and mutagenesis indicate that NEDP1 is a cysteine protease with sequence similarities to SUMO-specific proteases and the class of viral proteases typified by the adenovirus protease [1].
  • Sense and antisense genome sequences from La Crosse virus (LAC) (a member of the Bunyaviridae) and dengue viruses serotypes 1 to 4 (DEN-1 to DEN-4) (members of the Flaviviridae) were expressed in mosquito cells from double-subgenomic and replicon vectors based on Sindbis virus (a member of the Togaviridae) [2].
  • A split decomposition analysis of dengue (DEN) virus gene sequences revealed extensive networked evolution, indicative of recombination, among DEN-1 strains but not within serotypes DEN-2, DEN-3, or DEN-4 [3].
  • To ascertain if dsRNA-triggered RNAi is present in mosquito cells, we used Aedes albopictus C6/36 cells, and to investigate the feasibility of blocking viral gene expression and replication, we used two mosquito-borne viruses, Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and the serotype 1 dengue virus (DEN1) [4].
  • We constructed chimeric dengue type 2/type 1 (DEN-2/DEN-1) viruses containing the nonstructural genes of DEN-2 16681 virus or its vaccine derivative, strain PDK-53, and the structural genes (encoding capsid protein, premembrane protein, and envelope glycoprotein) of DEN-1 16007 virus or its vaccine derivative, strain PDK-13 [5].

High impact information on SENP8

  • This reveals that NEDP1 is a cysteine protease of the Ulp family [6].
  • Co-expression of NEDP1, a cysteine protease that specifically cleaves NEDD8 conjugates, was shown to deneddylate TAp73 [7].
  • This protein, DEN1, is a 221-amino acid thiol protease that is encoded by an open reading frame previously annotated as SENP8 [8].
  • Here we report the introduction of these same mutational changes into the analogous region of an infectious DNA derived from the genome of a human-virulent dengue serotype 1 virus (DEN1), strain Western Pacific (DEN1WP) [9].
  • We demonstrate that dsRNA can specifically inhibit transgene expression in C6/36 cells from both plasmid and SFV replicons and can significantly modify the kinetics of DEN1 RNA and virus replication [4].

Biological context of SENP8

  • Recombinant human DEN1 shows significant specificity for Nedd8 and catalyzes the hydrolysis of Nedd8 amidomethylcoumarin with a Km of 51 nm and a kcat of7s-1 [8].
  • The resulting DEN1 mutant (DEN1mutF) exhibited a host range-restricted phenotype similar to that of DEN2mutF virus [9].
  • Taking a divergence of 6% between the nucleotide sequences as the cut-off value, three genotype groups were defined for DEN-1 viruses, whereas only one was observed for DEN-4 viruses [10].
  • Maximum nucleotide sequence variation was 6.9% and 4.9% for DEN-1 and DEN-4 viruses, respectively [10].
  • Genetic variation between geographically and temporally distinct isolates of dengue-1 (DEN-1) and dengue-4 (DEN-4) viruses was investigated [10].

Anatomical context of SENP8

  • We analyzed the CD4+ T-lymphocyte responses to dengue, West Nile, and yellow fever viruses 4 months after immunization of a volunteer with an experimental live-attenuated dengue virus type 1 vaccine (DEN-1 45AZ5) [11].
  • The higher susceptibility of Vero cells to DEN-1 correlated with greater binding affinity of DEN-1 to these cells [12].
  • We analysed the binding and infectivity of dengue virus serotype 1 (DEN-1) for the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 in comparison with the simian kidney cell line Vero [12].
  • Using a serotype-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) of dengue virus type 1 (DEN-1), 15F3-1, we identified the B-cell epitope of DEN-1 from a random peptide library displayed on phage [13].
  • In the first successful experiment, DEN-1 virus was recovered on postinoculation day (PID) 24 from blood, spleen, thymus, and lung tissues of one of eight hu-PBL-SCID mice [14].

Associations of SENP8 with chemical compounds

  • NEDP1, a highly conserved cysteine protease that deNEDDylates Cullins [1].
  • Bacterially expressed NEDP1 is capable of processing NEDD8 in vitro to expose the diglycine motif required for conjugation and can deconjugate NEDD8 from modified substrates [1].
  • We now report the X-ray structures of the human Nedd8-specific protease, Den1, in a complex with the inhibitor Nedd8 aldehyde, thus revealing a model for the tetrahedral transition state intermediate generated during proteolysis [15].
  • Chimeric viruses containing the nonstructural genes of DEN-2 PDK-53 virus and the structural genes of the parental DEN-1 16007 virus retained the attenuation markers of small plaque size and temperature sensitivity in LLC-MK(2) cells, less efficient replication in C6/36 cells, and attenuation for mice [5].
  • All serotypes of DEN viruses, DEN1 to DEN4, reacted with nLc(4)Cer, and the non-reducing terminal disaccharide residue Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1- was found to be a critical determinant for the binding of DEN2 [16].

Other interactions of SENP8


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SENP8

  • The higher sensitivity of 16-4 in detecting DEN-1 was found with both IF and flow cytometry [21].
  • Based on these observations, our DEN-1 epitope-based serologic test could be useful in laboratory viral diagnosis and in understanding the pathogenesis of DEN-1 [13].
  • To find fast and reliable methods to diagnose dengue in the early phase of the disease, patient acute-phase sera were investigated for the presence of dengue-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and also for dengue serotype (DEN-1 to DEN-4)-specific RNA by different PCR assays [22].
  • The identity of all viral isolates was confirmed by an immunofluorescence antibody assay using DEN-1 monoclonal antibody [14].
  • To understand the molecular epidemiology of this virus, 15 strains of DEN-1 isolated during 1987-1991 and 1994-1995, including 11 epidemic strains, two sporadic strains, and two imported strains have been studied [23].


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