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Chemical Compound Review

AC1L2HXG     (2S)-6-amino-2-[[(2S)-6- amino-2-[[(2S)-2,6...

Synonyms: CTK8D1495, AR-1J3323, 2olb, 13184-14-0, 25988-63-0, ...
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Disease relevance of AIDS003578


High impact information on AIDS003578

  • (There is an obvious trade-off between transducer sensitivity, which affects noise and drift and compliance.) Some success has been reported with the use of intact rat myocytes supported by suction micropipettes and in guinea pig ventricular myocytes adhering to poly-L-lysine-coated glass beams [5].
  • Adhesion of HUVEC to fibronectin, but not to poly-L-lysine, rapidly activated ERK1/2 [6].
  • A DNA carrier, consisting of the Fab portion of polyclonal antibodies raised against rat secretory component covalently linked to poly-L-lysine, was used to introduce plasmids containing different reporter genes into airway epithelial cells in vivo [7].
  • Our results demonstrate that MBP and poly-L-lysine activate kallikrein and stimulate the generation of i-kinins in vivo, an effect that may be related to the cationic charge of these proteins [8].
  • Both MBP and poly-L-lysine induced a three- and eightfold increase in levels of kallikrein-like activity and i-kinins, respectively [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of AIDS003578


Biological context of AIDS003578


Anatomical context of AIDS003578

  • Lymphocytes from CLL patients had significantly higher agglutination with PLL than did normal lymphocytes [19].
  • Immunocytochemistry on poly-L-lysine-coated slides was optimised to permit unequivocal identification of a single carcinoma cell in 1 mL of cerebrospinal fluid, as well as carcinoma cell-derived apoptotic bodies that themselves contribute to enhanced diagnostic sensitivity [20].
  • When neurons from early postnatal mouse cerebellum were maintained on laminin or poly-L-lysine, neurite outgrowth was inhibited by oligomannosidic glycans, by glycopeptides, glycoproteins, or neoglycolipids containing oligomannosidic glycans, but not by nonrelated oligosaccharides or oligosaccharide derivates [21].
  • The gold probes, coupled to short poly-L-lysine molecules (4 kD) displayed Brownian motion, with a diffusion coefficient in the range 0.1-0.2 micron2/s. A diffusion coefficient in the 0.1 micron2/s range was also observed with 40-nm gold probes coupled to an antibody against the lipid-linked Thy-1 antigen on 3T3 fibroblasts [22].
  • After successful target interactions, growth cones typically moved off highly adhesive poly-L-lysine substrates into native target cell surfaces [23].

Associations of AIDS003578 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of AIDS003578

  • ERK activation was partially restored by incubating cells plated on poly-l-lysine with collagen-coated beads before IL-1 stimulation [29].
  • In contrast, nonspecific adhesion to poly-L-lysine was ineffective in inducing COX-2 expression [30].
  • Cells on poly-L-lysine or cells in suspension did not exhibit co-distribution of pp125fak, IL-1 receptor, and focal adhesion proteins and did not exhibit calcium flux [31].
  • Poly-l-lysine, a PI(4,5)P(2) scavenger, caused rapid desensitization, whereas MgATP, at concentrations that activate lipid kinases, promoted recovery of TRPM4 currents [32].
  • The NK cell hyporesponsiveness induced in the spleen by MVE-2 was also reversed by a single administration of IFN or polyinosinic-polycytidylic and poly-L-lysine solubilized by carboxymethyl cellulose but not by OK-432 or P. acnes [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AIDS003578


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