Gene Review:
Dst - dystonin
Mus musculus
2310001O04Rik, A830042E19Rik, AW554249, BP230, BPA, ...
- Chromosomal localization of mouse bullous pemphigoid antigens. BPAG1 and BPAG2: identification of a new region of homology between mouse and human chromosomes. Copeland, N.G., Gilbert, D.J., Li, K., Sawamura, D., Giudice, G.J., Chu, M.L., Jenkins, N.A., Uitto, J. Genomics (1993)
- The mouse dystonia musculorum gene is a neural isoform of bullous pemphigoid antigen 1. Brown, A., Bernier, G., Mathieu, M., Rossant, J., Kothary, R. Nat. Genet. (1995)
- Developmental expression of BPAG1-n: insights into the spastic ataxia and gross neurologic degeneration in dystonia musculorum mice. Dowling, J., Yang, Y., Wollmann, R., Reichardt, L.F., Fuchs, E. Dev. Biol. (1997)
- Dystonin expression in the developing nervous system predominates in the neurons that degenerate in dystonia musculorum mutant mice. Bernier, G., Brown, A., Dalpé, G., De Repentigny, Y., Mathieu, M., Kothary, R. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (1995)
- Exploration and motor coordination in dystonia musculorum mutant mice. Lalonde, R., Joyal, C.C., Botez, M.I. Physiol. Behav. (1994)
- Integrators of the cytoskeleton that stabilize microtubules. Yang, Y., Bauer, C., Strasser, G., Wollman, R., Julien, J.P., Fuchs, E. Cell (1999)
- An essential cytoskeletal linker protein connecting actin microfilaments to intermediate filaments. Yang, Y., Dowling, J., Yu, Q.C., Kouklis, P., Cleveland, D.W., Fuchs, E. Cell (1996)
- Gene targeting of BPAG1: abnormalities in mechanical strength and cell migration in stratified epithelia and neurologic degeneration. Guo, L., Degenstein, L., Dowling, J., Yu, Q.C., Wollmann, R., Perman, B., Fuchs, E. Cell (1995)
- Immunochemical characterization of three components of the hemidesmosome and their expression in cultured epithelial cells. Klatte, D.H., Kurpakus, M.A., Grelling, K.A., Jones, J.C. J. Cell Biol. (1989)
- Redistribution of the hemidesmosome components alpha 6 beta 4 integrin and bullous pemphigoid antigens during epithelial wound healing. Gipson, I.K., Spurr-Michaud, S., Tisdale, A., Elwell, J., Stepp, M.A. Exp. Cell Res. (1993)
- Biodistribution of boron concentration on melanoma-bearing hamsters after administration of p-, m-, o-boronophenylalanine. Hiratsuka, J., Yoshino, K., Kondoh, H., Imajo, Y., Mishima, Y. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (2000)
- The BPAG1 locus: Alternative splicing produces multiple isoforms with distinct cytoskeletal linker domains, including predominant isoforms in neurons and muscles. Leung, C.L., Zheng, M., Prater, S.M., Liem, R.K. J. Cell Biol. (2001)
- Cytogenetic characterization of radiosensitive mouse mutants. van Buul, P.P., Tuinenburg-Bol Raap, A., Goudzwaard, H.J., Seelen, C.M., Beechey, C.V., Natarajan, A.T., Searle, A.G. Mutat. Res. (1991)
- A transgene containing lacZ inserted into the dystonia locus is expressed in neural tube. Kothary, R., Clapoff, S., Brown, A., Campbell, R., Peterson, A., Rossant, J. Nature (1988)
- An intrinsic neuronal defect operates in dystonia musculorum: a study of dt/dt<==>+/+ chimeras. Campbell, R.M., Peterson, A.C. Neuron (1992)
- The intermediate filament protein peripherin is the specific interaction partner of mouse BPAG1-n (dystonin) in neurons. Leung, C.L., Sun, D., Liem, R.K. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- Localization of antigens associated with adherens junctions, desmosomes, and hemidesmosomes during murine molar morphogenesis. Fausser, J.L., Schlepp, O., Aberdam, D., Meneguzzi, G., Ruch, J.V., Lesot, H. Differentiation (1998)
- Distribution of dopamine transporters in basal ganglia of cerebellar ataxic mice by [125I]RTI-121 quantitative autoradiography. Strazielle, C., Lalonde, R., Amdiss, F., Botez, M.I., Hébert, C., Reader, T.A. Neurochem. Int. (1998)
- Trehalose conserves expression of bullous pemphigoid antigen 180 during desiccation and freezing. Schmidt, E., Kromminga, A., Kürschner, M., Zimmermann, H., Katsen, A.D., Bröcker, E.B., Zillikens, D., Zimmermann, U., Sukhorukov, V.L. J. Immunol. Methods (2003)
- Glycoconjugate expression during early mouse oculogenesis. Buse, E., Seifert, H. Histochem. J. (1998)
- Evaluation of the immune response following exposure of mice to bisphenol A: induction of Th1 cytokine and prolactin by BPA exposure in the mouse spleen cells. Youn, J.Y., Park, H.Y., Lee, J.W., Jung, I.O., Choi, K.H., Kim, K., Cho, K.H. Arch. Pharm. Res. (2002)
- Cloning and characterization of mouse ACF7, a novel member of the dystonin subfamily of actin binding proteins. Bernier, G., Mathieu, M., De Repentigny, Y., Vidal, S.M., Kothary, R. Genomics (1996)
- Alpha 6 beta 4 integrin heterodimer is a component of hemidesmosomes. Stepp, M.A., Spurr-Michaud, S., Tisdale, A., Elwell, J., Gipson, I.K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1990)
- An induction gene trap for identifying a homeoprotein-regulated locus. Mainguy, G., Montesinos, M.L., Lesaffre, B., Zevnik, B., Karasawa, M., Kothary, R., Wurst, W., Prochiantz, A., Volovitch, M. Nat. Biotechnol. (2000)
- Acf7 (MACF) is an actin and microtubule linker protein whose expression predominates in neural, muscle, and lung development. Bernier, G., Pool, M., Kilcup, M., Alfoldi, J., De Repentigny, Y., Kothary, R. Dev. Dyn. (2000)
- The desmosome and hemidesmosome in cutaneous autoimmunity. Lin, M.S., Mascaró, J.M., Liu, Z., España, A., Diaz, L.A. Clin. Exp. Immunol. (1997)
- Differentiation potential of primary myogenic cells derived from skeletal muscle of dystonia musculorum mice. Boudreau-Larivière, C., Kothary, R. Differentiation (2002)
- Genetic alterations at the Bpag1 locus in dt mice and their impact on transcript expression. Pool, M., Boudreau Larivière, C., Bernier, G., Young, K.G., Kothary, R. Mamm. Genome (2005)
- Expression of the mouse Macf2 gene during inner ear development. Leonova, E.V., Lomax, M.I. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (2002)
- Analysis of antigens recognized by autoantibodies in herpes gestationis. Usefulness of immunoblotting using a fusion protein representing an extracellular domain of the 180 kD bullous pemphigoid antigen. Murakami, H., Amagai, M., Higashiyama, M., Hashimoto, K., Chorzelski, T.P., Bhogal, B.S., Jenkins, R.E., Black, M.M., Zillikens, D., Nishikawa, T., Hashimoto, T. J. Dermatol. Sci. (1996)