Gene Review:
F2 - coagulation factor II
Mus musculus
Cf-2, Cf2, Coagulation factor II, FII, Prothrombin, ...
- A recombinant murine meizothrombin precursor, prothrombin R157A/R268A, inhibits thrombosis in a model of acute carotid artery injury. Shim, K., Zhu, H., Westfield, L.A., Sadler, J.E. Blood (2004)
- The PB1-F2 protein of Influenza A virus: increasing pathogenicity by disrupting alveolar macrophages. Coleman, J.R. Virol. J. (2007)
- Incomplete embryonic lethality and fatal neonatal hemorrhage caused by prothrombin deficiency in mice. Xue, J., Wu, Q., Westfield, L.A., Tuley, E.A., Lu, D., Zhang, Q., Shim, K., Zheng, X., Sadler, J.E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1998)
- Homologous human blood protein separation using immobilized metal affinity chromatography: protein C separation from prothrombin with application to the separation of factor IX and prothrombin. Wu, H., Bruley, D.F. Biotechnol. Prog. (1999)
- Generation of C5a in the absence of C3: a new complement activation pathway. Huber-Lang, M., Sarma, J.V., Zetoune, F.S., Rittirsch, D., Neff, T.A., McGuire, S.R., Lambris, J.D., Warner, R.L., Flierl, M.A., Hoesel, L.M., Gebhard, F., Younger, J.G., Drouin, S.M., Wetsel, R.A., Ward, P.A. Nat. Med. (2006)
- Fatal haemorrhage and incomplete block to embryogenesis in mice lacking coagulation factor V. Cui, J., O'Shea, K.S., Purkayastha, A., Saunders, T.L., Ginsburg, D. Nature (1996)
- Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) deficiency is compatible with murine life. Nagashima, M., Yin, Z.F., Zhao, L., White, K., Zhu, Y., Lasky, N., Halks-Miller, M., Broze, G.J., Fay, W.P., Morser, J. J. Clin. Invest. (2002)
- Regulation of factor IXa in vitro in human and mouse plasma and in vivo in the mouse. Role of the endothelium and the plasma proteinase inhibitors. Fuchs, H.E., Trapp, H.G., Griffith, M.J., Roberts, H.R., Pizzo, S.V. J. Clin. Invest. (1984)
- A Ca++ activated serine protease (LOPAP) could be responsible for the haemorrhagic syndrome caused by the caterpillar Lonomia obliqua. L obliqua Prothrombin Activator Protease. Reis, C.V., Kelen, E.M., Farsky, S.H., Portaro, F.C., Sampaio, C.A., Fernandes, B.L., Camargo, A.C., Chudzinski-Tavassi, A.M. Lancet (1999)
- Warfarin causes rapid calcification of the elastic lamellae in rat arteries and heart valves. Price, P.A., Faus, S.A., Williamson, M.K. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. (1998)
- Antihaemostatic and antithrombotic effect of some antiplatelet agents isolated from Chinese herbs. Teng, C.M., Ko, F.N., Wang, J.P., Lin, C.N., Wu, T.S., Chen, C.C., Huang, T.F. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. (1991)
- Characterization of the cDNA coding for mouse prothrombin and localization of the gene on mouse chromosome 2. Degen, S.J., Schaefer, L.A., Jamison, C.S., Grant, S.G., Fitzgibbon, J.J., Pai, J.A., Chapman, V.M., Elliott, R.W. DNA Cell Biol. (1990)
- Prothrombin deficiency results in embryonic and neonatal lethality in mice. Sun, W.Y., Witte, D.P., Degen, J.L., Colbert, M.C., Burkart, M.C., Holmbäck, K., Xiao, Q., Bugge, T.H., Degen, S.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1998)
- The nonenzymatic subunit of pseutarin C, a prothrombin activator from eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) venom, shows structural similarity to mammalian coagulation factor V. Rao, V.S., Swarup, S., Kini, R.M. Blood (2003)
- Activated factor X and thrombin formation triggered by tissue factor on endothelial cell matrix in a flow model: effect of the tissue factor pathway inhibitor. van 't Veer, C., Hackeng, T.M., Delahaye, C., Sixma, J.J., Bouma, B.N. Blood (1994)
- Transcriptional regulation of the prothrombin gene in muscle. Kim, S., Nelson, P.G. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Antiangiogenic property of human thrombin. Chan, B., Merchan, J.R., Kale, S., Sukhatme, V.P. Microvasc. Res. (2003)
- Quantitative PCR analysis reveals novel expression of prothrombin mRNA and regulation of its levels in developing mouse muscle. Citron, B.A., Smirnova, I.V., Zoubine, M.N., Festoff, B.W. Thromb. Res. (1997)
- A conserved epitope on several human vitamin K-dependent proteins. Location of the antigenic site and influence of metal ions on antibody binding. Church, W.R., Messier, T., Howard, P.R., Amiral, J., Meyer, D., Mann, K.G. J. Biol. Chem. (1988)
- A molecular mechanism for synapse elimination: novel inhibition of locally generated thrombin delays synapse loss in neonatal mouse muscle. Zoubine, M.N., Ma, J.Y., Smirnova, I.V., Citron, B.A., Festoff, B.W. Dev. Biol. (1996)
- Thrombin-mediated in vitro processing of pro-von Willebrand factor. Váradi, K., Turecek, P.L., Mitterer, A., Dorner, F., Schwarz, H.P. Thromb. Haemost. (2001)
- Conformational changes in an epitope localized to the NH2-terminal region of protein C. Evidence for interaction of protein C domains. Orthner, C.L., Madurawe, R.D., Velander, W.H., Drohan, W.N., Battey, F.D., Strickland, D.K. J. Biol. Chem. (1989)
- Assembly and regulation of prothrombinase complex on B16F10 melanoma cells. Kirszberg, C., Rumjanek, V.M., Monteiro, R.Q. Thromb. Res. (2005)
- Characterization of zebrafish full-length prothrombin cDNA and linkage group mapping. Jagadeeswaran, P., Gregory, M., Zhou, Y., Zon, L., Padmanabhan, K., Hanumanthaiah, R. Blood Cells Mol. Dis. (2000)
- Cellular and metabolic requirements for induction of macrophage procoagulant activity by murine hepatitis virus strain 3 in vitro. Chung, S., Sinclair, S., Leibowitz, J., Skamene, E., Fung, L.S., Levy, G. J. Immunol. (1991)
- Disparate temporal expression of the prothrombin and thrombin receptor genes during mouse development. Soifer, S.J., Peters, K.G., O'Keefe, J., Coughlin, S.R. Am. J. Pathol. (1994)
- Suppression of infection-induced endotoxin shock in mice by a citrus flavanone naringin. Kawaguchi, K., Kikuchi, S., Hasunuma, R., Maruyama, H., Ryll, R., Kumazawa, Y. Planta Med. (2004)
- Factor VIIa-mediated tenase function on activated platelets under flow. Goel, M.S., Diamond, S.L. J. Thromb. Haemost. (2004)
- Role of metallothionein in coagulatory disturbance and systemic inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice. Inoue, K., Takano, H., Shimada, A., Wada, E., Yanagisawa, R., Sakurai, M., Satoh, M., Yoshikawa, T. FASEB J. (2006)
- Molecular reconstruction and homology modelling of the catalytic domain of the common ancestor of the haemostatic vitamin-K-dependent serine proteinases. Krawczak, M., Wacey, A., Cooper, D.N. Hum. Genet. (1996)
- Partial characterization of vertebrate prothrombin cDNAs: amplification and sequence analysis of the B chain of thrombin from nine different species. Banfield, D.K., MacGillivray, R.T. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- Regulation of prothrombin, thrombin receptor, and protease nexin-1 expression during development and after denervation in muscle. Kim, S., Buonanno, A., Nelson, P.G. J. Neurosci. Res. (1998)