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Gene Review

Fbl  -  fibrillarin

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AL022665, FIB, FLRN, Histone-glutamine methyltransferase, Nucleolar protein 1, ...
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Disease relevance of Fbl


Psychiatry related information on Fbl

  • Since nuclear tau has also been found in neurons from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), aberrant nuclear tau could affect the nucleolar organization during the course of AD [6].

High impact information on Fbl

  • In exploring the mechanism by which the active or silent state of rRNA genes is inherited, we found that NoRC, a nucleolar remodeling complex containing Snf2h (also called Smarca5, SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5), represses rDNA transcription [7].
  • Transient transfection studies with PHF6 tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed diffuse nuclear staining with prominent nucleolar accumulation [8].
  • Here, we demonstrate that two major nucleolar proteins, nucleolin and NO38, are highly phosphorylated during mitosis [9].
  • These results identify two novel candidate substrates for cdc2 kinase, and they implicate protein phosphorylation in controlling mitotic changes in nucleolar structure and activity [9].
  • Our unexpected results suggest a role for these major nucleolar proteins in the nucleocytoplasmic transport of ribosomal components [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Fbl


Biological context of Fbl


Anatomical context of Fbl


Associations of Fbl with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Fbl


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fbl


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