Gene Review:
Hoxb8 - homeobox B8
Mus musculus
Homeobox protein Hox-2.4, Homeobox protein Hox-B8, Hox-2.4, Hoxb-8
- Cell adhesion molecules as targets for Hox genes: neural cell adhesion molecule promoter activity is modulated by cotransfection with Hox-2.5 and -2.4. Jones, F.S., Prediger, E.A., Bittner, D.A., De Robertis, E.M., Edelman, G.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- Expression of Hox-2.4 homeobox gene directed by proviral insertion in a myeloid leukemia. Kongsuwan, K., Allen, J., Adams, J.M. Nucleic Acids Res. (1989)
- Conditional immortalization of mouse myelomonocytic, megakaryocytic and mast cell progenitors by the Hox-2.4 homeobox gene. Perkins, A.C., Cory, S. EMBO J. (1993)
- The oncogenic potential of an activated Hox-2.4 homeobox gene in mouse fibroblasts. Aberdam, D., Negreanu, V., Sachs, L., Blatt, C. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1991)
- Hoxb-8 gain-of-function transgenic mice exhibit alterations in the peripheral nervous system. Fanarraga, M.L., Charité, J., Hage, W.J., De Graaff, W., Deschamps, J. J. Neurosci. Methods (1997)
- Hoxb8 is required for normal grooming behavior in mice. Greer, J.M., Capecchi, M.R. Neuron (2002)
- Ectopic expression of Hoxb-8 causes duplication of the ZPA in the forelimb and homeotic transformation of axial structures. Charité, J., de Graaff, W., Shen, S., Deschamps, J. Cell (1994)
- A genetic basis for obsessive grooming. Graybiel, A.M., Saka, E. Neuron (2002)
- Axial skeletal patterning in mice lacking all paralogous group 8 Hox genes. van den Akker, E., Fromental-Ramain, C., de Graaff, W., Le Mouellic, H., Brûlet, P., Chambon, P., Deschamps, J. Development (2001)
- Regulation of smooth muscle-specific gene expression by homeodomain proteins, Hoxa10 and Hoxb8. El-Mounayri, O., Triplett, J.W., Yates, C.W., Herring, B.P. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- In vivo mutagenesis of the Hoxb8 hexapeptide domain leads to dominant homeotic transformations that mimic the loss-of-function mutations in genes of the Hoxb cluster. Medina-Martínez, O., Ramírez-Solis, R. Dev. Biol. (2003)
- Retinoids regulate the anterior expression boundaries of 5' Hoxb genes in posterior hindbrain. Oosterveen, T., Niederreither, K., Dollé, P., Chambon, P., Meijlink, F., Deschamps, J. EMBO J. (2003)
- Inhibition of myeloid differentiation by Hoxa9, Hoxb8, and Meis homeobox genes. Fujino, T., Yamazaki, Y., Largaespada, D.A., Jenkins, N.A., Copeland, N.G., Hirokawa, K., Nakamura, T. Exp. Hematol. (2001)
- Targeted inactivation of Hoxb8 affects survival of a spinal ganglion and causes aberrant limb reflexes. van den Akker, E., Reijnen, M., Korving, J., Brouwer, A., Meijlink, F., Deschamps, J. Mech. Dev. (1999)
- Medaka unextended-fin mutants suggest a role for Hoxb8a in cell migration and osteoblast differentiation during appendage formation. Sakaguchi, S., Nakatani, Y., Takamatsu, N., Hori, H., Kawakami, A., Inohaya, K., Kudo, A. Dev. Biol. (2006)
- Retinoid signaling is required for the establishment of a ZPA and for the expression of Hoxb-8, a mediator of ZPA formation. Lu, H.C., Revelli, J.P., Goering, L., Thaller, C., Eichele, G. Development (1997)
- Hox-2.3 upstream sequences mediate lacZ expression in intermediate mesoderm derivatives of transgenic mice. Kress, C., Vogels, R., De Graaff, W., Bonnerot, C., Meijlink, F., Nicolas, J.F., Deschamps, J. Development (1990)
- A 3' remote control region is a candidate to modulate Hoxb-8 expression boundaries. Valarché, I., de Graaff, W., Deschamps, J. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (1997)
- Transducing positional information to the Hox genes: critical interaction of cdx gene products with position-sensitive regulatory elements. Charité, J., de Graaff, W., Consten, D., Reijnen, M.J., Korving, J., Deschamps, J. Development (1998)
- Distinct roles of Polycomb group gene products in transcriptionally repressed and active domains of Hoxb8. Fujimura, Y., Isono, K., Vidal, M., Endoh, M., Kajita, H., Mizutani-Koseki, Y., Takihara, Y., van Lohuizen, M., Otte, A., Jenuwein, T., Deschamps, J., Koseki, H. Development (2006)