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Gene Review

Shc1  -  src homology 2 domain-containing...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: SH2 domain protein C1, SHC-transforming protein 1, SHC-transforming protein A, Shc, ShcA, ...
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Disease relevance of Shc1


High impact information on Shc1


Chemical compound and disease context of Shc1


Biological context of Shc1


Anatomical context of Shc1


Associations of Shc1 with chemical compounds

  • Shc proteins possess SH2 and PTB domains and serve a scaffolding function in signaling by a variety of receptor tyrosine kinases [23].
  • A mammalian adaptor protein with conserved Src homology 2 and phosphotyrosine-binding domains is related to Shc and is specifically expressed in the brain [24].
  • Together, these data indicate that the serine/threonine phosphorylation of 66-kDa Shc impairs its ability to associate with the tyrosine-phosphorylated EGF receptor and can function in a dominant-interfering manner by inhibiting EGF receptor downstream signaling pathways [17].
  • Inhibiting JAK2 activity with the specific inhibitor AG-490 prevented H(2)O(2) stimulated Shc and Ras activation [25].
  • SH2-containing inositol 5'-phosphatase (SHIP) modulates the activation of immune cells after recruitment to the membrane by Shc and the cytoplasmic tails of receptors [26].

Physical interactions of Shc1

  • While the function of Shc in the activation of the Ras pathway via binding to Grb2 has been well characterized, it is becoming increasingly apparent that Shc participates in additional signaling pathways through interactions with other cytoplasmic proteins [27].
  • Phosphorylation of this site together with the intact phosphotyrosine-binding domain was essential for ShcA binding to the protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTP-PEST [28].
  • We have shown that the SH2 domain of the adaptor protein Shc coimmunoprecipitates with all the Ret and Trk oncoproteins as well as with NGF-activated proto-Trk receptor [29].
  • The development of mice carrying a point mutation of the Shc binding site (Y515F) in the trkB gene (trkB(shc)) provided an opportunity to test the hypothesis that trkB is the neurotrophin receptor undergoing phosphorylation [30].
  • However, Shc binding to cadherin did negatively influence beta-catenin binding to the same molecule [31].

Enzymatic interactions of Shc1

  • In FGF-2 treated proliferating EC, FRS2 as well as Shc are tyrosine phosphorylated and interact with Grb2 [32].
  • We cloned a fragment of Shc when screening a bacterial expression library with tyrosine-phosphorylated epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor [15].
  • (ii) In vivo, mutant IL-2R beta chains lacking the acidic region of IL-2Rbeta (which contains Y338) fail to phosphorylate Shc [33].
  • Shc was found to be tyrosine-phosphorylated upon IL-2 stimulation in CTLL-20 cells [34].
  • Shc proteins contain a carboxy terminal SH2 domain and a novel non-SH2 phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain that specifically recognizes a phosphorylated NPXpY motif in target proteins such as the epidermal growth factor receptor [11].

Regulatory relationships of Shc1


Other interactions of Shc1

  • There are three known mammalian Shc genes, of which ShcB and ShcC are primarily expressed in the nervous system [23].
  • HBx induced the association of Ras upstream activating proteins Shc, Grb2, and Sos and stimulated GTP loading onto Ras, but without directly participating in complex formation [39].
  • Examining the molecular mechanism for this antiproliferative effect, we determined that SFK inhibitors did not affect tyrosine phosphorylation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), Shc, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)5, or STAT3 [40].
  • However, phosphorylation of Shc on Tyr(239), the Src phosphorylation site, was normal [41].
  • The 66-kDa Shc isoform is a negative regulator of the epidermal growth factor-stimulated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Shc1

  • 7. Shc, an SH2 domain containing adaptor protein, was immunoprecipitated from lysates of taxol-treated cells with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody and its identity determined by Western blotting with anti-Shc antibody [20].
  • These phosphopeptides have been screened for their capacity to bind to the SH2 domains of Shc and Grb in a solution phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [42].
  • SHIP-2 shows a maximal tyrosine phosphorylation and association to Shc after ligation of BCR to FcgammaRIIB but not after stimulation of BCR alone [43].
  • In contrast to the 52-kDa Shc isoform, insulin stimulation caused a quantitative, time-dependent decrease in the SDS-PAGE mobility of 66-kDa Shc in both Chinese hamster ovary/IR cells and 3T3L1 adipocytes [38].
  • Microinjection experiments demonstrated that a Shc molecule carrying mutations of tyrosines 239 and 240, in conjunction with an SH2 domain mutation, interfered with PDGF-stimulated DNA synthesis [44].


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