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Gene Review

RYBP  -  RING1 and YY1 binding protein

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AAP1, APAP-1, Apoptin-associating protein 1, DED-associated factor, DEDAF, ...
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Disease relevance of RYBP


Psychiatry related information on RYBP

  • There was no significant (p = 0.05) difference between mean AHI indices, sleep stages, sleep stage shifts, and snore arousals for CPAP night and APAP night [6].
  • Alcohol consumption also causes the induction of P450IIE1, a liver microsomal enzyme that in reconstitution studies has proven to be an effective catalyst of APAP oxidation [7].
  • The tramadol/APAP group had significant improvements on the role-physical (P = 0.005), bodily pain (P = 0.046), role-emotional (P = 0.001), mental health (P = 0.026), reported health transition (P = 0.038), and mental component summary (P = 0.008) subscales of the SF-36 [8].
  • Autoadjusting CPAP devices (APAP) are designed to continuously adjust the positive pressure to the required levels, and thus increase treatment quality and patient compliance [9].

High impact information on RYBP

  • At later time points (8-12 hours), APAP-treated mice that were maintained at normothermia manifested increased hepatocyte apoptosis, as assessed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end labeling staining and cleavage of poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase [2].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Mild hypothermia improved survival and attenuated liver injury and apoptosis in APAP-treated mice by reducing hepatic congestion and improving glycogen recovery without affecting hepatic regeneration [2].
  • RESULTS: Mild hypothermia resulted in improved survival after APAP intoxication [2].
  • Therefore, we investigated the effects of body temperature on the progression of APAP-induced liver injury in mice [2].
  • Among hepatic nonparenchymal inflammatory cells, we examined the role of the abundant natural killer (NK) cells and NK cells with T-cell receptors (NKT cells) in APAP-induced liver injury [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of RYBP


Biological context of RYBP


Anatomical context of RYBP


Associations of RYBP with chemical compounds

  • In studies designed to simulate a clinical observation in which an individual became tolerant to normally lethal doses of acetaminophen (APAP), mice were pretreated with increasing doses of APAP for 8 days and challenged on day 9 with normally supralethal doses of APAP [18].
  • Susceptibility is presumably caused by induction of cytochrome P-4502EI by ethanol and by depletion of glutathione (GSH) because of the effects of alcohol, the malnutrition often associated with alcoholism, and the depletion associated with chronic use of APAP and impaired glucuronidation caused by fasting perhaps as well [22].
  • APAP treatment led to increased liver damage and decreased hepatic glutathione levels in the hyposulfatemic Nas1-null mice compared with that in normosulfatemic wild-type mice [5].
  • Even when given 8 hours after APAP dose, leflunomide still protected from massive liver necrosis [3].
  • The toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone-imine (NAPQI), that leads to gluthatione depletion has been suspected to be the main effector of hepatocyte apoptosis during APAP-induced ALF [4].

Physical interactions of RYBP

  • By using yeast three-hybrid assay, we demonstrated that hGABP beta and YY1 formed a complex only in the presence of YEAF1, indicating that YEAF1 is a bridging factor of these two transcription factors [19].
  • Mapping studies indicate that RYBP binds within the known "repression domain" of E2F6 [23].

Regulatory relationships of RYBP

  • These cofactors are functionally different in that YAF-2 positively regulates the transcriptional activity of hGABP but YEAF1 negatively regulates this activity [19].

Other interactions of RYBP

  • Interaction of YY1 with E2Fs, mediated by RYBP, provides a mechanism for specificity of E2F function [24].
  • We report the isolation of RYBP, a recently identified member of the mammalian polycomb complex, as an E2F6-interacting protein [23].
  • In the nucleus, DEDAF caused the DEDD protein to relocalize from subnuclear structures to a diffuse distribution in the nucleoplasm [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RYBP

  • A direct evidence of ROS generation was provided by flow cytometry of isolated hepatocytes incubated with APAP [4].
  • Thirty subjects with chronic moderate to severe pain who were receiving oxycodone/acetaminophen (oxy/APAP) for analgesia were initially evaluated for at least 7 days for oxy/APAP requirements for pain control [25].
  • Comparison of mean differences before and after treatment with ibuprofen or placebo indicated a marked decrease in oxy/APAP use with ibuprofen (p less than 0.01) and a slight increase in use in the placebo group [25].
  • STUDY OBJECTIVES: This paper compares the performance of an experimental nasal positive airway pressure device that automatically adjusts the level of applied pressure (APAP) with the performance of a conventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in a sleep laboratory study [6].
  • At this time only a few studies have evaluated initial titration with APAP in CPAP-naïve patients in an unattended setting [13].


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