Gene Review:
Wnt5 - Wnt oncogene analog 5
Drosophila melanogaster
CG6407, DWnt-3, DWnt-3/5, DWnt-5, DWnt3, ...
- The Drosophila Wnt5 protein mediates selective axon fasciculation in the embryonic central nervous system. Fradkin, L.G., van Schie, M., Wouda, R.R., de Jong, A., Kamphorst, J.T., Radjkoemar-Bansraj, M., Noordermeer, J.N. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- An unconventional nuclear localization motif is crucial for function of the Drosophila wnt/wingless antagonist naked cuticle. Waldrop, S., Chan, C.C., Cagatay, T., Zhang, S., Rousset, R., Mack, J., Zeng, W., Fish, M., Zhang, M., Amanai, M., Wharton, K.A. Genetics (2006)
- Drosophila wingless: a paradigm for the function and mechanism of Wnt signaling. Siegfried, E., Perrimon, N. Bioessays (1994)
- BCL9-2 binds Arm/beta-catenin in a Tyr142-independent manner and requires Pygopus for its function in Wg/Wnt signaling. Hoffmans, R., Basler, K. Mech. Dev. (2007)
- Alteration of matrix glycosaminoglycans diminishes articular chondrocytes' response to a canonical Wnt signal. Shortkroff, S., Yates, K.E. Osteoarthr. Cartil. (2007)
- The Wnt-dependent signaling pathways as target in oncology drug discovery. Janssens, N., Janicot, M., Perera, T. Investigational new drugs. (2006)
- Parafibromin/Hyrax activates Wnt/Wg target gene transcription by direct association with beta-catenin/Armadillo. Mosimann, C., Hausmann, G., Basler, K. Cell (2006)
- Wntless, a conserved membrane protein dedicated to the secretion of wnt proteins from signaling cells. Bänziger, C., Soldini, D., Schütt, C., Zipperlen, P., Hausmann, G., Basler, K. Cell (2006)
- Genome-wide prediction of mammalian enhancers based on analysis of transcription-factor binding affinity. Hallikas, O., Palin, K., Sinjushina, N., Rautiainen, R., Partanen, J., Ukkonen, E., Taipale, J. Cell (2006)
- The Drosophila Wnt, wingless, provides an essential signal for pre- and postsynaptic differentiation. Packard, M., Koo, E.S., Gorczyca, M., Sharpe, J., Cumberledge, S., Budnik, V. Cell (2002)
- Evidence that Armadillo transduces wingless by mediating nuclear export or cytosolic activation of Pangolin. Chan, S.K., Struhl, G. Cell (2002)
- Lithium rescues toxicity of aggregate-prone proteins in Drosophila by perturbing Wnt pathway. Berger, Z., Ttofi, E.K., Michel, C.H., Pasco, M.Y., Tenant, S., Rubinsztein, D.C., O'Kane, C.J. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- Prickle 1 regulates cell movements during gastrulation and neuronal migration in zebrafish. Carreira-Barbosa, F., Concha, M.L., Takeuchi, M., Ueno, N., Wilson, S.W., Tada, M. Development (2003)
- Seven Wnt homologues in Drosophila: a case study of the developing tracheae. Llimargas, M., Lawrence, P.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- Isolation and expression of two novel Wnt/wingless gene homologues in Drosophila. Russell, J., Gennissen, A., Nusse, R. Development (1992)
- Ligand receptor interactions in the Wnt signaling pathway in Drosophila. Wu, C.H., Nusse, R. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Drosophila segment polarity gene product porcupine stimulates the posttranslational N-glycosylation of wingless in the endoplasmic reticulum. Tanaka, K., Kitagawa, Y., Kadowaki, T. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Wnt2b/{beta}-catenin-mediated canonical Wnt signaling determines the peripheral fates of the chick eye. Cho, S.H., Cepko, C.L. Development (2006)
- Wnt/frizzled-2 signaling induces aggregation and adhesion among cardiac myocytes by increased cadherin-beta-catenin complex. Toyofuku, T., Hong, Z., Kuzuya, T., Tada, M., Hori, M. J. Cell Biol. (2000)
- Regulation of Spemann organizer formation by the intracellular kinase Xgsk-3. Pierce, S.B., Kimelman, D. Development (1995)
- The cell-surface proteoglycan Dally regulates Wingless signalling in Drosophila. Tsuda, M., Kamimura, K., Nakato, H., Archer, M., Staatz, W., Fox, B., Humphrey, M., Olson, S., Futch, T., Kaluza, V., Siegfried, E., Stam, L., Selleck, S.B. Nature (1999)
- Src family kinases are required for WNT5 signaling through the Derailed/RYK receptor in the Drosophila embryonic central nervous system. Wouda, R.R., Bansraj, M.R., de Jong, A.W., Noordermeer, J.N., Fradkin, L.G. Development (2008)
- The Drosophila Wnt protein DWnt-3 is a secreted glycoprotein localized on the axon tracts of the embryonic CNS. Fradkin, L.G., Noordermeer, J.N., Nusse, R. Dev. Biol. (1995)
- Wnt-mediated axon guidance via the Drosophila Derailed receptor. Yoshikawa, S., McKinnon, R.D., Kokel, M., Thomas, J.B. Nature (2003)
- Vertebrate proteins related to Drosophila Naked Cuticle bind Dishevelled and antagonize Wnt signaling. Wharton, K.A., Zimmermann, G., Rousset, R., Scott, M.P. Dev. Biol. (2001)
- Antagonist activity of DWnt-4 and wingless in the Drosophila embryonic ventral ectoderm and in heterologous Xenopus assays. Gieseler, K., Graba, Y., Mariol, M.C., Wilder, E.L., Martinez-Arias, A., Lemaire, P., Pradel, J. Mech. Dev. (1999)
- Zinc-dependent interaction between dishevelled and the Drosophila Wnt antagonist naked cuticle. Rousset, R., Wharton, K.A., Zimmermann, G., Scott, M.P. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- CKIepsilon/discs overgrown promotes both Wnt-Fz/beta-catenin and Fz/PCP signaling in Drosophila. Klein, T.J., Jenny, A., Djiane, A., Mlodzik, M. Curr. Biol. (2006)
- Studies on human colon cancer gene APC by targeted expression in Drosophila. Bhandari, P., Shashidhara, L.S. Oncogene (2001)