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Gene Review

KCNJ5  -  potassium channel, inwardly rectifying...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CIR, Cardiac inward rectifier, G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4, GIRK-4, GIRK4, ...
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Disease relevance of KCNJ5


Psychiatry related information on KCNJ5


High impact information on KCNJ5

  • Two KIR6.x genes and two SUR genes have been identified, and combinations of subunits give rise to KATP channel subtypes found in pancreatic beta-cells, neurons, and cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle [7].
  • Adenosine 5'-triphosphate-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels couple metabolic events to membrane electrical activity in a variety of cell types [7].
  • In anoxic cardiac ventricular muscle KATP channels are believed to be responsible for shortening the action potential, and it has been proposed that a fall in ATP concentration during metabolic exhaustion increases the activity of KATP channels in skeletal muscle, which may reduce excitability [8].
  • This concentration is much higher than the intracellular ATP concentration required to half block the KATP-channel current in either cardiac muscle (0.1 mM) or skeletal muscle (0.14 mM), indicating that the open-state probability of KATP channels is normally very low in intact muscle [8].
  • Decreases in the ADP level as glucose is metabolized result in KATP channel closure [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of KCNJ5

  • The key role KATP channel play in the regulation of insulin secretion in response to changes in glucose metabolism is underscored by the finding that a recessive form of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI) is caused by mutations in KATP channel subunits that result in the loss of channel activity [9].
  • During steady-state vasoconstriction induced in isolated ferret lungs by moderate hypoxia, cromakalim caused dose-dependent vasodilation (EC50 = 7 x 10(-7) M) which was reversed by glibenclamide (IC50 = 8 x 10(-7) M), indicating that KATP channels were present and capable of modulating vascular tone [10].
  • These findings suggest that in the ferret lung (a) severe hypoxia decreased ATP concentration and thereby opened KATP channels, resulting in increased K+ efflux, hyperpolarization, vasodilation, and reversal of the initial vasoconstrictor response; and (b) hyperglycemia prevented this sequence of events [10].
  • CONCLUSIONS: In humans, ischemic preconditioning during brief repeated coronary occlusions is completely abolished by pretreatment with glibenclamide, thus suggesting that it is mainly mediated by KATP channels [11].
  • KATP channels also are found in the heart where they are involved in the response to cardiac ischemia: they also are blocked by phentolamine [12].

Biological context of KCNJ5

  • Assignment of KATP-1, the cardiac ATP-sensitive potassium channel gene (KCNJ5), to human chromosome 11q24 [13].
  • Isolation of a cDNA clone encoding a KATP channel-like protein expressed in insulin-secreting cells, localization of the human gene to chromosome band 21q22.1, and linkage studies with NIDDM [1].
  • GIRK1 membrane-spanning domain 1 was required for optimal glycosylation at Asn(119) because a chimera that contained GIRK4 membrane-spanning domain 1 significantly reduced the addition of a carbohydrate structure at this site [14].
  • We have analyzed a series of mutant and chimeric channels suggesting that the GIRK4 subunit is capable of responding to G(q) signals and that the resulting current inhibition does not occur via phosphorylation of a canonical PKC site on the channel itself [15].
  • Single-channel recordings of the active chimeras exhibited patterns of activities with open-time kinetics and conductance characteristics representative of those of GIRK4, indicating that the presence of the GIRK1 C-terminal region caused an increase in the frequency of channel openings without affecting their duration [16].

Anatomical context of KCNJ5


Associations of KCNJ5 with chemical compounds

  • The metabolism of glucose in insulin-secreting cells leads to closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP), an event that initiates the insulin secretory process [1].
  • We show that mutation of charged glutamate and arginine residues behind the selectivity filter in the Kir3.1/Kir3.4 K+ channel reduces or abolishes K+ selectivity, comparable with previously reported effects in the Kir2.1 K+ channel [20].
  • Complementary mutation of the equivalent amino acid in Kir3.4 to produce Kir3.4(S143T)(D223N) significantly reduced the sensitivity of the channel to arachidonic acid- and Et-1-induced inhibition [21].
  • RESULTS: mRNA levels of transient outward channel (Kv4.3), acetylcholine-dependent potassium channel (Kir3.4) and ATP-dependent potassium channel (Kir6.2) were reduced in patients with persistent AF (-35%, -47% and -36%, respectively, p < 0.05), whereas only Kv4.3 mRNA level was reduced in patients with paroxysmal AF (-29%, p = 0.03) [22].
  • Effects of ACh and adenosine mediated by Kir3.1 and Kir3.4 on ferret ventricular cells [23].

Physical interactions of KCNJ5

  • Moreover, mutations at these GIRK4 sites reduced significantly binding of the channel domains to G beta gamma . The corresponding residues in GIRK1 also showed a critical involvement in G beta gamma sensitivity [24].

Other interactions of KCNJ5

  • The single-point mutant GIRK4(S143F) behaved as a GIRK1 analog, forming multimers with GIRK2, GIRK4, or GIRK5 channels that exhibited prolonged single-channel open-time duration and enhanced activity compared with that of homomultimers [25].
  • This finding may partly account for the reason that GIRK4 is not glycosylated at Asn(132), either as a homomer or when coexpressed with GIRK1 [14].
  • Transcripts for Kir3.3 and Kir3.4 were not detected in the same preparations [26].
  • Considerable genetic, molecular, physiological and pharmacological evidence now exists to support a role for K(+) channels such as KCNQ2/Q3, Kv1.1, KATP and GIRK2 in the control of neuronal excitability and epileptogenesis [27].
  • In a multivariable analysis, high ERG expression (P < .001) and the presence of MLL PTD (P = .027) predicted worse CIR [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KCNJ5


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