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Nr3c2  -  nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C,...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: MCR, MR, Mineralocorticoid receptor, Mlr, Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2
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Disease relevance of Nr3c2

  • These data indicate that in Wistar rats, a chronic increase in CSF [Na+] may increase hypothalamic aldosterone and activate CNS pathways involving MR, and OLC, leading to increases in AT1-receptor and ACE densities in brain areas involved in cardiovascular regulation and hypertension [1].
  • Findings from the present study appear to demonstrate that MR and 11beta-HSD2 mRNA significantly rise in the left ventricle of M-SHRSP and increase of these mRNA is one of the cause of cardiac fibrosis [2].
  • In BN rats, body weight gain and fluid intake were insensitive to corticosterone deprivation, suggesting that MR-related mechanisms are constitutively active in this strain [3].
  • To examine the potential impact of ACR activation following traumatic brain injury (TBI), the current study assesses regulation of MR and GR expression and glucocorticoid levels following controlled cortical impact (CCI) [4].
  • We sought to establish the sequence of ionic events that link the initiating insult and MR to hypertrophy development [5].

Psychiatry related information on Nr3c2

  • We conclude that maternal food restriction during the perinatal period affects (1) the adult basal activity of the HPA axis with mainly opposite effects on hippocampal MR and GR gene expression and an increase in adenopituitary POMC gene expression, and (2) the responsiveness to water deprivation in adults [6].
  • However, the administration of aldosterone (ALDO), a selective MR agonist, was not sufficient to restore normal coping behavior [7].
  • The effect of nifedipine, a calcium channel antagonist, on changes in the density of glucocorticoid (GR) and/or mineralocorticoid receptors (MR), induced by long-term treatment with antidepressant drugs (imipramine and amitriptyline) or electroconvulsive shock (ECS) was investigated in the rat hippocampus [8].
  • After maternal deprivation, the MR mRNA in dentate gyrus showed a transient midlife rise [9].
  • The effects of opiate dependence and antagonist-precipitated withdrawal on glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptor mRNA levels in the rat brain were studied [10].

High impact information on Nr3c2


Chemical compound and disease context of Nr3c2


Biological context of Nr3c2

  • Here we demonstrate that EE induces GR, but not mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) gene expression in specific hippocampal subfields (CA1 and CA2) [17].
  • Structural evidence is presented for the identity of the type I corticosteroid binding site as the MR expressed in the brain [18].
  • The mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors (MR and GR, respectively) are members of the intracellular receptor superfamily that bind as homodimers to the same hormone response elements (HREs) [19].
  • Finally, principal components analysis (PCA) suggests that neuronal AMPA and NMDA receptor composition may be regulated by MR and GR activation in a complex manner [20].
  • This work illustrates the interest of a pluristrategic approach to explore the mineralocorticoid receptor signaling pathway and its implication in the regulation of hydroelectrolytic homeostasis and blood pressure [21].

Anatomical context of Nr3c2

  • Given the differential action of MR and GR in the central nervous system, it is important to elucidate how the trafficking of these receptors between cytoplasm and nucleus is regulated by ligand [22].
  • In COS-1 cells, expressing no endogenous corticosteroid receptors, the YFP-MR chimera was accumulated in the nucleus faster than the CFP-GR chimera in the presence of 10(-9) M CORT, while there was no significant difference in the nuclear accumulation rates in the presence of 10(-6) M CORT [22].
  • Previous studies indicate that the MR in the distal colon is localized to ion-transporting surface epithelial cells and non-epithelial neuroendocrine cells within the lamina propria [23].
  • In vitro, however, although NRK 52-E cells expressed the glucocorticoid receptor, corticosteroid regulation of Na,K-ATPase, even by dexamethasone, occurred exclusively via the MR, suggesting that accessory transcription factors required for glucocorticoid hormone action are absent in this cell line [24].
  • Furthermore, the spatially distinct patterns of expression of these isoforms suggest that in vivo there are two physiologically distinct populations of MR in the colon: the aldosterone selective MR in the epithelium and the nonselective MR in the nonepithelial cells within the lamina propria [23].

Associations of Nr3c2 with chemical compounds

  • On the other hand, in primary cultured hippocampal neurons expressing endogenous receptors, the nuclear accumulation rates of the YFP-MR chimera and CFP-GR chimera were nearly the same in the presence of both concentrations of CORT [22].
  • Dexamethasone, aldosterone, and high concentrations of B (1-10 microM) increased Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 and beta 1 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels, an effect that was inhibited by coincubation with the MR antagonist RU 26752, but not by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU 38486 [24].
  • These in vitro data may help explain the effects of MR blockade on Ang II-induced end-organ damage in vivo [25].
  • This identification is supported by the anatomical distribution of MR mRNA, determined by in situ hybridization histochemistry, which parallels the steroid autoradiographic localization of the type I sites [18].
  • Therefore, we attempted to identify such coactivator complexes from HeLa nuclear extracts by biochemical purification using a glutathione S-transferase-MR AF-1a fusion protein [26].

Physical interactions of Nr3c2


Co-localisations of Nr3c2


Regulatory relationships of Nr3c2

  • We observed that the GR agonist RU 28362 blocks the attenuating action of the MR agonist aldosterone on responses to 3, 10 and 30 microM 5HT; RU 28362 by itself did not affect 5HT responses [33].
  • These findings suggest that activation of MR in the central nervous system plays a critical role in regulating TNF-alpha release in heart failure rats [34].
  • Our results show that CRH and AVP regulate MR and GR in hippocampus and anterior pituitary [35].
  • Thus, the present findings suggest that the adrenal cortical system through GR and MR participate in the control of neurotrophic factor signalling in a highly subregion- and cellular-dependent manner [36].
  • Corticosterone influences 5-HT1A receptor-mediated responses in the rat hippocampus in vitro: activation of the high affinity mineralocorticoid receptor suppresses 5-HT1A receptor-mediated hyperpolarization, while subsequent activation of lower affinity glucocorticoid receptors enhances the effect of 5-HT [37].

Other interactions of Nr3c2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nr3c2


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