Gene Review:
G6PC - glucose-6-phosphatase, catalytic subunit
Homo sapiens
G-6-Pase, G6PC1, G6PT, G6Pase, G6Pase-alpha, ...
- Glycogen storage disease type I: diagnosis and phenotype/genotype correlation. Matern, D., Seydewitz, H.H., Bali, D., Lang, C., Chen, Y.T. Eur. J. Pediatr. (2002)
- The forkhead transcription factor Foxo1 (Fkhr) confers insulin sensitivity onto glucose-6-phosphatase expression. Nakae, J., Kitamura, T., Silver, D.L., Accili, D. J. Clin. Invest. (2001)
- Cloning and sequencing of the 5' region of the human glucose-6-phosphatase gene: transcriptional regulation by cAMP, insulin and glucocorticoids in H4IIE hepatoma cells. Schmoll, D., Allan, B.B., Burchell, A. FEBS Lett. (1996)
- Diabetes affects similarly the catalytic subunit and putative glucose-6-phosphate translocase of glucose-6-phosphatase. Li, Y., Méchin, M.C., van de Werve, G. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- A new model for the membrane topology of glucose-6-phosphatase: the enzyme involved in von Gierke disease. Hemrika, W., Wever, R. FEBS Lett. (1997)
- Glucose-6-phosphatase proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum. Burchell, A., Allan, B.B., Hume, R. Mol. Membr. Biol. (1994)
- Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies of the spermatozoa of Acrosternum aseadum (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) after copulation. Fernandes, A.P., Báo, S.N. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. (2000)
- Glucose-6-phosphatase dependent substrate transport in the glycogen storage disease type-1a mouse. Lei, K.J., Chen, H., Pan, C.J., Ward, J.M., Mosinger, B., Lee, E.J., Westphal, H., Mansfield, B.C., Chou, J.Y. Nat. Genet. (1996)
- Impaired energy homeostasis in C/EBP alpha knockout mice. Wang, N.D., Finegold, M.J., Bradley, A., Ou, C.N., Abdelsayed, S.V., Wilde, M.D., Taylor, L.R., Wilson, D.R., Darlington, G.J. Science (1995)
- Mutations in the glucose-6-phosphatase gene that cause glycogen storage disease type 1a. Lei, K.J., Shelly, L.L., Pan, C.J., Sidbury, J.B., Chou, J.Y. Science (1993)
- Asparagine-linked oligosaccharides are localized to a luminal hydrophilic loop in human glucose-6-phosphatase. Pan, C.J., Lei, K.J., Chou, J.Y. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Silencing of the human microsomal glucose-6-phosphate translocase induces glioma cell death: potential new anticancer target for curcumin. Belkaid, A., Copland, I.B., Massillon, D., Annabi, B. FEBS Lett. (2006)
- Disturbed lipid metabolism in glycogen storage disease type 1. Bandsma, R.H., Smit, G.P., Kuipers, F. Eur. J. Pediatr. (2002)
- Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on gluconeogenic enzymes and glucose uptake in human hepatoma cell line, HepG2. Yamashita, R., Saito, T., Satoh, S., Aoki, K., Kaburagi, Y., Sekihara, H. Endocr. J. (2005)
- Expression of glucose-6-phosphatase system genes in murine cortex and hypothalamus. Goh, B.H., Khan, A., Efendić, S., Portwood, N. Horm. Metab. Res. (2006)
- The three insulin response sequences in the glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit gene promoter are functionally distinct. Vander Kooi, B.T., Streeper, R.S., Svitek, C.A., Oeser, J.K., Powell, D.R., O'Brien, R.M. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Correlation between FOXO1a (FKHR) and FOXO3a (FKHRL1) Binding and the Inhibition of Basal Glucose-6-Phosphatase Catalytic Subunit Gene Transcription by Insulin. Onuma, H., Vander Kooi, B.T., Boustead, J.N., Oeser, J.K., O'brien, R.M. Mol. Endocrinol. (2006)
- Structure-function analysis of the glucose-6-phosphate transporter deficient in glycogen storage disease type Ib. Chen, L.Y., Pan, C.J., Shieh, J.J., Chou, J.Y. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2002)
- The catalytic center of glucose-6-phosphatase. HIS176 is the nucleophile forming the phosphohistidine-enzyme intermediate during catalysis. Ghosh, A., Shieh, J.J., Pan, C.J., Sun, M.S., Chou, J.Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- The glucose-6-phosphatase system. van Schaftingen, E., Gerin, I. Biochem. J. (2002)
- The fine structural localization of testicular phosphatases in man: the control testis. Barham, S.S., Berlin, J.D., Brackeen, R.B. Cell Tissue Res. (1976)
- Molecular genetics of type 1 glycogen storage disease. Janecke, A.R., Mayatepek, E., Utermann, G. Mol. Genet. Metab. (2001)
- Historical highlights and unsolved problems in glycogen storage disease type 1. Moses, S.W. Eur. J. Pediatr. (2002)
- Polyunsaturated fatty acyl coenzyme A suppress the glucose-6-phosphatase promoter activity by modulating the DNA binding of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha. Rajas, F., Gautier, A., Bady, I., Montano, S., Mithieux, G. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Regulation of glucose production by the liver. Nordlie, R.C., Foster, J.D., Lange, A.J. Annu. Rev. Nutr. (1999)
- cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) activates transcription via two distinct genetic elements of the human glucose-6-phosphatase gene. Thiel, G., Al Sarraj, J., Stefano, L. BMC Mol. Biol. (2005)
- Mineralocorticoid receptor is involved in the regulation of genes responsible for hepatic glucose production. Liu, G., Grifman, M., Keily, B., Chatterton, J.E., Staal, F.W., Li, Q.X. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2006)
- Regulation of endogenous glucose production by glucose per se is impaired in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mevorach, M., Giacca, A., Aharon, Y., Hawkins, M., Shamoon, H., Rossetti, L. J. Clin. Invest. (1998)
- Effect of tumor necrosis factor on enzymes of gluconeogenesis in the rat. Yasmineh, W.G., Theologides, A. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1992)
- Vanadate but not tungstate prevents the fructose-induced increase in GLUT5 expression and fructose uptake by neonatal rat intestine. Kirchner, S., Kwon, E., Muduli, A., Cerqueira, C., Cui, X.L., Ferraris, R.P. J. Nutr. (2006)
- Insulin-regulated gene expression. O'Brien, R.M., Streeper, R.S., Ayala, J.E., Stadelmaier, B.T., Hornbuckle, L.A. Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2001)
- Identification and characterisation of a new human glucose-6-phosphatase isoform. Guionie, O., Clottes, E., Stafford, K., Burchell, A. FEBS Lett. (2003)
- Glucose-6-phosphatase structure, regulation, and function: an update. Foster, J.D., Pederson, B.A., Nordlie, R.C. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1997)
- The signature motif in human glucose-6-phosphate transporter is essential for microsomal transport of glucose-6-phosphate. Pan, C.J., Chen, L.Y., Mansfield, B.C., Salani, B., Varesio, L., Chou, J.Y. Hum. Genet. (2003)
- Genetic analysis of the glucose-6-phosphatase mutation of type 1a glycogen storage disease in a Chinese family. Lee, W.J., Lee, H.M., Chi, C.S., Shu, S.G., Lin, L.Y., Lin, W.H. Clin. Genet. (1996)