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Gene Review

CD5  -  CD5 molecule

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: LEU1, Lymphocyte antigen T1/Leu-1, T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5, T1
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Disease relevance of CD5


Psychiatry related information on CD5

  • In contrast, within the CG, paternal parenting stress was negatively associated with adaptive parenting at T1 but showed no enduring negative effects in longitudinal analyses [5].
  • For both groups, there was a direct positive association between T1 use utility and T2 alcohol consumption and an indirect association with T2 alcohol problems via alcohol consumption [6].

High impact information on CD5

  • The CD5 molecule can function as a negative regulator of BCR signaling that may help prevent inappropriate activation of autoreactive B-1a cells [7].
  • The B-cell surface protein CD72/Lyb-2 is the ligand for CD5 [8].
  • Here we report that CD5 specifically interacts with the cell-surface protein CD72 exclusive to B cells [8].
  • The glycoprotein CD5 is expressed on the surface membrane of all mature T cells and a small proportion of B lymphocytes [8].
  • To identify the ligand for CD5 we purified the human CD5 protein, labelled it with biotin and used it as a probe [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of CD5


Biological context of CD5


Anatomical context of CD5

  • Here we show that CD2 and CD3 independently associate with CD5 in human PBMC and Jurkat cells [15].
  • The difference in activity of anti-CD5 MAb on synovial fluid T cells compared with peripheral blood T cells was not due to different surface expression of CD5 [3].
  • Expression of RAGs in peripheral B cells outside germinal centers is associated with the expression of CD5 [16].
  • Phenotyping of lymphocytes recovered from immunotoxin-treated marrow demonstrated that residual T cells were CD5 negative in all cases tested [4].
  • Moreover, findings reported here suggest that CD7, as well as CD2 and CD5, antigens appear on precursor cells prior to entry into the thymus and support a model for the developmental hierarchy of TCR genes during early T cell ontogeny [17].

Associations of CD5 with chemical compounds

  • CD5 acts as a tyrosine kinase substrate within a receptor complex comprising T-cell receptor zeta chain/CD3 and protein-tyrosine kinases p56lck and p59fyn [13].
  • Further, anti-CD5 and anti-p56lck coprecipitated each other in a variety of detergents, including Nonidet P-40 and Triton X-100 [1].
  • Cross-linking of CD5 or CD28 induces an early rise of cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+)]i) and both this rise and CD69 expression were inhibited by chelation of extracellular Ca2+ with ethyleneglycol-bis-(2-aminoethyl)-tetraacetate (EGTA) [18].
  • Linomide also induced a transient increase in the NK-cells, the NK 1.1 cells, and the CD5 B-cells (P = 0.02) [19].
  • A CD 5-deficient mutant clone Jurkat 1.15 was generated by treatment with ethyl methanesulfonate followed by selection with anti-CD 5 mAb plus complement [20].
  • Metabolic pathways, namely cholesterol synthesis and adipogenesis, are also enhanced by CD5 [21].

Physical interactions of CD5

  • CD5 is a T-cell-specific antigen which binds to the B-cell antigen CD72 and acts as a coreceptor in the stimulation of T-cell growth [1].
  • CD5 coprecipitates with CD2 in CD3-deficient cells and, conversely, coprecipitates with CD3 in cells devoid of CD2 [15].
  • In this study, we demonstrate that CD5 is coupled to the protein-tyrosine kinase p56lck and can act as a substrate for p56lck [1].

Enzymatic interactions of CD5

  • The Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav is heavily phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon CD5 costimulation, which is a prerequisite for its activation [22].
  • Recently it has been proposed that CD5 function is dependent on the recruitment of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 to tyrosine-phosphorylated CD5 and subsequent dephosphorylation of signaling molecules [23].

Regulatory relationships of CD5

  • In this study, we present evidence that activated mature CD5-positive human tonsil B cells coexpress both RAG1 and RAG2 mRNA and protein, and display DNA cleavage resulting from their recombinase activity [16].
  • Human interleukin 4 down-regulates the surface expression of CD5 on normal and leukemic B cells [24].
  • No CD19+ B cells outside GALT expressed CD5, but a very small portion of the lamina propria B-cell blasts were positive for CD28 [25].
  • We find that CRI-positive cells and CD5 B cells both co-express slgD but fail to bind peanut agglutinin or MAbs specific for CD10, indicating that both cell types reside in the mantle zones of secondary B cell follicles [26].
  • The percentage of LNL expressing CD2 also increased but those expressing CD5 decreased [27].

Other interactions of CD5

  • In addition, the CD38 antigen was brightly expressed on early T lymphocytes in human thymus, characterized by CD34, CD5, and CD7 expression [28].
  • The T cell surface molecules CD5 and CD28 have been shown to be receptors for accessory signals in T cell activation [29].
  • Of the T-cell markers, CD5, CD6, and CD7 showed lineage promiscuity by their presence on some B-NHL [30].
  • Compared with uninfected cells, a significantly lower density was found on infected cells in labelling for CD4, CD5 and anti-HLA-DR [31].
  • Immobilized anti-CD5 together with prolonged activation of protein kinase C induce interleukin 2-dependent T cell growth: evidence for signal transduction through CD5 [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CD5


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