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Hospitals, Psychiatric

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Disease relevance of Hospitals, Psychiatric


Psychiatry related information on Hospitals, Psychiatric


High impact information on Hospitals, Psychiatric

  • They had severe mental illness and a long-term dependence on cocaine, with repeated admissions to psychiatric hospitals; many were homeless [11].
  • We linked Medicaid claims data for a period of 42 months with clinical records from two community mental health centers (CMHCs) and the single state psychiatric hospital in New Hampshire, where Medicaid imposed a three-prescription limit on reimbursement for drugs during 11 months (months 15 through 25) of the study [12].
  • We have found that the PSE can be used in a psychiatric hospital to reliably describe and classify schizophrenic and affective syndromes with considerable descriptive validity in terms of clinical and demographic variables [13].
  • Phenothiazine-induced bone marrow depression (BMD) was evaluated in three separate but complementary data bases: (1) Among 1,048 patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals, there was no evidence of subclinical depression of the white blood cell (WBC) count attributable to phenothiazines used before admission [14].
  • The rate of deficiency in CYP2D6 expression in these Caucasian state psychiatric hospital patients (14%) was twice that of the U.S. population (7%) [15].

Biological context of Hospitals, Psychiatric


Anatomical context of Hospitals, Psychiatric


Associations of Hospitals, Psychiatric with chemical compounds


Gene context of Hospitals, Psychiatric

  • As early as 1846, the typical symptoms of ADHD were described by Heinrich Hoffmann, a physician who later founded the first mental hospital in Frankfurt [23].
  • AIMS: To study the management of violent incidents on all general wards in a large psychiatric hospital in South London. The main question is whether there are differences in the management of Black patients involved in violent incidents compared with White patients and, if so, what are the factors leading to it [24]?
  • A sample of 100 schizophrenic patients admitted to London area psychiatric hospitals were examined as part of the International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia [25].
  • The urban epidemic of phencyclidine (PCP) use: clinical and laboratory evidence from a public psychiatric hospital emergency service [26].
  • Tardive dystonia in a psychiatric hospital [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hospitals, Psychiatric


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