MeSH Review:
- Inflammatory pseudotumor of the sternum. A complication of polymer application during sternotomy repair. Rosen, R.J., Kricun, M.E., Pais, M.J., Steiner, R.M. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. (1978)
- Possible case of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome in a prehistoric skeleton from west-central Illinois. Wilbur, A.K. Am. J. Med. Genet. (2000)
- Granulomatous osteomyelitis of the sternum presenting with a parasternal mass: a possible relation to the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine. Karnak, I., Akçören, Z., Göğüş, S., Cağlar, M., Tanyel, F.C. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1999)
- Fewer reoperations and shorter stay in the cardiac surgical ward when stabilising the sternum with the Ley prosthesis in post-operative mediastinitis. Astudillo, R., Vaage, J., Myhre, U., Karevold, A., Gårdlund, B. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery. (2001)
- Toxicological consequences of chloroquine and ethanol on the developing fetus. Sharma, A., Rawat, A.K. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. (1989)
- A major, six-armed glycoprotein from embryonic cartilage. Vaughan, L., Huber, S., Chiquet, M., Winterhalter, K.H. EMBO J. (1987)
- Targeted disruption of Pax1 defines its null phenotype and proves haploinsufficiency. Wilm, B., Dahl, E., Peters, H., Balling, R., Imai, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1998)
- Cloned endothelial cells from fetal bovine bone. Streeten, E.A., Ornberg, R., Curcio, F., Sakaguchi, K., Marx, S., Aurbach, G.D., Brandi, M.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989)
- Connexin 40, a target of transcription factor Tbx5, patterns wrist, digits, and sternum. Pizard, A., Burgon, P.G., Paul, D.L., Bruneau, B.G., Seidman, C.E., Seidman, J.G. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2005)
- Transcutaneous billrubinometer in assessment of neonatal jaundice in northern India. Mahajan, G., Kaushal, R.K., Sankhyan, N., Sharma, R.L., Nakra, M. Indian pediatrics. (2005)
- Differences in skin flora between inpatients and chronically ill outpatients. Larson, E.L., Cronquist, A.B., Whittier, S., Lai, L., Lyle, C.T., Della Latta, P. Heart & lung : the journal of critical care. (2000)
- Osteomyelitis of the sternum secondary to steroid injection: case report. Kronthal, A.J., Pope, T.L., Keats, T.E. Virginia medical. (1988)
- Case report 414: Nodular sclerosing Hodgkin disease involving sternum and chest wall. Sullivan, W.T., Solonick, D.M. Skeletal radiology. (1987)
- The Cantrell-sequence: a result of maternal exposure to aminopropionitriles? Dembinski, J., Heyl, W., Steidel, K., Hermanns, B., Hörnchen, H., Schröder, W. American journal of perinatology. (1997)
- undulated phenotypes suggest a role of Pax-1 for the development of vertebral and extravertebral structures. Dietrich, S., Gruss, P. Dev. Biol. (1995)
- Basic fibroblast growth factor may improve devascularized sternal healing. Iwakura, A., Tabata, Y., Nishimura, K., Nakamura, T., Shimizu, Y., Fujita, M., Komeda, M. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (2000)
- Pterygium colli medianum and midline cervical cleft: midline anomalies in the sense of a developmental field defect. Godbersen, S., Heckel, V., Wiedemann, H.R. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1987)
- Source and route of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis transmitted to the surgical wound during cardio-thoracic surgery. Possibility of preventing wound contamination by use of special scrub suits. Tammelin, A., Hambraeus, A., Ståhle, E. J. Hosp. Infect. (2001)
- L-arginine effects on myocardial stress in cardiac surgery: preliminary results. Colagrande, L., Formica, F., Porta, F., Brustia, M., Avalli, L., Sangalli, F., Muratore, M., Paolini, G. Italian heart journal : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. (2005)
- Skeletal development is regulated by fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 signalling dynamics. Hajihosseini, M.K., Lalioti, M.D., Arthaud, S., Burgar, H.R., Brown, J.M., Twigg, S.R., Wilkie, A.O., Heath, J.K. Development (2004)
- Expression and role of c-myc in chondrocytes undergoing endochondral ossification. Iwamoto, M., Yagami, K., Lu Valle, P., Olsen, B.R., Petropoulos, C.J., Ewert, D.L., Pacifici, M. J. Biol. Chem. (1993)
- Molecular structure and tissue distribution of matrilin-3, a filament-forming extracellular matrix protein expressed during skeletal development. Klatt, A.R., Nitsche, D.P., Kobbe, B., Mörgelin, M., Paulsson, M., Wagener, R. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Syndecan-3 and the control of chondrocyte proliferation during endochondral ossification. Shimazu, A., Nah, H.D., Kirsch, T., Koyama, E., Leatherman, J.L., Golden, E.B., Kosher, R.A., Pacifici, M. Exp. Cell Res. (1996)
- A hypomorphic myogenin allele reveals distinct myogenin expression levels required for viability, skeletal muscle development, and sternum formation. Vivian, J.L., Gan, L., Olson, E.N., Klein, W.H. Dev. Biol. (1999)
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- Gallium-67-citrate imaging in extragonadal and gonadal seminomas: relationship to radiologic findings. Uchiyama, M., Kantoff, P.W., Kaplan, W.D. J. Nucl. Med. (1994)
- Effect of vitamin D3 on imaging of experimental myocardial infarcts with technetium-99m pyrophosphate: further studies of the role of calcium. Carr, E.A., Carroll, M., Gona, J.M., Balderman, S.C., Montes, M., Steinbach, J.J. J. Nucl. Med. (1985)
- The effect of beta-D-xylosides on chondroitin sulphate biosynthesis in embryonic chicken cartilage in the absence of protein synthesis inhibitors. Gibson, K.D., Segen, B.J., Audhya, T.K. Biochem. J. (1977)
- Hoxd-12 differentially affects preaxial and postaxial chondrogenic branches in the limb and regulates Sonic hedgehog in a positive feedback loop. Knezevic, V., De Santo, R., Schughart, K., Huffstadt, U., Chiang, C., Mahon, K.A., Mackem, S. Development (1997)
- Mice lacking Bmp6 function. Solloway, M.J., Dudley, A.T., Bikoff, E.K., Lyons, K.M., Hogan, B.L., Robertson, E.J. Dev. Genet. (1998)
- Skeletal abnormalities in doubly heterozygous Bmp4 and Bmp7 mice. Katagiri, T., Boorla, S., Frendo, J.L., Hogan, B.L., Karsenty, G. Dev. Genet. (1998)
- Multiple developmental defects in Engrailed-1 mutant mice: an early mid-hindbrain deletion and patterning defects in forelimbs and sternum. Wurst, W., Auerbach, A.B., Joyner, A.L. Development (1994)
- Cell-adhesive responses to tenascin-C splice variants involve formation of fascin microspikes. Fischer, D., Tucker, R.P., Chiquet-Ehrismann, R., Adams, J.C. Mol. Biol. Cell (1997)
- Primary structure of matrilin-3, a new member of a family of extracellular matrix proteins related to cartilage matrix protein (matrilin-1) and von Willebrand factor. Wagener, R., Kobbe, B., Paulsson, M. FEBS Lett. (1997)
- Video-assisted extended thymectomy in patients with thymoma by lifting the sternum: is it safe? Aubert, A., Chaffanjon, P., Brichon, P.Y. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (2004)
- Functional assessment of chest wall integrity after methylmethacrylate reconstruction. Lardinois, D., Müller, M., Furrer, M., Banic, A., Gugger, M., Krueger, T., Ris, H.B. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (2000)
- Dilation of the internal mammary artery by external papaverine application to the pedicle--an improved method. Dregelid, E., Heldal, K., Andersen, K.S., Stangeland, L., Svendsen, E. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery. (1993)
- Sternal tuberculosis after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Sipsas, N.V., Panayiotakopoulos, G.D., Zormpala, A., Thanos, L., Artinopoulos, C., Kordossis, T. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. (2001)