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Abdominal Muscles

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Disease relevance of Abdominal Muscles

  • Petechial hemorrhages (PHs) in intestine and abdominal muscle were counted 15 min after exposure to characterize capillary rupture, and Evans blue extravasation was evaluated in samples of muscle tissue [1].
  • BACKGROUND: It has been recently shown that, when breathing at rest, many patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) contract abdominal muscles during expiration, and that this contraction is an important determinant of positive end expiratory alveolar pressure (PEEPi) [2].
  • 3. Consumption of 5% (w/v) sodium saccharin temporarily decreased hyperphagia at the beginning of treatment, decreased hepatic glycogen content (by 47%), increased abdominal muscle glycogen content (by 82%), but did not significantly alter the hypoglycaemic response to exogenous insulin in ob/ob mice [3].
  • LPS (Escherichia coli, serotype O111:B4) leads to a delayed lowering threshold (9-12 h) of abdominal contractions in response to rectal distension (RD) in awake rats surgically prepared for electromyography of abdominal muscles [4].
  • All REM sleep apneas ended with a "movement arousal," during which abdominal muscle EMG discharges were observed [5].

Psychiatry related information on Abdominal Muscles


High impact information on Abdominal Muscles


Chemical compound and disease context of Abdominal Muscles

  • Physical characteristics of the subjects (age, body weight, height and ponderal index) were measured while the abdominal muscle strength was assessed using three of the six-item Kraus-Weber tests [12].

Biological context of Abdominal Muscles


Anatomical context of Abdominal Muscles


Associations of Abdominal Muscles with chemical compounds

  • Carnitine concentrations were determined in liver, abdominal muscle tissue, and blood in morbidly obese women [22].
  • We compare the physicochemical and catalytic properties with those of other creatine kinase isoenzymes: purified human abdominal muscle MM and brain BB [23].
  • In high spinal paralysed cats electromyograms were recorded from nerves supplying lumbar back muscles (longissimus dorsi) and abdominal muscles (obliquus abdominis externus) during fictive locomotion induced by I.V. injection of nialamide and L-DOPA [24].
  • The activation of the enzyme from lobster abdominal muscle by NH4+ was increased synergistically by the presence of Pi or SO4(2-) [25].
  • Crayfish abdominal muscle adenylate cyclase. Studies on the stimulation by a Ca2+-binding protein [26].

Gene context of Abdominal Muscles

  • In vivo induction of the TIS genes (TIS21, -8 and -1) by intraperitoneal injection of TPA was dramatic only at the needle contact site, i.e. in the abdominal muscle, not in the thigh muscle [27].
  • A trend to higher induction of abdominal muscle UCP3 mRNA in male rats than in females after cafeteria diet was apparent (+116% increase vs. +26% increase) [28].
  • Female flies mutant for alleles of Sex-lethal, defective in sex determination, or null alleles of transformer or transformer-2 are converted into phenotypic males that formed male-specific abdominal muscles [29].
  • In vivo molecular chaperone (constitutive heat shock protein 70 [Hsc70], heat shock protein 70 [Hsp70], and Hsp90) and polyubiquitin messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels were examined in claw and abdominal muscles from individual premolt or intermolt lobsters [30].
  • In addition, the 79B actin gene is expressed in muscles which support the head and abdomen, in the scutellar pulsatile organ, and in abdominal muscles which are present only in male flies [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Abdominal Muscles

  • To determine the relative contribution of rib cage and abdominal muscles to expiratory muscle activity during quiet breathing, we used lumbar epidural anesthesia in six pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized dogs lying supine to paralyze the abdominal muscles while leaving rib cage muscle motor function substantially intact [32].
  • Bilateral vagotomy abolished the inhibitory effects of capsaicin on UADM, chest wall, and abdominal muscle activity, suggesting that the vagus is the major afferent pathway for the reflex [33].
  • We have compared the dose requirements and recovery characteristics of a continuous mivacurium infusion given by the anaesthetist to maintain 95-100% block at the hand muscles with that of a surgeon-controlled, on-demand dosing technique based on the direct assessment of abdominal muscle tone during elective Caesarean section [34].
  • In conclusion, both tonic and phasic respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles, reflected by changes in resting length and the amount of active shortening, respectively, were absent during halothane anaesthesia and chronic implantation of sonomicrometer transducers per se had no effect [35].
  • Changes in the centre of pressure (CP) and electromyographic activity of the erector spinae (ES) at level L3, T9 and T3, the LD, the TPA, the pectoralis major (PM), the serratus anterior and the oblique abdominal muscles were investigated at several moments in the rehabilitation process [36].


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