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Disease relevance of Lymnaea


Psychiatry related information on Lymnaea

  • Here, we address directly the question whether chemical appetitive conditioning of Lymnaea feeding behavior involves changes in the peripheral and/or central processing of the CS by using extracellular recording techniques to monitor neuronal activity at two stages of the sensory processing pathway [6].
  • The amidated tetrapeptide Ala-Pro-Gly-Trp-NH2 (APGWamide) plays a key role in the control of male copulation behavior in the basommatophoran pulmonate freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis [7].

High impact information on Lymnaea

  • A 13.1-kilodalton protein, cysteine-rich neurotrophic factor (CRNF), was purified from the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis by use of a binding assay on the p75 neurotrophin receptor [8].
  • Instead, CCK/gastrin-specific antibodies might be cross-reacting with Asp-Phe-amides, like the lymnaDFamides, isolated from the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis [9].
  • A novel G protein-coupled receptor mediating both vasopressin- and oxytocin-like functions of Lys-conopressin in Lymnaea stagnalis [10].
  • We have cloned a receptor, named LSCPR, for vasopressin-related Lys-conopressin in Lymnaea stagnalis [10].
  • The second repeat and the C-terminal part of the Lymnaea receptor are very similar to regions of a specific class of guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptors, the mammalian glycoprotein hormone receptors [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Lymnaea


Biological context of Lymnaea


Anatomical context of Lymnaea


Associations of Lymnaea with chemical compounds

  • Based on the high homology of genes coding for guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptors, we have cloned a gene for the Lymnaea stagnalis 5-HT (5HTlym) receptor [27].
  • The Lymnaea neurophysin and the vertebrate neurophysins share high sequence identity, which includes the conservation of all 14 cysteine residues [22].
  • Upon stimulation with the signal, the neurones increase synthesis and release of monoamines [serotonin (5-HT) in Helisoma and dopamine in Lymnaea] that inhibit larval development acting via ergometrine-sensitive internal receptors [28].
  • Myomodulin gene of Lymnaea: structure, expression, and analysis of neuropeptides [29].
  • The suitability of neurons of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis as a test system for the neurotoxic side effects of antitumour Vinca alkaloids has been investigated, by studying the process of paracrystal induction by Vinca antitumour agents [30].

Gene context of Lymnaea

  • In this study, we present a novel member of the family of EGF-like growth factors, an EGF homolog from the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis (L-EGF), and we demonstrate that this protein has neurotrophic activity [31].
  • Using one of the neurons (the cerebral giant cell) containing Lymnaea CREB1 mRNA, we showed that the injection of a CRE oligonucleotide inhibited a cAMP-induced, long-lasting synaptic plasticity [32].
  • Structural characterization of a Lymnaea putative endoprotease related to human furin [33].
  • LymnaDFamides, a new family of neuropeptides from the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Clue to cholecystokinin immunoreactivity in invertebrates [34]?
  • Synthetic peptides corresponding to the carboxyl-terminal regions inhibit Lymnaea PC2 enzyme activity in extracts of insulin-producing neurons, in which both L7B2 and Lymnaea PC2 are abundantly expressed [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Lymnaea


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