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Disease relevance of Trifolium


High impact information on Trifolium


Chemical compound and disease context of Trifolium


Biological context of Trifolium

  • Nucleotide sequence of additional members of the gene family encoding chalcone synthase in Trifolium subterraneum [15].
  • Characterization of a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase multigene family in Trifolium subterraneum [16].
  • We hypothesized that we would be able to detect a decrease in the Ki-67 proliferative index during the late follicular phase after a 3-month course of approximately 50 mg red clover isoflavones [17].
  • The red clover necrotic mosaic dianthovirus (RCNMV) genome is split between two essentially nonhomologous ssRNAs of 3.9 kb (RNA-1) and 1.45 kb (RNA-2) which are each capped at the 5' terminus with m7GpppA. cDNA clones short of full length by several nucleotides at both termini have been generated to both RNAs [18].
  • In contrast, in a strain RBL5045 (R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii strain RCR5, cured of its Sym plasmid) background, nodulation on Vicia sativa is severely impaired, whereas nodulation on Vicia hirsuta and Trifolium subterraneum is apparently unaltered [19].

Anatomical context of Trifolium

  • CONCLUSION: In this small pilot study, we did not find, using immunohistochemical quantification of the Ki-67 antigen, that red clover isoflavones had an antiproliferative effect in the endometrium [17].
  • Using 2 separate cell assays, this study examined the ability of the isoflavones found in red clover to inhibit COX enzyme activity in both the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 and human monocytes [20].
  • The results demonstrated that prostate, but not testis, size was significantly reduced over 28 days of a red clover isoflavone supplemented diet [21].
  • In trifluralin treated seedlings of Trifolium repens, root tips increased in diameter and decreased in length, cell elongation was decreased, cell wall deposition was abnormal, root hairs were deformed, and a marked reduction was seen in the number of infection threads induced by the bacterial symbionts [22].

Associations of Trifolium with chemical compounds


Gene context of Trifolium

  • Red clover products showed a higher affinity to AR and PR than soy products, which is explained by the higher amount of isoflavones present [28].
  • Bioassay-guided isolation utilizing ER competitive binding as a monitor and screening using ultrafiltration LC-MS revealed that genistein was the most active component of red clover [29].
  • Interestingly, the transfer of the R. meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes to R. trifolii prevented R. trifolii from infecting and nodulating its normal host, white clover (Trifolium repens) [30].
  • Methanol extracts of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus L.), and hops (Humulus lupulus L.) showed significant competitive binding to estrogen receptors alpha (ER alpha) and beta (ER beta) [29].
  • CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that 1-month supplementation with red clover isoflavones has a positive effect on HDL cholesterol, but at most a small effect on IGF status in premenopausal and no effect in postmenopausal subjects [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Trifolium


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