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Disease relevance of Lolium

  • Nasal sensitivity to rye grass pollen allergens was evaluated by provocation testing in patients with hay fever due to grass pollen using measurements of nasal airways resistance (NAR), a reproducible system for delivery of allergen, and stringent criteria for allergen storage [1].
  • Tunicamycin belongs to a group of antibiotics which can cause severe a nd often fatal neurological malfunction in animals, commonly known as "annual ryegrass toxicity." At the cellular level, tunicamycin is a potent glycosylation inhibitor which is often used to elucidate the importance of glycosylation in protein functions [2].
  • The survival of Cryptosporidium parvum during ensilage of perennial ryegrass was examined in laboratory silos with herbage prepared in one of three different ways; either untreated, inoculated with a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum or by direct acidification with formic acid [3].
  • Fibrobacter succinogenes monocultures and cocultures with B. fibrisolvens D1 degraded 58-69% of ryegrass CW, solubilizing 67-78% of CW glucose, 65-71% of CW xylose, 69-75% of hemicellulose, and 68-77% of total CW monosaccharides [4].
  • Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) parasitised by Anguina agrostis and Corynebacterium rathayi causes neurological signs and brain lesions thought to be associated with a vasoconstrictor effect of the toxic grass [5].

Psychiatry related information on Lolium

  • The possibility that a murine monoclonal antibody (mAb 12) to Rye grass pollen allergen LolpIV and LolpIV-specific antibodies in the sera of grass allergic individuals share a common idiotope (Id) was investigated [6].

High impact information on Lolium

  • A major allergen of rye-grass pollen, Lol pIX, is located in intracellular starch granules within pollen grains [7].
  • Deletion of a second NADPH oxidase gene, noxB, had no effect on the E. festucae-perennial ryegrass symbiosis [8].
  • The transgenic ryegrass plants in which Lol p 5 gene expression is perturbed showed normal fertile pollen development, indicating that genetic engineering of hypoallergenic grass plants is possible [9].
  • In contrast, we were unable to detect rye grass tetramer-positive cells in cultures from HLA-DR*0401 nonallergic individuals, even after expansion with IL-2 [10].
  • Thus, our results suggest that rye grass allergen-specific T cells in DR*0401 nonallergic subjects are present at very low levels (e.g., because of deletion or suppression), differ in a fundamental way in their requirement for ex vivo expansion (e.g., they may be anergic), or use TCRs distinct from those of allergic individuals [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Lolium


Biological context of Lolium


Anatomical context of Lolium


Associations of Lolium with chemical compounds

  • The membrane-bound beta-glucan synthase from Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) endosperm cells has been solubilized by both non-ionic and zwitterionic detergents [20].
  • The beta-glucan synthase from Lolium multiflorum. Detergent solubilization, purification using monoclonal antibodies, and photoaffinity labeling with a novel photoreactive pyrimidine analogue of uridine 5'-diphosphoglucose [20].
  • Associations between perennial ryegrass and an E. festucae mutant deleted for perA lack detectable levels of peramine [21].
  • Ryegrass antigen evoked mean rises in nasal blood flow of 30% to 100% after 10 and 30 minutes that were significant, relative to prechallenge levels and to levels after diluent challenge, both before and after EPA [22].
  • These results emphasize the importance of G-OXOs in H(2)O(2) production in oxalate-producing plant species such as ryegrass [23].

Gene context of Lolium

  • Rye grass extract, neither alone nor in combination with OSM, induced PGE(2) or NO production, although it did induce the release of GM-CSF [24].
  • RESULTS: After stimulation with HDM allergen, PBMCs from children sensitized only to HDM expressed increased mRNA levels of the Th2 cytokines, but not of IL-10 and IFN-gamma, whereas ryegrass stimulation did not result in increased cytokine expression [25].
  • We have therefore examined spontaneous, rye grass pollen-stimulated, and PHA-stimulated secretion of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, and IFN-gamma in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from atopic asthmatic, atopic non-asthmatic and normal controls in and out of the rye grass pollen season [26].
  • The deduced amino acid sequence of the cim 1 protein product, derived from the complete nucleotide sequence of a cim 1 cDNA, was 40% identical to that of a perennial rye grass pollen allergen cDNA (Lol Pl) [27].
  • Human rye grass allergen Lol p I-specific cloned CD4+ T helper cells of subtypes Th0, Th1, and Th2 were treated with immobilized anti-CD3 [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Lolium


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