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Blood Component Removal

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Disease relevance of Blood Component Removal


High impact information on Blood Component Removal

  • Adverse effects of apheresis included the need for a central venous catheter (9 patients), major vasovagal episodes (3 patients), and severe citrate reactions (2 patients) [6].
  • Ethylene oxide gas, which was used to sterilize plastic components in the disposable apheresis kits, represented a possible source of sensitization [7].
  • A double-blind, controlled study of lymphoplasmapheresis versus sham apheresis in rheumatoid arthritis [8].
  • Anion-blood contact reaction (ABC reaction) in patients treated by LDL apheresis with dextran sulfate-cellulose column while receiving ACE inhibitors [9].
  • INTERPRETATION: A single fibrinogen/LDL apheresis lasting for 2 h could be used as an alternative to conventional infusion treatment and prednisolone for 10 days [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Blood Component Removal


Biological context of Blood Component Removal


Anatomical context of Blood Component Removal


Associations of Blood Component Removal with chemical compounds

  • Changes in serum lipoproteins were similar in both groups apart from greater lowering by apheresis of LDL cholesterol (3.2 vs 3.4 mmol/L in drug group, p = 0.03) and lipoprotein(a) (geometric means 14 vs 21 mg/dL, p = 0.03) [1].
  • Low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) apheresis has the theoretical advantage over anion-exchange resins and hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A inhibitors of decreasing lipoprotein(a) as well as LDL [1].
  • Prevention with icatibant of anaphylactoid reactions to ACE inhibitor during LDL apheresis [26].
  • Mean intima-media thickness decreased by a mean +/- SD of 0.05 +/- 0.34 mm in the apheresis group and increased by 0.06 +/- 0.38 mm in the simvastatin-only group (P < 0.001) [2].
  • In two patients subjected to plasmapheresis and volume replacement with albumin and isotonic saline, plasma EPI levels returned to one-half of the levels before pheresis within about one day [27].

Gene context of Blood Component Removal

  • We report here the obtaining of a virtually pure population of DCs (89.7% +/- 6%, n = 18) after culturing adherent apheresis cells for 7 days with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF ) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) [28].
  • Generation of interleukin 8 in stored apheresis platelet concentrates and the preventive effect of prestorage ultraviolet B radiation [29].
  • Finally, soluble VCAM was equally significantly elevated on the days of apheresis [30].
  • Following overnight ex vivo IL-2 activation of the pheresis product, the cells were reinfused the following day [31].
  • We also studied the plasma levels of SDF-1 in apheresis collection of these patients [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Blood Component Removal


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