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Chemical Compound Review

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Synonyms: Thrombo, Plavix, Zyllt, clopidogrel, Clopidogrelum, ...
 Bañuelos,  DeLago,  Pignatti,  Steinhubl,  Lewis,  Bass,  Peters,  Stranieri,  Harker,  Gustafson,  Monsma,  Mehta,  Armstrong,  Topol,  Cassar,  Macaya,  Chronos,  Fry,  Alfonso,  Zhai,  Fox,  Eisenberg,  Hankey,  Prosser,  Ellis,  Moses,  Culouscou,  Peters,  Wilmer,  Zachayus,  Smith,  Fernandez-Ortiz,  Leon,  Malmberg,  Westenfeld,  Porsche,  Pereillo,  Cowper,  Tripuraneni,  Bono,  Agans,  Eigenthaler,  Krämer,  Bonz,  Marzec,  Sokolova,  Teirstein,  Kelly,  Warlow,  Weitz,  Angiolillo,  Sketch,  Yusuf,  Bhatt,  Berger,  Sundell,  Nissen,  Copland,  Comerota,  Mehta,  Walter,  Kuntz,  Badimon,  Foster,  Lengenfelder,  Lira,  Herbert,  Natarajan,  Jimenez-Quevedo,  Alfonso,  Grossmann,  Uzabiaga,  Sabaté,  Liefeldt,  Cook,  Brittenden,  Abbondanzo,  Eriksson-Lepkowska,  Hanson, J.T. Brandt, S.L. Close, S.J. Iturria, C.D. Payne, N.A. Farid, C.S. Ernest, D.R. Lachno, D. Salazar, K.J. Winters,  Costa,  Zhang,  Fish,  Holmes,  Bachoo,  Wong,  Hirsh,  Bates,  Herbert,  Ford,  Moreno,  Daig,  Sarich,  Bylock,  Zhao,  Ferrara,  Bayne,  Mann,  Wiekowski,  Chrolavicius,  Sabaté,  Angiolillo,  Ramírez,  Elg,  Bernardo,  Delesque-Touchard,  Kerieakes,  Bernardo,  Hervé,  Bertrand,  Rupprecht,  Savi,  Hernández,  Greaves,  Nyström,  Khot,  Lachowicz,  Chintala,  Fernández,  Yusuf,  Gaedeke,  Jani,  Labouret,  Neumayer,  Wåhlander,  Escaned,  Obergfell,  Macaya,  Schnurr,  Peterson,  Kalies,  Fernandez-Ortiz,  Eriksson,  Lansky,  Trabetti,  Udayakumar,  
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Disease relevance of clopidogrel


Psychiatry related information on clopidogrel


High impact information on clopidogrel


Chemical compound and disease context of clopidogrel


Biological context of clopidogrel


Anatomical context of clopidogrel

  • Clopidogrel abolished cyclic flow variations in the coronary and femoral arteries of all five baboons (frequency of cyclic flow variations, 0/h versus 14/h at baseline, P < .001) [24].
  • In addition, we showed the predominant association of P2Y12 oligomers to cell membrane lipid rafts and the partitioning of P2Y12 out of rafts in response to clopidogrel and Act-Met [20].
  • Ex vivo inhibition of the P2Y12 ADP receptor by clopidogrel administration diminished the rapid exposure of tissue factor (TF), the major initiator of coagulation, in conjugates of platelets with leukocytes established by the contact of whole blood with fibrillar collagen [25].
  • Platelet function profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease on combined aspirin and clopidogrel treatment [26].
  • The clopidogrel group had higher 24-h mean chest tube output (1,224 ml vs. 840 ml, p = 0.001), and more transfusions of red blood cells (2.51 U vs. 1.74 U, p = 0.036), platelets (0.86 U vs. 0.24 U, p = 0.001) and fresh frozen plasma (0.68 U vs. 0.24 U, p = 0.015) [27].

Associations of clopidogrel with other chemical compounds


Gene context of clopidogrel


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of clopidogrel


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