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Chemical Compound Review

sorbose     1,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexan- 2-one

Synonyms: D-Psicose, L-sorbose, D-Tagatose, DL-Sorbose, DL-Tagatose, ...
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Disease relevance of fructose


Psychiatry related information on fructose

  • Feeding behavior in growing rats fed diets containing sorbose [6].
  • Furthermore, at 3 and 6 h, the post-thaw motility of the T group (36.3 +/- 2.4 and 25.0 +/- 2.0%, respectively) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than in the BSA (26.3 +/- 2.4 and 18.8 +/- 1.3%, respectively) and F (28.8 +/- 3.8 and 18.8 +/- 2.4%, respectively) groups [7].

High impact information on fructose

  • Loss and gain of chromosome 5 controls growth of Candida albicans on sorbose due to dispersed redundant negative regulators [8].
  • The specific activity of the transport system in vesicles, as determined by initial rate measurements of sorbose uptake, averaged 58% of that in erythrocytes [9].
  • The genes form an operon (gene order sorCpCDFBAE) and are inducible by L-sorbose [1].
  • Three mutants which were shown previously to have wide spectra of sensitivities to mutagens, and which exhibited reduced release of DNase activity on sorbose-containing agar test plates (the Nuh phenotype), were deficient relative to the wild-type in the release of these major alkaline DNases into the liquid culture medium [10].
  • The enzyme II complex can belong to one of six families based upon sequence similarity, with the sorbose transporter from Klebsiella pneumoniae a member of the mannose family.The structure of the IIB(Sor) domain was solved to 1.75A resolution by molecular replacement [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of fructose


Biological context of fructose

  • Most important, the multiple redundant regulators scattered along chromosome 5 explain, in a simple, elegant way, why the loss of the entire homologue is usually required for growth on sorbose [8].
  • For each O8:KX105 strain, a single plasmid ranging in size from 61 to 77 megadaltons carried the LT and STb genes.All of the enterotoxigenic O8: KX105 strains fermented sorbose, whereas the nonenterotoxigenic strain did not [16].
  • L-Sorbose metabolism in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Sor+ derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12 and chemotaxis toward sorbose [4].
  • The key steps of the process are the addition of organometallic reagents onto an L-sorbose-derived imine (13) followed by an internal reductive amination [17].
  • Genetics of L-sorbose transport and metabolism in Lactobacillus casei [14].

Anatomical context of fructose

  • However, in the absence of L-sorbose, the thermal stability of immobilized cells was lower [18].
  • Absolute and relative weights of abdominal fat were also decreased by increasing dietary sorbose [19].
  • It is possible that L-sorbose has some antiechinocytic properties and/or that it induces an alteration of red cell membrane flexibility [20].
  • A six test biotyping system comprising fermentation of dulcitol, sorbose, raffinose, and 5 ketogluconate, motility and production of beta-haemolysis was used to obtain biotype profiles for 514 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from the urinary tract [21].
  • 5. It is suggested that dietary sorbose, as a sweetener as well as a bulky agent, seems to be a suitable sugar for the obese and diabetic with special reference to lower body fat and energy deposition without reducing protein utilization [22].

Associations of fructose with other chemical compounds

  • METHODS: Prevention study: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were procured at 6 weeks of age and were divided into: control (C, n = 6), control-treated (CT, n = 5), fructose (F, n = 7) and fructose-treated (FT, n = 6) [3].
  • C. albicans biotyping determined the tolerance of the isolates to pH (pH 1.4) and salt; flucytosine, borate, and safranine resistance; and ability to produce proteinase and assimilate urea, sorbose, and citrate; results are expressed as three-digit numbers [23].
  • The alternative D-galactose degrading pathway of Aspergillus nidulans proceeds via L-sorbose [24].
  • For both proteins, a molecular mass of ca. 80 kDa was determined corresponding to a dimeric structure, an optimum pH at 7.5 and a temperature optimum at 35 degrees C. The enzyme oxidizes polyols like xylitol and D-sorbitol whereas the reduction reaction is preferred when providing D-xylulose, D-ribulose and L-sorbose as substrates [25].
  • The insertions also allowed determination of the direction of transcription of the gut gene, the newly mapped scr gene and of the sor gene cluster encoding enzymes for the metabolism of D-glucitol, sucrose and L-sorbose [26].

Gene context of fructose


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of fructose


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  3. Chronic T-type Ca2+ channel blockade with mibefradil in hyperinsulinemic, insulin-resistant and hypertensive rats. Verma, S., Bhanot, S., Hicke, A., McNeill, J.H. Cardiovasc. Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
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  12. Cloning of genes coding for L-sorbose and L-sorbosone dehydrogenases from Gluconobacter oxydans and microbial production of 2-keto-L-gulonate, a precursor of L-ascorbic acid, in a recombinant G. oxydans strain. Saito, Y., Ishii, Y., Hayashi, H., Imao, Y., Akashi, T., Yoshikawa, K., Noguchi, Y., Soeda, S., Yoshida, M., Niwa, M., Hosoda, J., Shimomura, K. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1997) [Pubmed]
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