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Chemical Compound Review

Buzz     1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-8-yl 2-hydroxy-2,2...

Synonyms: Agent BZ, CHEMBL12980, SureCN59698, CHEMBL558910, Agent Buzz, ...
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Psychiatry related information on QUINUCLIDINYL BENZILATE


High impact information on QUINUCLIDINYL BENZILATE

  • ACh receptor distribution was determined by iontophoretic application of ACh and mapping of ACh sensitivity and by [3H]QNB (quinuclidinyl benzilate) binding and autoradiography [3H]QNB binds with > 90% specificity to a single, saturable, high-affinity (Kd = 11.1 pM at 21 degrees C) class of binding sites [11].
  • After 4 weeks of soman, three times a week, quinuclidinyl benzilate binding decreased to 67 to 80% of control in frontal and parietal cortex, caudate-putamen, lateral septum, hippocampal body, dentate gyrus, superior colliculus, nucleus of the fifth nerve, and central grey [12].
  • Initially, we examined the kinetics and specificity of the binding of radiolabeled quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H]QNB) in slide-mounted, frozen tissue sections to determine that we were labeling the muscarinic cholinergic receptors as they had been described previously in biochemical pharmacological studies [13].
  • Muscarinic receptors purified from porcine atria and devoid of G protein underwent a 9-27-fold decrease in their apparent affinity for the antagonists quinuclidinyl benzilate, N-methylscopolamine, and scopolamine when treated with the thiol-selective reagent N-ethylmaleimide [14].
  • Binding of quinuclidinyl benzilate, a cholinergic receptor antagonist, indicated that down-regulation of external receptors was not an explanation for this effect [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of QUINUCLIDINYL BENZILATE






Associations of QUINUCLIDINYL BENZILATE with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of QUINUCLIDINYL BENZILATE


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  2. Binding kinetics of quinuclidinyl benzilate and methyl-quinuclidinyl benzilate enantiomers at neuronal (M1), cardiac (M2), and pancreatic (M3) muscarinic receptors. Waelbroeck, M., Tastenoy, M., Camus, J., Christophe, J. Mol. Pharmacol. (1991) [Pubmed]
  3. Influence of prenatal hypoxia on brain development: effects on body weight, brain weight, DNA, protein, acetylcholinesterase, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate binding, and in vivo incorporation of [14C]lysine into subcellular fractions. Gross, J., Burgoyne, R.D., Rose, S.P. J. Neurochem. (1981) [Pubmed]
  4. Calcium influx into mouse spermatozoa activated by solubilized mouse zona pellucida, monitored with the calcium fluorescent indicator, fluo-3. Inhibition of the influx by three inhibitors of the zona pellucida induced acrosome reaction: tyrphostin A48, pertussis toxin, and 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate. Bailey, J.L., Storey, B.T. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (1994) [Pubmed]
  5. Muscarinic receptors are involved in LMM3 tumor cells proliferation and angiogenesis. Rimmaudo, L.E., de la Torre, E., Sacerdote de Lustig, E., Sales, M.E. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Decreased (3H) quinuclidinyl benzilate binding to lymphocytes in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Rabey, J.M., Lewis, A., Graff, E., Korczyn, A.D. Biol. Psychiatry (1992) [Pubmed]
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  10. A randomised placebo controlled study to assess the effects of cholinergic treatment on muscarinic receptors in Alzheimer's disease. Kemp, P.M., Holmes, C., Hoffmann, S., Wilkinson, S., Zivanovic, M., Thom, J., Bolt, L., Fleming, J., Wilkinson, D.G. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  16. Inhibition of muscarinic receptor binding and acetylcholine-induced contraction of guinea pig ileum by analogues of 5'-(isobutylthio)adenosine. Pankaskie, M.C., Kachur, J.F., Itoh, T., Gordon, R.K., Chiang, P.K. J. Med. Chem. (1985) [Pubmed]
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