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Chemical Compound Review

Hafnotrast     hafnium(+4) cation; oxygen(-2) anion

Synonyms: Hafnia (HfO2), AR-1J1453, AR-1J1454, NSC 158931, AC1L4LT0, ...
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Disease relevance of Hafnia


High impact information on Hafnia


Chemical compound and disease context of Hafnia


Biological context of Hafnia


Anatomical context of Hafnia

  • Surface proteins called intimins (Int), which are homologous to the invasin protein (Inv) of Yersinia spp., play a role in inducing brush border damage, termed attachment and effacement, which follows infection by enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii biotype 4280, and Hafnia alvei [5].
  • In a retrospective review, a group of seven patients were found to have a sputum culture positive for Hafnia alvei [18].
  • Three patients acquired nosocomial bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Hafnia alvei in the oropharynx, subsequently followed by secondary colonization of the lower airways [19].
  • However, the state reference laboratory detected a toxigenic strain of Hafnia alvei active on Vero cells from two consecutive stool cultures during the acute phase of her illness [20].
  • A number of enteric pathogens, including enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli, Hafnia alvei, a strain of Citrobacter freundii, and rabbit EPEC strain RDEC-1 cause attaching-effacing (AE) lesions in the gut mucosa [21].

Associations of Hafnia with other chemical compounds

  • The application of 1H/13C inversely correlated NMR spectroscopy to the determination of acylation and glycosylation sites in the O-specific polysaccharide from Hafnia alvei 1187 [22].
  • Various porous mineral oxides (silica, titania, zirconia and hafnia) have been characterized in term of fluidization behavior, surface reactivity and chemical resistance to harsh CIP procedures [23].
  • An acidic O-polysaccharide isolated by mild acid hydrolysis from the lipopolysaccharide of Hafnia alvei PCM 1546 is composed of D-Gal, D-Glc, D-GlcA, D-GalNAc and O-acetyl groups in the ratios 1:1:1:2:1 [24].
  • METHODS: We conducted population-based laboratory surveillance in the Calgary Health Region during 2000-2005 to define the incidence, demographic risk factors for acquisition, and anti-microbial susceptibilities of Hafnia alvei isolates [25].
  • Further examination showed that the patient also had abnormal colonization of the duodenum with Hafnia alvei and that this disappeared when the Strongyloides infection was treated with mebendazole [26].

Gene context of Hafnia

  • Judging by the time required for appearance of oxygen bubbles in 3% hydrogen peroxide, the immediate catalase reactors were Yersinia, Serratia, Proteus, Morganella, Providencia, Cedecea, and Hafnia spp [27].
  • (4), hyperproduction of AmpC enzyme in Citrobacter freundii (2), E. aerogenes (3), E. cloacae (3), E. coli (4), Hafnia alvei (1) and Morganella morganii (1), production of plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamase in K. pneumoniae (3) and E. coli (3) or hyperproduction of K1 enzyme in K. oxytoca (6) [28].
  • The strains were initially identified as Hafnia alvei with a commercial identification system and were reported to contain the eae gene of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli [29].
  • The remaining LPS studied, namely, from Salmonella toucra O48 and Hafnia alvei 2, had 4-linked and terminally localized NeuAc residues [30].
  • Acid-base chemical mechanism of aspartase from Hafnia alvei [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hafnia


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