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Gene Review

CAT  -  catalase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Catalase
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Catalase (CAT) is an enzyme which promotes the redox reaction

H2O2 + H2R → 2H2O + R

When R = O2 it converts hydrogen peroxide to water and molecular oxygen.



Disease relevance of CAT


Psychiatry related information on CAT


High impact information on CAT

  • The premier discoveries to emanate from my laboratory have been the sulfite oxidase, the several superoxide dismutases, the manganese catalase, and the catalase/peroxidase [12].
  • The H2O2-degrading enzyme catalase protects cells from A beta toxicity [13].
  • The translocation breakpoint, which identifies the position of the aniridia gene on 11p, is immediately proximal to FSHB, in the interval between FSHB and the catalase gene [14].
  • Previous workers observed that while peroxide was clearly responsible for cytolysis of certain antibody-coated tumour cells, extracellular catalase was unable to inhibit this cytolysis, and they suggested that macrophages secrete peroxide into a protected cleft between the phagocyte and target [15].
  • Catalase, a scavenger of H2O2, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), a scavenger of O-2, either alone or in combination, did not inhibit NK cell activity [16].

Chemical compound and disease context of CAT


Biological context of CAT


Anatomical context of CAT


Associations of CAT with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CAT

  • Catalase binds Grb2 in tumor cells when stimulated with serum or ligands for integrin receptors [27].
  • SHP2 binds catalase and acquires a hydrogen peroxide-resistant phosphatase activity via integrin-signaling [28].
  • Recently, however, mammalian catalase was found to have tightly bound NADPH and to require NADPH for the prevention and reversal of inactivation by its toxic substrate (H2O2) [1].
  • Amyloid-beta (Abeta) specifically bound purified catalase with high affinity and inhibited catalase breakdown of H(2)O(2) [29].
  • Amyloid-beta binds catalase with high affinity and inhibits hydrogen peroxide breakdown [29].

Enzymatic interactions of CAT


Regulatory relationships of CAT


Other interactions of CAT


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CAT


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