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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Adipiodon     3-[5-[(3-carboxy-2,4,6- triiodo...

Synonyms: Bilignost, Adipiodona, Adipiodone, Biligrafin, Cholospect, ...
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Disease relevance of Cholografin


High impact information on Cholografin


Chemical compound and disease context of Cholografin


Biological context of Cholografin


Anatomical context of Cholografin

  • Conflicting data have been reported concerning the optimum dose and rate of administration of iodipamide required to obtain maximum radiographic opacification of the biliary tree during intravenous cholangiography [1].
  • It is concluded that the apparent carrier mediated PG transport systems of the choroid plexus, anterior uvea and kidney cortex are not related to the iodide transport system, but may represent a subcomponent of the iodipamide transport system of these tissues [16].
  • Iodipamide-enhanced computed tomography of the pancreas [17].
  • Nevertheless, the highest biliary iodine concentration in complete common bile duct obstruction resulted with the largest iodipamide dose (1.8 ml/kg) and the shortest infusion time (30 minutes) [18].
  • Exposure of isolated rat hepatocytes to iodipamide resulted in its time dependent accumulation in the cells [19].

Associations of Cholografin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Cholografin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cholografin


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  14. Influence of Cholografin and Renografin 76 on platelet function. Shapiro, G.A., Loeb, P.M., Berk, R.N., Manton, J., Ellzey, B., Reynolds, D. Radiology. (1977) [Pubmed]
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  18. Intravenous cholangiography in different degrees of common bile duct obstruction. An experimental study in the dog. Burgener, F.A., Fischer, H.W., Adams, J.T. Investigative radiology. (1975) [Pubmed]
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