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Chemical Compound Review

Dithiol     4-methylbenzene-1,2-dithiol

Synonyms: SureCN331198, NSC-5391, ACMC-1AHIT, AG-F-66236, ANW-30822, ...
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Disease relevance of o-Toluenesulfonylamide

  • DsbB is an E. coli membrane protein that oxidizes DsbA, a periplasmic dithiol oxidase [1].
  • Exogenous recombinant human thioredoxin (rTRX, > or = 500 nM), a dithiol reductase enzyme, inhibited the expression of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1BaL in human macrophages (M phi) by 71% (range, 26-100%), as evaluated by p24 antigen production and the integration of provirus at 14 d after infection [2].
  • Mechanisms by which the dithiol chelating agent 2, 3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate (DMPS) significantly alters the renal tubular transport, accumulation, and toxicity of inorganic mercury were studied in isolated perfused pars recta (S2) segments of proximal tubules of rabbits [3].
  • Oxidation-reduction titrations for the active-site disulfide/dithiol couples of the helX- and ccl2-encoded proteins involved in cytochrome c biogenesis in the purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus have been carried out [4].
  • The high stability of the soluble Thermus thermophilus Rieske protein permits chemical reduction of the disulfide bond and characterization of the sulfhydryl (dithiol) form by protein-film voltammetry [5].

High impact information on o-Toluenesulfonylamide


Chemical compound and disease context of o-Toluenesulfonylamide


Biological context of o-Toluenesulfonylamide

  • The dithiol chelator, Cd2+, and the thiol oxidant, copper o-phenanthroline, produced discharge of the membrane potential when added at the steady state and inhibited its establishment when added prior to energization by ATP [16].
  • Monobromobimane, which inhibits mitochondrial membrane depolarization by preventing dithiol cross-linking, inhibited depolarization and apoptosis in 4G5 cells [17].
  • The ubiquitous glutaredoxin protein family is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and is closely related to the thioredoxins, which reduce their substrates using a dithiol mechanism as part of the cellular defense against oxidative stress [18].
  • The proteins altered at the C terminus were still dithiol-dependent for full activation, with activation kinetics similar to those of the wild type enzyme [19].
  • Vicinal dithiol-binding agent, phenylarsine oxide, inhibits inducible nitric-oxide synthase gene expression at a step of nuclear factor-kappaB DNA binding in hepatocytes [20].

Anatomical context of o-Toluenesulfonylamide

  • The biological significance of the generation of a redox potential in lymphocyte activation, and the possible involvement of dithiol reduction in the induction of IL-2R/Tac are discussed [21].
  • Evidence for a dithiol-activated signaling pathway in natural killer cell avidity regulation of leukocyte function antigen-1: structural requirements and relationship to phorbol ester- and CD16-triggered pathways [22].
  • At high concentrations, gliotoxin was metabolized by hepatocytes to a reduced (dithiol) metabolite and glutathione was rapidly oxidized [23].
  • These data suggest (i) that the dithiol cysteines are not oxidized by photodynamic action, but rather became inaccessible to oxidants; and (ii) that irradiation of hematoporphyrin-loaded mitochondria does not lead to pore denaturation, but rather to site-selective inactivation of discrete pore functional domains [24].
  • DsbB is an Escherichia coli plasma membrane protein that reoxidizes the Cys30-Pro-His-Cys33 active site of DsbA, the primary dithiol oxidant in the periplasm [25].

Associations of o-Toluenesulfonylamide with other chemical compounds

  • Thioredoxin was 1000-fold more efficient on a molar basis than the model dithiol, dithiothreitol, in reactivating reduced, denatured RNase, suggesting that thioredoxin acts as an efficient catalyst for disulfide interchange [26].
  • This rate is orders of magnitude faster than the reaction of dithiol Trx with insulin disulfides [27].
  • Free FAD is not required for the catalysis of dithiol oxidation by Ero1p, but it is sufficient to drive disulfide bond formation under anaerobic conditions [28].
  • Characterization of recombinant mutant rat TrxR with SeCys(498) replaced by Cys having a 100-fold lower k(cat) for Trx reduction revealed the C-terminal redox center was present as a dithiol when the Cys(59)-Cys(64) was a disulfide, demonstrating that the selenium atom with its larger radius is critical for formation of the unique selenenylsulfide [29].
  • T. brucei thioredoxin contains a third cysteine (Cys(68)) in addition to the redox active dithiol/disulfide [30].

Gene context of o-Toluenesulfonylamide


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of o-Toluenesulfonylamide

  • Residues surrounding the tetracysteine motif were randomized and fused to GFP, retrovirally transduced into mammalian cells and iteratively sorted by fluorescence-activated cell sorting for high FRET from GFP to ReAsH in the presence of increasing concentrations of dithiol competitors [36].
  • Iodophenylarsine oxide and arsenical affinity chromatography: new probes for dithiol proteins. Application to tubulins and to components of the insulin receptor-glucose transporter signal transduction pathway [37].
  • MALDI experiments suggest that disulfide formation on glutathionylation is accompanied by significant structural changes, in contrast with dithiol thioredoxins and glutaredoxins, where differences between oxidized and reduced forms are subtle and local [18].
  • Incubation of the dithiol derivative of these compounds with DNA and Fe3+ is sufficient to cause single- and double-stranded breaks as determined by neutral agarose gel electrophoresis [38].
  • Titrations of the disulfide/dithiol couple of a peptide designed to serve as a model for R. capsulatus apocytochrome c(2) have also been carried out, and an E(m) value of -170 +/- 10 mV was measured for the model peptide at pH 7 [4].


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