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Chemical Compound Review

Coenzyme Q     2-[ (2E,6E,10E,14E,18E,22E,26E,30E ,34E)-3,7...

Synonyms: Emitolon, Heartcin, Inokiten, Udekinon, Armolipid, ...
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Disease relevance of Coenzyme Q


Psychiatry related information on Coenzyme Q


High impact information on Coenzyme Q


Chemical compound and disease context of Coenzyme Q


Biological context of Coenzyme Q


Anatomical context of Coenzyme Q


Associations of Coenzyme Q with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Coenzyme Q

  • Reconstitution of recombinant uncoupling proteins: UCP1, -2, and -3 have similar affinities for ATP and are unaffected by coenzyme Q10 [28].
  • RECENT FINDINGS: Most recently described mitochondrial myopathies are due to defects in nuclear DNA, including coenzyme Q10 deficiency, and mutations in genes that control mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) abundance and structure such as POLG and TK2 [29].
  • MTtrans and alpha-Syn(ko) mice were genetically resistant to MPTP-Parkinsonism and Ames dwarf mice possessed significantly higher concentrations of striatal coenzyme Q10 and metallothioneins (MT 1, 2) and lived almost 2.5 times longer as compared to control(wt) mice [30].
  • Dietary coenzyme Q10 supplementation alters platelet size and inhibits human vitronectin (CD51/CD61) receptor expression [31].
  • A Mutation in Para-Hydroxybenzoate-Polyprenyl Transferase (COQ2) Causes Primary Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Coenzyme Q


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