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Chemical Compound Review

AC1O43OJ     2-[[(2-amino-1,3-thiazol-4- yl)-[[(2S,3S)-1...

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Disease relevance of aztreonam


High impact information on aztreonam

  • Immediate hypersensitivity to aztreonam [6].
  • We demonstrate that our error-prone Pol I can be used to generate enzymes with distinct properties by generating TEM-1 beta-lactamase mutants able to hydrolyze a third-generation lactam antibiotic, aztreonam [7].
  • Because the use of aztreonam as the initial empirical treatment requires a concomitant antibiotic against gram-positive infections and the possibility of streptococcal superinfections, cefotaxime seems to be a more advantageous therapeutic alternative for this patient population [8].
  • Streptococcal superinfections developed in three patients (14.2%) in the aztreonam group [8].
  • In the remaining patients, signs and symptoms of infection were promptly controlled, and ascitic fluid cultures became negative after 48 hr in all cases, except in one patient from the aztreonam group, who was a clinical failure [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of aztreonam


Biological context of aztreonam


Anatomical context of aztreonam


Associations of aztreonam with other chemical compounds


Gene context of aztreonam


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of aztreonam

  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--We examined time of clinical recovery, treatment failures, adverse experiences, and microbiologic eradication from stool of the etiologic agent in subjects randomized to receive aztreonam or placebo [29].
  • Aztreonam, for example, is active against most gram-negative pathogenic bacteria and has been evaluated in several clinical trials in neutropenic patients [30].
  • None of 41 patients with documented IgE-reactive skin tests to various penicillin determinants concurrently demonstrated reproducible reactivity to any aztreonam reagents [31].
  • Multicenter trials were conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of aztreonam in the treatment of patients with gram-negative bacterial infections [32].
  • High-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) systems were developed for the quantitative analysis of aztreonam in human, monkey, rat, mouse, and rabbit sera and urine [33].


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