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Chemical Compound Review

Gly-Sar     2-(2-aminoethanoyl-methyl- amino)ethanoic acid

Synonyms: Gly-Sarcosin, CHEMBL175737, ACMC-209hb7, G3127_SIGMA, ANW-26705, ...
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Disease relevance of NSC206288


High impact information on NSC206288

  • Apical (but not basolateral) leptin increased Caco-2 cell transport of cephalexin (CFX) and glycylsarcosine (Gly-Sar), an effect that was associated with increased Gly-Sar uptake, increased membrane PepT1 protein, decreased intracellular PepT1 content, and no change in PepT1 mRNA levels [6].
  • In addition, fMLP competitively inhibited uptake of a known hPepT1 substrate (glycylsarcosine) in hPepT1 expressing oocytes. hPepT1 peptide uptake was further examined in a polarized human intestinal epithelial cell line (Caco2-BBE) known to express this transporter [7].
  • The work was carried out with rings of everted hamster jejunum in vitro, under conditions of influx, using the "model" peptides glycylsarcosine, glycylsarcosylsarcosine, and glycylsarcosylsarcosylsarcosine [8].
  • The transport of the dipeptide glycylsarcosine (Gly-Sar) was studied in this cell line grown as a confluent monolayer on impermeable plastic supports [9].
  • Notwithstanding the lack of apparent biological effects, the proton-stimulated uptake of 1.9 microm glycylsarcosine (a model, hydrolysis-resistant dipeptide) in isolated choroid plexus was essentially ablated (i.e. residual activity of 10.9 and 3.9% at 5 and 30 min, respectively) [10].

Biological context of NSC206288


Anatomical context of NSC206288


Associations of NSC206288 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of NSC206288


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NSC206288


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