Chemical Compound Review:
Perfluanfene 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4a,5,5,6,6,7,7 ,8,8,8a...
Perflunafene, Perflunafeno, Perflunafenum, F-Decalin, F-DC, ...
- Prevention of neutrophil-mediated injury to endothelial cells by perfluorochemical. Babbitt, D.G., Forman, M.B., Jones, R., Bajaj, A.K., Hoover, R.L. Am. J. Pathol. (1990)
- Efficacy of perfluorodecalin as an oxygen carrier for mouse and rat testes perfused in vitro. Chubb, C., Draper, P. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1987)
- Delayed sequential occurrence of perfluorodecalin and silicone oil in the subretinal space following retinal detachment surgery in the presence of an optic disc pit. Dithmar, S., Schuett, F., Voelcker, H.E., Holz, F.G. Arch. Ophthalmol. (2004)
- Enhancing the photodynamic effect of hypericin in human bladder transitional cell carcinoma spheroids by the use of the oxygen carrier, perfluorodecalin. Kamuhabwa, A.R., Huygens, A., Roskams, T., De Witte, P.A. Int. J. Oncol. (2006)
- Effect of perfluorodecalin as an oxygen carrier on actinorhodin production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Elibol, M., Mavituna, F. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (1995)
- Partial liquid ventilation with and without inhaled nitric oxide in a newborn piglet model of meconium aspiration. Barrington, K.J., Singh, A.J., Etches, P.C., Finer, N.N. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1999)
- Effect of increasing perfluorocarbon dose on VA/Q distribution during partial liquid ventilation in acute lung injury. Lim, C.M., Domino, K.B., Glenny, R.W., Hlastala, M.P. Anesthesiology (2001)
- Perfluorochemical liquids modulate cell-mediated inflammatory responses. Nakstad, B., Wolfson, M.R., Shaffer, T.H., Kähler, H., Lindemann, R., Fugelseth, D., Lyberg, T. Crit. Care Med. (2001)
- A stable perfluorochemical blood substitute. Mukherji, B., Sloviter, H.A. Transfusion (1991)
- Half life and changes in the composition of a perfluorochemical emulsion within the vascular system of rats. Lutz, J., Stark, M. Pflugers Arch. (1987)
- Treatment of early giant retinal tears with domestic perfluorodecalin and perfluoropropane. Xu, X., Zhang, X., Wu, N., Ho, P.C. Chin. Med. J. (1999)
- Partial liquid ventilation shows dose-dependent increase in oxygenation with PEEP and decreases lung injury associated with mechanical ventilation. Suh, G.Y., Chung, M.P., Park, S.J., Koh, Y., Kang, K.W., Kim, H., Han, J., Rhee, C.H., Kwon, O.J. Journal of critical care. (2000)
- Effect of perfluorodecalin on human retinal pigment epithelium and human corneal endothelium in vitro. Mertens, S., Bednarz, J., Richard, G., Engelmann, K. Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. (2000)
- Effect of perfluorodecalin on activities of hepatic phase II xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes. Kalinina, E.V., Obraztsov, V.V., Shekhtman, D.G., Gudkova, O.V., Kukushkin, N.I., Saprin, A.N. Biochem. Int. (1991)
- Emulsified perfluorochemicals for oxygenation of microbial cell cultures? King, A.T., Lowe, K.C., Mulligan, B.J. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. (1988)
- Alteration by perfluorodecalin of hepatic metabolism and excretion of phenobarbital. Huang, R., Levin, S.S., Schleyer, H., Cooper, D.Y., Mukherji, B., Sloviter, H.A. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1988)
- Energetic behaviour of mitochondria isolated from rat livers perfused with a perfluorodecalin + N,N-perfluorodiethylcyclohexylamine emulsion. Branca, D., Giron, F., Conte, L., Vincenti, E., Scutari, G. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1989)
- Corneal epithelial toxic effects and inflammatory response to perfluorocarbon liquid. Ramaesh, K., Bhagat, S., Wharton, S.B., Singh, J. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1999)
- In vivo 19F NMR imaging. McFarland, E., Koutcher, J.A., Rosen, B.R., Teicher, B., Brady, T.J. Journal of computer assisted tomography. (1985)
- Efficacy of electrocautery in different media: air, perfluorodecalin, glycerine, glycine, and electrolyte solution. Muensterer, O.J., Herrmanns, V.J., Metzger, R., Till, H. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A (2006)
- Improvements in the ultrasonic contrast of targeted perfluorocarbon nanoparticles using an acoustic transmission line model. Marsh, J.N., Hall, C.S., Scott, M.J., Fuhrhop, R.W., Gaffney, P.J., Wickline, S.A., Lanza, G.M. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. (2002)
- Preparation of perfluorodecalin emulsion, an approach to the red cells substitute. Yokoyama, K., Yamanouchi, K., Watanabe, M., Matsumoto, T., Murashima, R., Daimoto, T., Hamano, T., Okamoto, H., Suyama, T., Watanabe, R., Naito, R. Fed. Proc. (1975)
- Pancreas storage in oxygenated perfluorodecalin does not restore post-transplant function of isolated pig islets pre-damaged by warm ischemia. Brandhorst, D., Iken, M., Bretzel, R.G., Brandhorst, H. Xenotransplantation (2006)
- Perfluorochemical liquids do not stimulate endothelin-1 or nitric oxide production in human blood leukocytes. Nakstad, B., Wolfson, M.R., Aspelin, T., Lindemann, R., Shaffer, T.H., Fugelseth, D., Lyberg, T. Biol. Neonate (2001)
- Effects of partial liquid ventilation with perfluorodecalin in the juvenile rabbit lung after saline injury. Al-Rahmani, A., Awad, K., Miller, T.F., Wolfson, M.R., Shaffer, T.H. Crit. Care Med. (2000)
- Effects of intravenous emulsified perfluorochemicals on hepatic cytochrome P-450. Huang, R., Cooper, D.Y., Sloviter, H.A. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1987)
- Effects of high oxygen concentrations on microbial biosensor signals. Hyperoxygenation by means of perfluorodecalin. Reshetilov, A.N., Efremov, D.A., Iliasov, P.V., Boronin, A.M., Kukushskin, N.I., Greene, R.V., Leathers, T.D. Biosensors & bioelectronics. (1998)