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Gene Review

APRT  -  adenine phosphoribosyltransferase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AMP, APRTD, Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
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Disease relevance of APRT


Psychiatry related information on APRT


High impact information on APRT


Chemical compound and disease context of APRT


Biological context of APRT


Anatomical context of APRT

  • In this paper, we report studies of 11 APRT-deficient lymphoblast cell lines [20].
  • However, the latter increment was not observed in APRT deficient erythrocytes [22].
  • At the APRT locus in CHO cells, 80-97% of spontaneous mutations are due to base-pair changes, the remainder being, mostly, partial deletions [23].
  • The exceptions are APRT mutations in CHO cells (16-20% of mutants with deletions or other changes) and HPRT mutations in T lymphocytes from A-bomb survivors (15-25%); the latter finding is consistent with the occurrence of in vivo selection against HPRT mutant cells [23].
  • Activities of HPRT, APRT and PNP were low before morula formation, and then increased until the blastocyst stage [24].

Associations of APRT with chemical compounds

  • The mouse cells lacked HPRT and were also deficient in adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT; AMP: pyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase; EC2.4.2.7) [25].
  • Particularly striking is the distribution of CpG dinucleotides within human and rodent APRT genes [21].
  • This suggests that in recipient cells incorporation is due to [3H]MTA, which has been shown previously to be the major 3H-labeled purine metabolite to accumulate in B82 medium, being cleaved by MTAP to [3H]adenine, which is phosphoribosylated by APRT to [3H]AMP [26].
  • The core of APRT is similar to that of other phosphoribosyltransferases (PRTases), although the adenine-binding domain is quite different [2].
  • To address the molecular basis of DHA-urolithiasis, the recombinant human APRT was crystallized in complex with adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) [2].

Regulatory relationships of APRT


Other interactions of APRT

  • Alanosine, an inhibitor of AMP synthesis, inhibited the growth of both MTAP(+) (Molt-4 and Molt-16) and MTAP(-) (CEM and HSB2) cell lines [28].
  • This study is apparently the first documentation of interstitial deletion of 16q24.3, involving GALNS and APRT genes [29].
  • Using both simulations and analysis of real data from murids (APRT and LCAT nuclear genes), we show that comparing large numbers of species significantly improves the power of the test [30].
  • Polyethylene glycol-1000 (PEG-1000) induced fusion of HPRT (E.C. deficient Chinese hamster cells with alpha-galactosidase A (E.C. deficient cells from a patient with Fabry's disease yielded hybrids which contained both human and hamster HPRT, G6PD (E.C., and APRT (E.C. and Chinese hamster alpha-galactosidase B [31].
  • We describe methods both for targeted gene knockout of ERCC1, and for APRT targeted gene correction by homologous recombination, and some of our experimental results using these approaches [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of APRT


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