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Gene Review

Enpp2  -  ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodies...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: ATX, Autotaxin, E-NPP 2, Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 2, Extracellular lysophospholipase D, ...
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Disease relevance of Enpp2

  • Up-regulations of ATX expression with adipocyte differentiation and genetic obesity suggest a possible involvement of this released protein in the development of adipose tissue and obesity-associated pathologies [1].
  • These findings provide novel insights into understanding the functions of ATX as a key regulator of bioactive phospholipids and suggest interventions to correct dysfunction in conditions of tumor cell growth and metastasis [2].
  • Furthermore, at E8.5, ATX-deficient embryos showed allantois malformation, neural tube defects, and asymmetric headfolds [3].
  • A circulating thymic factor (FTS) is able to restore the contact sensitivity response to DNFB when injected 3 to 9 weeks after ATX but not 16 weeks later [4].
  • Autotaxin (ATX) is a tumor cell motility-stimulating factor originally isolated from melanoma cell supernatant that has been implicated in regulation of invasive and metastatic properties of cancer cells [5].
  • These results identify a novel pathway in which LPA production by autotaxin/lysoPLD regulates murine hemostasis and thrombosis and suggest that binding of autotaxin/lysoPLD to activated platelets may provide a mechanism to localize LPA production [6].

High impact information on Enpp2


Chemical compound and disease context of Enpp2


Biological context of Enpp2

  • Differentiation-dependent up-regulation of ATX expression was also observed in a primary culture of mouse preadipocytes [1].
  • Treatment of 3T3F442A-preadipocytes with concentrated conditioned medium from ATX-expressing COS-7 cells led to an increase in cell number as compared with concentrated conditioned medium from ATX non-expressing COS-7 cells [1].
  • Localization of murine ATX was first observed in the floor plate of the neural tube at day 9.5 of mouse embryonic development [9].
  • One HEF was from intron 2 of Enpp2, a gene highly upregulated in these cells and has been implicated in cell motility [10].
  • Using Enpp2 as a candidate direct target, we identified three additional HEFs upstream of the transcription start site [10].

Anatomical context of Enpp2

  • In situ hybridization (ISH) validated microarray data and it also showed that Fox M1, cyclin D2, and CDK4 were highly expressed in CNS germinal zones and ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 (Enpp2) was highly expressed in choroid plexus where stem/progenitor cells are possibly located [11].
  • ATX mRNA expression was highly up-regulated during adipocyte differentiation of 3T3F442A-preadipocytes [1].
  • To delineate a potential role for ATX in osteo-/chondrogenic development, its expression pattern during murine embryogenesis was examined in comparison with Col1a1 and Col2a1, a marker either of osteoblast, odontoblast and tendon or of chondrocyte development, respectively [9].
  • We demonstrate herein that ATX is a key regulator of extracellular lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) that can act as survival factor, in addition to its mitogenic activity in mouse fibroblasts [2].
  • Mouse CD4+ T cells repopulated T/NK cell-depleted, ATX IIKO mice after grafting with FP THY/LIV, indicating that pig MHC can positively select mouse CD4 cells [12].

Associations of Enpp2 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Enpp2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Enpp2

  • The contact sensitivity response to DNFB is decreased after adult thymectomy (ATX) [4].
  • To deplete T cells in vivo, rat anti-Lyt-2 or anti-L3T4 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were administered to adult-thymectomized (ATX) recipient mice prior to transplantation [17].
  • BACKGROUND: Donor-specific xenograft tolerance can be achieved by grafting fetal porcine thymus tissue to thymectomized (ATX) mice treated with natural killer (NK) and T-cell-depleting monoclonal antibodies plus 3 Gy of total body irradiation (TBI) [18].
  • Although the survival of fully allogeneic skin grafts was prominently prolonged by adult thymectomy in anti-T-cell receptor-alpha beta monoclonal antibody (TCR-alpha beta mAb)-treated mice compared with that of non-adult thymectomized (ATX) mice, the skin allografts were eventually rejected [19].
  • Upon intraventricular injection in mice, ATX II causes acute, short-lasting hyperexcitation and convulsions [20].


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