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Gene Review

Cig40  -  cold inducible glycoprotein 40

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of Cig40

  • We now report the expression of the complete p40x coding sequence as a 40-kDa protein in Escherichia coli [1].
  • This open reading frame encodes a 40-kDa protein (designated p40x) that has been implicated as a positive control element for transcription from the HTLV-I LTR in a phenomenon known as trans-activation [1].
  • Immunotoxins were made using five different murine monoclonal antibodies to the human erbB2 gene product and LysPE40, a 40-kDa recombinant form of Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) lacking its cell-binding domain [2].
  • In Western blot analyses, the purified polyclonal antibody recognized a specific signal with a molecular mass of approximately 40 kDa in RL and HT lymphomas [3].
  • Many IDDM sera are known to immunoprecipitate 37-kDa and 40-kDa tryptic fragments from islet cells, but the identity of the precursor protein(s) has remained elusive [4].

Psychiatry related information on Cig40

  • The different isozymes -100, 69, 46 and 40 kDa expressed in human cells, or the 105, 71 and 43 kDa expressed in mouse cells--are induced by IFNs with cell type specificity, and exhibit individual differences in their biochemical and enzymatic properties [5].

High impact information on Cig40

  • The responsible gene m152, encoding a type I transmembrane glycoprotein of 40 kDa, is a member of a gene family located in the right-hand terminal region of the 230 kb virus genome [6].
  • The mDab1 PTB domain binds to phosphotyrosine-containing proteins of 200, 120 and 40 kDa from extracts of embryonic mouse heads [7].
  • 5. Several BEN-encoded polypeptides of different sizes ranging from 165 to 40 kDa were identified by Western blot analysis using BEN-specific polyclonal Abs [8].
  • We show that the 40-kDa GATA-1 (GATA-1s) is produced by the use of an internal AUG initiation codon in the GATA-1 transcript [9].
  • (iii) The protein derived from our cDNA but not from an unrelated control cDNA clone can block immunoprecipitation of the 37/40-kDa antigen from a labeled rat insulinoma cell extract [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cig40

  • The full-length cDNA baculovirus recombinant directed the expression of a 40-kDa glycoprotein that was confined to infected Spodoptera frugiperda cells, whereas cells infected with the truncated cDNA baculovirus recombinant abundantly secreted a 31-kDa glycoprotein into the culture medium [11].
  • RESULTS: GTP gamma S, as opposed to other nucleotides, caused optimal and virtually instantaneous release of soluble 40 kDa [32P]ADP ribosylated protein in pertussis toxin treated membranes [12].
  • We have identified and characterized the 40 kDa immunoreactive UTI (UTI(40)) and 8 kDa degradation fragment (UTI(8)) in ascites fluid [13].
  • Endotoxemia was associated with hepatobiliary epithelial barrier dysfunction, as evidenced by increased plasma-to-bile leakage of FITC-labeled dextran (relative molecular mass 40 kDa) and increased circulating levels of bile acids and conjugated bilirubin [14].
  • In contrast, in membranes from other origins, only two PT substrates at 41 and 40 kDa were resolved; the latter being the most abundant ADP-ribosylated substrate in human platelets and C6 glioma cells [15].

Biological context of Cig40

  • It encodes isoforms of a highly hydrophilic 40 kDa protein, homologous to its human counterpart and containing several potential phosphorylation sites [16].
  • Interleukin 12 (IL-12) is an inducible cytokine composed of 35- and 40-kDa subunits that is critical for promoting T helper type 1 development and cell-mediated immunity against pathogens [17].
  • On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a 40-kDa band was identified as the enzyme, and its partial amino acid sequence (27 amino acids) was determined [18].
  • Both kinases consisted of a 40-kDa catalytic subunit and a 44-kDa regulatory subunit [19].
  • Serologic analysis showed that the humoral responses to the major surface 29-kDa glycoprotein of adult parasites and a 40-kDa Ag from the surface of the microfilarial stage were restricted to mice with H-2k alleles (B10.BR, CBA/Ca, and CBA/N), whereas mice of the H-2d haplotype (B10.D2/n and BALB/c) were nonresponsive to these Ag [20].

Anatomical context of Cig40

  • In vitro binding experiments suggest that the 40-kDa protein that binds to this element (NF-alpha P) is a member of the Ets family present in both B-cell and plasma-cell nuclei [21].
  • In human and murine erythroid cells a previously undescribed 40-kDa protein is detected with GATA-1-specific antibodies [9].
  • Tax corresponds to a 40-kDa transforming protein from the pathogenic retrovirus human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) that activates nuclear expression of the NF-kappaB/Rel family of transcription factors by an unknown mechanism [22].
  • All human cell lines so far examined expressed the 40-kDa protein; however, expression of the 28- and the 42-kDa proteins was variable [23].
  • The 40-kDa subunit, expressed by activated macrophages and B cells, is induced by several pathogens in vivo and in vitro and is augmented or inhibited by gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) or IL-10, respectively [17].

Associations of Cig40 with chemical compounds

  • We have generated a polyclonal antibody against a peptide from a unique region within retinoschisin, which detects a protein of approximately 28 kDa in retinal samples reduced with dithiothreitol, but multimers sized >40 kDa under non-reducing conditions [24].
  • Upon incubation of WEHI 231 cells with the reversible chemical cross-linking agent dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate), the 40-kDa protein could be cross-linked to c-Myc protein intracellularly [25].
  • ADP-ribosylation with 32P-NAD and PTX of choroid plexus revealed an intense labeling at the 40 kDa level in addition to the known PTX-substrates at 41 kDa (Gi alpha) and 39 kDa (Go alpha) [26].
  • Ag-mimicking cross-linked anti-CD3 mAb stimulated suspension of thymocytes from adult (6 to 8 wk old) mice for a brisk free cytoplasmic calcium ion ([Ca2+]i) rise, low level of inositol phosphate production, and marginal increase in tyrosine-specific phosphorylation of 110/120-kDa and 40-kDa cellular proteins [27].
  • A novel 40-kDa protein containing six repeats of an epidermal growth factor-like domain functions as a pattern recognition protein for lipopolysaccharide [28].

Physical interactions of Cig40

  • Identification of the 40-kDa protein as the TATA-binding protein (TBP) of the TFIID transcription initiation complex was made by comigration and V-8 protease mapping, which yielded identical peptide fragments upon digestion of the 40-kDa protein and material immunoprecipitated with an anti-TBP specific antibody [25].
  • Previous work demonstrates that PNK-E mAb binds to a 205-kDa tetrameric molecule composed of two 47-kDa peptides and two 50-kDa peptides and G7 mAb binds to a distinct 40-kDa heterodispersed monomeric peptide on porcine NK cells [29].
  • The 97 kDa receptor in cytosol from wild type cells was digested by chymotrypsin to a 40 kDa steroid-binding receptor fragment but the 48 kDa receptor in cytosol from nti mutants was resistant to digestion by chymotrypsin [30].

Regulatory relationships of Cig40

  • In particular, as shown in mice with the recombinant H-2 haplotype and in class II mutant bm12 mice, the I-A heterodimer controls the recognition of the immunodominant 40-kDa antigen [31].
  • Thy-1/CD3-mediated activation enhanced mostly tyrosine phosphorylation of a 40 kDa protein which was identified as a transmembrane protein lacking N-linked oligosaccharides [32].
  • To further understand CSF-1 regulation of macrophages in vivo, we developed a neutralizing anti-mouse CSF-1 antibody which was expressed as a recombinant Fab' fragment and coupled to 40 kDa polyethylene glycol [33].
  • In addition, the keratin polypeptide composition within the low molecular weight range showed further alterations with regard to the corresponding keratin subset of normal tissues in that both tumors expressed a 40-kDa protein, and a 56-kDa protein was selectively found in the forestomach tumor [34].

Other interactions of Cig40


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cig40


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