Gene Review:
Arrb1 - arrestin, beta 1
Rattus norvegicus
Arrestin beta-1, Beta-arrestin-1
- Myocardial distribution and regulation of GRK and beta-arrestin isoforms in congestive heart failure in rats. Vinge, L.E., Øie, E., Andersson, Y., Grøgaard, H.K., Andersen, G., Attramadal, H. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (2001)
- Hypoxia/ischemia modulates G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and beta-arrestin-1 levels in the neonatal rat brain. Lombardi, M.S., van den Tweel, E., Kavelaars, A., Groenendaal, F., van Bel, F., Heijnen, C.J. Stroke (2004)
- Nerve growth factor signaling involves interaction between the Trk A receptor and lysophosphatidate receptor 1 systems: nuclear translocation of the lysophosphatidate receptor 1 and Trk A receptors in pheochromocytoma 12 cells. Moughal, N.A., Waters, C., Sambi, B., Pyne, S., Pyne, N.J. Cell. Signal. (2004)
- Expression patterns of the regulatory proteins G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and beta-arrestin 1 during rat postnatal brain development: effect of hypothyroidism. Penela, P., Alvarez-Dolado, M., Muñoz, A., Mayor, F. Eur. J. Biochem. (2000)
- Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-2 and beta-arrestin-2 as mediators of odorant-induced desensitization. Dawson, T.M., Arriza, J.L., Jaworsky, D.E., Borisy, F.F., Attramadal, H., Lefkowitz, R.J., Ronnett, G.V. Science (1993)
- The ADP ribosylation factor nucleotide exchange factor ARNO promotes beta-arrestin release necessary for luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor desensitization. Mukherjee, S., Gurevich, V.V., Jones, J.C., Casanova, J.E., Frank, S.R., Maizels, E.T., Bader, M.F., Kahn, R.A., Palczewski, K., Aktories, K., Hunzicker-Dunn, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- beta-arrestin-1 competitively inhibits insulin-induced ubiquitination and degradation of insulin receptor substrate 1. Usui, I., Imamura, T., Huang, J., Satoh, H., Shenoy, S.K., Lefkowitz, R.J., Hupfeld, C.J., Olefsky, J.M. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2004)
- Insulin induces heterologous desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptor and insulin-like growth factor I signaling by downregulating beta-arrestin-1. Dalle, S., Imamura, T., Rose, D.W., Worrall, D.S., Ugi, S., Hupfeld, C.J., Olefsky, J.M. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2002)
- Dynamin and beta-arrestin reveal distinct mechanisms for G protein-coupled receptor internalization. Zhang, J., Ferguson, S.S., Barak, L.S., Ménard, L., Caron, M.G. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- Cutting edge: Differential regulation of chemoattractant receptor-induced degranulation and chemokine production by receptor phosphorylation. Ahamed, J., Haribabu, B., Ali, H. J. Immunol. (2001)
- Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-like activity and beta-arrestin are expressed in osteoblastic cells. Bliziotes, M., Murtagh, J., Wiren, K. J. Bone Miner. Res. (1996)
- Upregulation of beta-adrenergic receptors in heart failure due to volume overload. Wang, X., Sentex, E., Saini, H.K., Chapman, D., Dhalla, N.S. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (2005)
- Potential regulatory roles for G protein-coupled receptor kinases and beta-arrestins in gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor signaling. Neill, J.D., Duck, L.W., Musgrove, L.C., Sellers, J.C. Endocrinology (1998)
- Presence of beta-arrestin-1 immunoreactivity in the cutaneous nerve fibers of rat glabrous skin. Komori, N., Neal, J., Cain, S.D., Logan, J., Wirsig, C., Miller, K.E. Brain Res. (2003)
- Activation of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase during myocardial ischemia. Ungerer, M., Kessebohm, K., Kronsbein, K., Lohse, M.J., Richardt, G. Circ. Res. (1996)
- Impaired renal sensory responses after renal ischemia in the rat. Ma, M.C., Huang, H.S., Wu, M.S., Chien, C.T., Chen, C.F. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2002)
- Phosphorylation-independent beta-arrestin translocation and internalization of leukotriene B4 receptors. Jala, V.R., Shao, W.H., Haribabu, B. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Presence of beta-arrestin in cellular inclusions in metamphetamine-treated PC12 cells. De Blasi, A., Capobianco, L., Iacovelli, L., Lenzi, P., Ferrucci, M., Lazzeri, G., Fornai, F., Picascia, A. Neurol. Sci. (2003)
- Differential regulation of beta-arrestin 1 and beta-arrestin 2 gene expression in rat brain by morphine. Fan, X.L., Zhang, J.S., Zhang, X.Q., Yue, W., Ma, L. Neuroscience (2003)
- The third intracellular loop and carboxyl tail of neurokinin 1 and 3 receptors determine interactions with beta-arrestins. Schmidlin, F., Roosterman, D., Bunnett, N.W. Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. (2003)
- Nerve growth factor stimulation of p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase in PC12 cells: role of G(i/o), G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, beta-arrestin I, and endocytic processing. Rakhit, S., Pyne, S., Pyne, N.J. Mol. Pharmacol. (2001)
- The rat gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor internalizes via a beta-arrestin-independent, but dynamin-dependent, pathway: addition of a carboxyl-terminal tail confers beta-arrestin dependency. Heding, A., Vrecl, M., Hanyaloglu, A.C., Sellar, R., Taylor, P.L., Eidne, K.A. Endocrinology (2000)
- Effect of hypothyroidism on G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 expression levels in rat liver, lung, and heart. Penela, P., Barradas, M., Alvarez-Dolado, M., Muñoz, A., Mayor, F. Endocrinology (2001)
- Structure and function of the third intracellular loop of the 5-hydroxytryptamine2A receptor: the third intracellular loop is alpha-helical and binds purified arrestins. Gelber, E.I., Kroeze, W.K., Willins, D.L., Gray, J.A., Sinar, C.A., Hyde, E.G., Gurevich, V., Benovic, J., Roth, B.L. J. Neurochem. (1999)