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Gene Review

Gpr1  -  G protein-coupled receptor 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: G-protein coupled receptor 1
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Disease relevance of Gpr1


Psychiatry related information on Gpr1


High impact information on Gpr1

  • ADP mediates platelet aggregation through its action on two G-protein-coupled receptor subtypes [7].
  • Here we show that DCC interacts with the membrane-associated adenosine A2b receptor, a G-protein-coupled receptor that induces cAMP accumulation on binding adenosine [8].
  • Our findings provide the first evidence for a direct interaction between a steroid hormone and a G-protein-coupled receptor and define a new level of crosstalk between the peptide- and steroid-hormone signalling pathways [9].
  • Thrombin is a coagulation protease that activates platelets, leukocytes, endothelial and mesenchymal cells at sites of vascular injury, acting partly through an unusual proteolytically activated G-protein-coupled receptor [10].
  • Cloning of a KSHV genome fragment revealed the presence of an open reading frame encoding a putative G-protein-coupled receptor that is homologous to a G-protein-coupled receptor encoded by herpesvirus Saimiri and to human interleukin-8 receptors [2].

Chemical compound and disease context of Gpr1


Biological context of Gpr1


Anatomical context of Gpr1


Associations of Gpr1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Gpr1


Regulatory relationships of Gpr1


Other interactions of Gpr1

  • Conditional expression of RasN17 (a dominant-negative mutant) in Rat-1 cells inhibited activation of MAP kinases by EGF and also LPA, the first time a defined G-protein-coupled receptor mitogen has been shown to require Ras to exert its effects [38].
  • Using a pharmacological approach, we report for the first time that compounds SB202190 and SB203580 were able to directly and selectively interact with a G-protein-coupled receptor, namely the cholecystokinin receptor subtype CCK1, but not with the CCK2 receptor [39].
  • Taken together, the data elucidate a G-protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway for ETB receptor-mediated NO production and call attention to the absolute requirement for heterotrimeric G-protein betagamma subunits in this cascade [40].
  • The ETA receptor is a seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor whose precise subcellular localization in cardiac muscle is unknown [41].
  • Taken together, our results suggest that IRS-1 may serve as a converging target in the signaling pathways stimulated by receptors that belong to different families, such as the gastrin/CCKB G protein-coupled receptor and the insulin receptor [42].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gpr1


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