Gene Review:
HUNK - hormonally up-regulated Neu-associated kinase
Homo sapiens
B19, Hormonally up-regulated neu tumor-associated kinase, MAKV, Serine/threonine-protein kinase MAK-V
- Resistance to parvovirus B19 infection due to lack of virus receptor (erythrocyte P antigen). Brown, K.E., Hibbs, J.R., Gallinella, G., Anderson, S.M., Lehman, E.D., McCarthy, P., Young, N.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1994)
- Treatment of parvovirus B19-associated polyarteritis nodosa with intravenous immune globulin. Viguier, M., Guillevin, L., Laroche, L. N. Engl. J. Med. (2001)
- Parvovirus B19 as the cause of a syndrome resembling Lyme arthritis in adults. Mayo, D.R., Vance, D.W. N. Engl. J. Med. (1991)
- Unique region of the minor capsid protein of human parvovirus B19 is exposed on the virion surface. Rosenfeld, S.J., Yoshimoto, K., Kajigaya, S., Anderson, S., Young, N.S., Field, A., Warrener, P., Bansal, G., Collett, M.S. J. Clin. Invest. (1992)
- New LightCycler PCR for rapid and sensitive quantification of parvovirus B19 DNA guides therapeutic decision-making in relapsing infections. Harder, T.C., Hufnagel, M., Zahn, K., Beutel, K., Schmitt, H.J., Ullmann, U., Rautenberg, P. J. Clin. Microbiol. (2001)
- The incidence of, and factors leading to, parvovirus B19-related hydrops fetalis following maternal infection; report of 10 cases and meta-analysis. Yaegashi, N., Niinuma, T., Chisaka, H., Watanabe, T., Uehara, S., Okamura, K., Moffatt, S., Sugamura, K., Yajima, A. J. Infect. (1998)
- Human parvovirus B19 antibodies in infantile autism. Anlar, B., Oktem, F., Török, T. J. Child Neurol. (1994)
- Parvovirus B19 encephalitis presenting as immune restoration disease after highly active antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus infection. Nolan, R.C., Chidlow, G., French, M.A. Clin. Infect. Dis. (2003)
- Expression of P antigen in parvovirus B19-infected bone marrow. Kerr, J.R., McQuaid, S., Coyle, P.V. N. Engl. J. Med. (1995)
- Acute parvovirus B19 infection associated with fulminant hepatitis of favourable prognosis in young children. Sokal, E.M., Melchior, M., Cornu, C., Vandenbroucke, A.T., Buts, J.P., Cohen, B.J., Burtonboy, G. Lancet (1998)
- Alpha5beta1 integrin as a cellular coreceptor for human parvovirus B19: requirement of functional activation of beta1 integrin for viral entry. Weigel-Kelley, K.A., Yoder, M.C., Srivastava, A. Blood (2003)
- A novel calmodulin antagonist, CGS 9343B, modulates calcium-dependent changes in neurite outgrowth and growth cone movements. Polak, K.A., Edelman, A.M., Wasley, J.W., Cohan, C.S. J. Neurosci. (1991)
- Acute parvovirus B19-induced pancytopenia in the setting of methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. Naides, S.J. Arthritis Rheum. (1995)
- Immunohistological detection of human parvovirus B19 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Morey, A.L., O'Neill, H.J., Coyle, P.V., Fleming, K.A. J. Pathol. (1992)
- Cloning and characterization of Hunk, a novel mammalian SNF1-related protein kinase. Gardner, H.P., Wertheim, G.B., Ha, S.I., Copeland, N.G., Gilbert, D.J., Jenkins, N.A., Marquis, S.T., Chodosh, L.A. Genomics (2000)
- Replication of the B19 parvovirus in human bone marrow cell cultures. Ozawa, K., Kurtzman, G., Young, N. Science (1986)
- Immune response to B19 parvovirus and an antibody defect in persistent viral infection. Kurtzman, G.J., Cohen, B.J., Field, A.M., Oseas, R., Blaese, R.M., Young, N.S. J. Clin. Invest. (1989)
- Neuron-specific and state-specific differences in calcium homeostasis regulate the generation and degeneration of neuronal architecture. Mills, L.R., Kater, S.B. Neuron (1990)
- Formation and modulation of chemical connections: evoked acetylcholine release from growth cones and neurites of specific identified neurons. Haydon, P.G., Zoran, M.J. Neuron (1989)
- Persistence of parvovirus B19 DNA in synovial membranes of young patients with and without chronic arthropathy. Söderlund, M., von Essen, R., Haapasaari, J., Kiistala, U., Kiviluoto, O., Hedman, K. Lancet (1997)
- Parvovirus B19-infected erythroblasts in fetal cord blood. Nerlich, A., Schwarz, T.F., Roggendorf, M., Roggendorf, H., Ostermeyer, E., Schramm, T., Gloning, K.P. Lancet (1991)
- Interactive effects of serotonin and acetylcholine on neurite elongation. McCobb, D.P., Cohan, C.S., Connor, J.A., Kater, S.B. Neuron (1988)
- Target contact regulates the calcium responsiveness of the secretory machinery during synaptogenesis. Zoran, M.J., Doyle, R.T., Haydon, P.G. Neuron (1991)
- Occupational risk of human parvovirus B19 infection for school and day-care personnel during an outbreak of erythema infectiosum. Gillespie, S.M., Cartter, M.L., Asch, S., Rokos, J.B., Gary, G.W., Tsou, C.J., Hall, D.B., Anderson, L.J., Hurwitz, E.S. JAMA (1990)
- Identification of a novel simian parvovirus in cynomolgus monkeys with severe anemia. A paradigm of human B19 parvovirus infection. O'Sullivan, M.G., Anderson, D.C., Fikes, J.D., Bain, F.T., Carlson, C.S., Green, S.W., Young, N.S., Brown, K.E. J. Clin. Invest. (1994)