Gene Review:
br - broad
Drosophila melanogaster
2B5, 2Bc, A18, BR, BR-C, ...
- Use of Sindbis virus-mediated RNA interference to demonstrate a conserved role of Broad-Complex in insect metamorphosis. Uhlirova, M., Foy, B.D., Beaty, B.J., Olson, K.E., Riddiford, L.M., Jindra, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Parallel molecular genetic pathways operate during CNS metamorphosis in Drosophila. Restifo, L.L., Hauglum, W. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (1998)
- Cytogenetical analysis of the 2B3-4-2B11 region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. VII. Influence of the ecs locus on female fertility. Mazina, O.M., Belyaeva, E.S., Zhimulev, I.F. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1991)
- LAZ3, a novel zinc-finger encoding gene, is disrupted by recurring chromosome 3q27 translocations in human lymphomas. Kerckaert, J.P., Deweindt, C., Tilly, H., Quief, S., Lecocq, G., Bastard, C. Nat. Genet. (1993)
- A trans-acting regulatory product necessary for expression of the Drosophila melanogaster 68C glue gene cluster. Crowley, T.E., Mathers, P.H., Meyerowitz, E.M. Cell (1984)
- Enhancer-trap targeting at the Broad-Complex locus of Drosophila melanogaster. Gonzy-Tréboul, G., Lepesant, J.A., Deutsch, J. Genes Dev. (1995)
- Ecdysone-induced expression of the caspase DRONC during hormone-dependent programmed cell death in Drosophila is regulated by Broad-Complex. Cakouros, D., Daish, T., Martin, D., Baehrecke, E.H., Kumar, S. J. Cell Biol. (2002)
- The early gene Broad is involved in the ecdysteroid hierarchy governing vitellogenesis of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Chen, L., Zhu, J., Sun, G., Raikhel, A.S. J. Mol. Endocrinol. (2004)
- The Drosophila Broad-Complex plays a key role in controlling ecdysone-regulated gene expression at the onset of metamorphosis. Karim, F.D., Guild, G.M., Thummel, C.S. Development (1993)
- Hormonal induction of Dopa decarboxylase in the epidermis of Drosophila is mediated by the Broad-Complex. Hodgetts, R.B., Clark, W.C., O'Keefe, S.L., Schouls, M., Crossgrove, K., Guild, G.M., von Kalm, L. Development (1995)
- A switch in broad-complex zinc-finger isoform expression is regulated posttranscriptionally during the metamorphosis of Drosophila imaginal discs. Bayer, C.A., Holley, B., Fristrom, J.W. Dev. Biol. (1996)
- Border of Notch activity establishes a boundary between the two dorsal appendage tube cell types. Ward, E.J., Zhou, X., Riddiford, L.M., Berg, C.A., Ruohola-Baker, H. Dev. Biol. (2006)
- The RXR ortholog USP suppresses early metamorphic processes in Drosophila in the absence of ecdysteroids. Schubiger, M., Truman, J.W. Development (2000)
- A juvenile hormone agonist reveals distinct developmental pathways mediated by ecdysone-inducible broad complex transcription factors. Restifo, L.L., Wilson, T.G. Dev. Genet. (1998)
- GEBF-I activates the Drosophila Sgs3 gene enhancer by altering a positioned nucleosomal core particle. Georgel, P., Dretzen, G., Jagla, K., Bellard, F., Dubrovsky, E., Calco, V., Bellard, M. J. Mol. Biol. (1993)
- Cytogenetic analysis of the 2B3-4-2B11 region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. II. Changes in 20-OH ecdysone puffing caused by genetic defects of puff 2B5. Belyaeva, E.S., Vlassova, I.E., Biyasheva, Z.M., Kakpakov, V.T., Richards, G., Zhimulev, I.F. Chromosoma (1981)
- Control of Dopa decarboxylase gene expression by the Broad-Complex during metamorphosis in Drosophila. Chen, L., O'Keefe, S.L., Hodgetts, R.B. Mech. Dev. (2002)
- Temporal regulation of Drosophila salivary gland degeneration by the Broad-Complex transcription factors. Kuchárová-Mahmood, S., Raska, I., Mechler, B.M., Farkas, R. J. Struct. Biol. (2002)
- Hormonal regulation and functional role of Drosophila E75A orphan nuclear receptor in the juvenile hormone signaling pathway. Dubrovsky, E.B., Dubrovskaya, V.A., Berger, E.M. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Ecdysone-mediated up-regulation of the effector caspase DRICE is required for hormone-dependent apoptosis in Drosophila cells. Kilpatrick, Z.E., Cakouros, D., Kumar, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Broad-complex, but not ecdysone receptor, is required for progression of the morphogenetic furrow in the Drosophila eye. Brennan, C.A., Li, T.R., Bender, M., Hsiung, F., Moses, K. Development (2001)
- Steroid regulation of midgut cell death during Drosophila development. Lee, C.Y., Cooksey, B.A., Baehrecke, E.H. Dev. Biol. (2002)
- Temporal coordination of regulatory gene expression by the steroid hormone ecdysone. Karim, F.D., Thummel, C.S. EMBO J. (1992)
- Epidermal cell-specific quantitation of dopa decarboxylase mRNA in Drosophila by competitive RT-PCR: an effect of Broad-Complex mutants. O'Keefe, S., Schouls, M., Hodgetts, R. Dev. Genet. (1995)
- Isolation and characterization of novel mutations of the Broad-Complex, a key regulatory gene of ecdysone induction in Drosophila melanogaster. Gonzy, G., Pokholkova, G.V., Peronnet, F., Mugat, B., Demakova, O.V., Kotlikova, I.V., Lepesant, J.A., Zhimulev, I.F. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. (2002)
- Temporal comparison of Broad-Complex expression during eggshell-appendage patterning and morphogenesis in two Drosophila species with different eggshell-appendage numbers. James, K.E., Berg, C.A. Gene Expr. Patterns (2003)
- Differential expression of Broad-Complex transcription factors may forecast tissue-specific developmental fates during Drosophila metamorphosis. Emery, I.F., Bedian, V., Guild, G.M. Development (1994)