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Gene Review

Fas  -  Fas cell surface death receptor

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Apo-1 antigen, Apoptosis-mediating surface antigen FAS, Apt1, FASLG receptor, Tnfrsf6, ...
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Disease relevance of Tnfrsf6


Psychiatry related information on Tnfrsf6


High impact information on Tnfrsf6


Chemical compound and disease context of Tnfrsf6


Biological context of Tnfrsf6


Anatomical context of Tnfrsf6


Associations of Tnfrsf6 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Tnfrsf6


Regulatory relationships of Tnfrsf6

  • These data suggest that C5b-9 through PI3K signaling can rescue OLG from Fas-mediated apoptosis by regulating caspase-8 processing [24].
  • In conclusion, we demonstrated the involvement of Fas/FasL system in inducing apoptosis through activation of a caspase-mediated cascade in rat granulosa cells, which is coupled with a decrease in inducible NO synthase expression [18].
  • Over the past few years, a number of experimental evidences suggested the involvement of Fas Ligand (FasL) expressing Sertoli cells to induce apoptosis of Fas bearing germ cells [25].
  • As a result, activated JNK can not only phosphorylate the transcription factor c-Jun and up-regulate Fas L expression but can also phosphorylate 14-3-3 and promote Bax translocation to mitochondria, increase the release of cytochrome c and increase caspase-3 activation [26].
  • The chemokine fractalkine inhibits Fas-mediated cell death of brain microglia [27].

Other interactions of Tnfrsf6

  • In the present study, we examined the possible involvement of the caspase-8 and Fas pathway in OLG apoptosis and the role of C5b-9 in this process [24].
  • Expressions of Fas, Fas ligand, and TNF-alpha type 1 receptor were enhanced in fasting and I/R rats [28].
  • We detected strong immunoreactivity for TNFR1 and Fas in the somatolactotrope cell line GH3 [29].
  • We also show that Fas activation, a molecular event known to play a critical role in anoikis, is not suppressed by TGF-alpha [30].
  • CR suppressed this age-enhanced p53 and Fas receptor mRNA expression, but expression of the other genes was not altered significantly by aging or CR [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tnfrsf6

  • Caspase activity assays and Western blot analysis showed that H9c2 cells treated with Dox for 16 h had marked increase in the levels of caspases-2, -3, -8, -9, -12, Fas, and cleaved poly(ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP) [32].
  • Apoptotic lymphomonocytes (identified by TUNEL) infiltrating the brain and the spinal cord were decreased in rats treated i.c.v. with FasL-p. The data suggest that the Fas/Fas-ligand pathway may be modulated by treatments with peptides of Fas-Ligand and that it may be at work within the central nervous system in EAE [33].
  • Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and Western-blot were used to analyze mRNA and protein expressions of Fas and FasL from freshly isolated HSC [2].
  • The mRNA of Fas and FasL in group C were significantly increased time-dependently compared to those of control group [2].
  • Tolerance induction ameliorates allograft vasculopathy in rat aortic transplants. Influence of Fas-mediated apoptosis [34].


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