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Gene Review

PIK3R1  -  phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AGM7, GRB1, IMD36, PI3-kinase regulatory subunit alpha, PI3-kinase subunit p85-alpha, ...
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Disease relevance of PIK3R1

  • In the other mode, involving PI3K from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells, binding is largely phosphotyrosine dependent and requires the SH2 domain of p56lck [1].
  • These findings indicate that IRS-2 is overexpressed in human pancreatic cancer and suggest that it may contribute to enhanced mitogenic signaling via the PI 3-kinase pathway, thereby leading to excessive growth stimulation in this malignancy [2].
  • In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells, PI3K-dependent signaling is typically activated through mechanisms other than PTEN gene loss [3].
  • These findings suggest that, independently of other viral glycoproteins and via its RGD motif, HHV-8 gB induces integrin-dependent pre-existing FAK-Src-PI-3K-Rho GTPase kinases [4].
  • In this report we present evidence suggesting that glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), an effector kinase of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, may affect ERalpha activity in N2a neuroblastoma cells [5].

Psychiatry related information on PIK3R1


High impact information on PIK3R1

  • A common RXL motif was found in proline-rich ligands that were selected from a biased combinatorial peptide library on the basis of their ability to bind specifically to the SH3 domains from phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) or c-Src [10].
  • A PI3K has already been purified, cloned, and shown to be regulated by receptors that act via tyrosine kinase-dependent regulatory mechanisms [11].
  • Phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K) is a key signaling enzyme implicated in receptor-stimulated mitogenesis, oxidative bursting in neutrophils, membrane ruffling, and glucose uptake [11].
  • We report that an immunologically, pharmacologically, and chromatographically distinct form of PI3K activity present in neutrophils and U937 cells is specifically activated by G protein beta gamma subunits [11].
  • The three-dimensional structure of the SH3 domain in the p85 subunit of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) has been determined by multidimensional NMR methods [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of PIK3R1


Biological context of PIK3R1


Anatomical context of PIK3R1

  • One gene (GRB-1) has been fully sequenced, is expressed in various tissues and cell lines, and has a molecular mass of 85 kd [21].
  • Indeed, after T cell activation, TRIM becomes rapidly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues and then associates with the 85-kD regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase via an YxxM motif [22].
  • Qualitative regulation of B cell antigen receptor signaling by CD19: selective requirement for PI3-kinase activation, inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate production and Ca2+ mobilization [20].
  • In turn, stimulation of Src activity is abolished in ERalpha-expressing NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by co-transfection of the dominant-negative p85alpha and in MCF-7 cells by the PI3-kinase inhibitor, LY294002 [23].
  • Furthermore, although p85 alpha was detected in anti-phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitates obtained from the cytoskeleton of thrombin-activated platelets, we failed to demonstrate tyrosine phosphorylation of cytoskeletal p85 alpha [24].

Associations of PIK3R1 with chemical compounds

  • Antigen-induced CD19-dependent PI3-kinase activation is required for normal phosphoinositide hydrolysis and Ca2+ mobilization responses [20].
  • Oestradiol acutely increases PI3-kinase and Akt activities in MCF-7 cells [23].
  • This interaction involves the proline-rich region of Ruk and the SH3 domain of the p85 alpha regulatory subunit of the class I(A) PI 3-kinase [25].
  • In order to study the intracellular localization of the PI3K product, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PI(3)P], we constructed a probe consisting of two PI(3)P-binding FYVE domains [26].
  • We observe that PI3K associates with ErbB-3 exclusively in gefitinib-sensitive NSCLC cell lines [27].

Physical interactions of PIK3R1

  • CTLA-4 binding to PI 3-kinase provides further evidence that CTLA-4 is not an inert counterreceptor, but rather is coupled to an intracellular signaling molecule with the capacity to regulate cell growth [28].
  • In this regard, cotransfection studies suggested that PI 3-kinase may functionally interact with the recently-identified IL-1-receptor-associated kinase to activate NFkappaB [29].
  • PI-3 kinase protein and catalytic activity were found complexed with the CD28 receptor if the receptor was "activated" by cross-linking on the surface of intact cells prior to detergent solubilization [30].
  • In addition, we show that PtdIns 3-kinase is significantly activated by the p125FAK proline-rich sequence binding to the src homology 3 domain of p85 alpha subunit [24].
  • CD19 is a 95-kD B-cell surface marker that contains a consensus binding motif for PI3Kp85 in the cytoplasmic domain and recruits PI3K activity in activated B cells [31].

Enzymatic interactions of PIK3R1

  • We find that p110 alpha phosphorylates p85 alpha Ser608 in vivo with significant stoichiometry [32].
  • However, p110 beta is far less efficient at phosphorylating p85 alpha Ser608, identifying a potential difference in the mechanisms by which these two isoforms are regulated [32].
  • SHIP1 is a 5' inositol phosphatase that dephosphorylates the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3K) product PI3,4,5P3 [33].
  • The stimulation with IL-8 phosphorylated the PI3K regulatory subunit [34].
  • We assumed that FTY720 induced FAK dephosphorylation and cut off the FAK-PI3-kinase pathway resulting in the induction of apoptosis via caspase-6 activation in these glioma cells [35].

Regulatory relationships of PIK3R1

  • Anti-CTLA-4 ligation of the receptor induced a significant increase in the levels of precipitable PI 3-kinase activity [28].
  • We demonstrate that uPA induces PI3-K activation, which is abolished in VSMC expressing the dominant negative form of Tyk2 [36].
  • These data indicate that calcium activates PLC-gamma1 via increased PIP3 formation mediated by c-src- and fyn-activated PI3K [37].
  • 3-K activities to Fc gamma RIIA is regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation of the ITAM, and we speculate that p72syk might act as an adapter to recruit PI 3-K to activated Fc gamma RIIA [38].
  • These results imply that the WAVE3-mediated migration in MDA-MB-231 cells via lamellipodia formation is activated downstream of PI3K and induced by PDGF [39].

Other interactions of PIK3R1

  • Recently, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) has been implicated in the costimulatory function of CD28 by virtue of its ability to bind to a pYMNM motif within the cytoplasmic tail of the antigen [28].
  • In this study, we show that CTLA-4 can also associate with PI 3-kinase as detected by lipid kinase analysis and immunoblotting with anti-p85 antiserum [28].
  • In this study, the dynamic association of 14-3-3 zeta with GP Ib-IX, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), or both, was investigated in resting, thrombin, or vWF and botrocetin-stimulated platelets by analysis of discrete subcellular fractions [40].
  • The functional effects of this phosphorylation are highlighted by mutation of Ser608, which results in reduced lipid kinase activity and reduced association of the p110 alpha catalytic subunit with p85 alpha [32].
  • In this study, we verified that PI 3-kinase associates with the CD4:p56lck complex as judged by the presence of PI 3-phosphate generated from anti-CD4 immunoprecipitates and detected by high-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis [41].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PIK3R1

  • In this study, we demonstrate that anti-CD3 and anti-Fyn immunoprecipitates possess PI 3-kinase activity as assessed by TLC and HPLC [42].
  • Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that Src, phosphoinositide 3- kinase (PI 3-kinase), and GPIb form a complex in GPIb-stimulated platelets [43].
  • The human chromosomal location of the gene encoding the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase associated protein, p85 alpha, has been determined by analysis of its segregation in rodent-human hybrids and by chromosome in situ hybridization using a complementary DNA clone, GRB-1 [44].
  • The objectives of the present study were to examine for genetic variability in the human regulatory p85alpha subunit of PI3-K, to look for an association between gene variants and NIDDM in a case-control study, and to relate identified variability to potential changes in whole-body insulin sensitivity and glucose turnover in a phenotype study [45].
  • GST fusion proteins of wild-type and mutant p85 alpha showed identical binding to phosphopeptides in surface plasmon resonance studies [46].


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