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Chemical Compound Review

AGN-PC-00JVLW     6-[[3-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-5- methyl-1,2...

Synonyms: AG-K-00938, SureCN11407716, Oprea1_227571, CTK7J0836, FT-0603629, ...
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Disease relevance of dicloxacillin


Psychiatry related information on dicloxacillin

  • Growth of PA-48 cells in the presence of dicloxacillin (12.5 to 100 micrograms/ml) had no significant effect on the production rates or functional activity of the Id enzyme [4].

High impact information on dicloxacillin

  • Analysis of serum concentrations after intravenous administration of 1 and 2 gm dicloxacillin to healthy subjects revealed concentration-dependent kinetics with respect ot renal elimination [6].
  • In healthy volunteers the bioavailability after oral administration of 2 gm dicloxacillin or 2 gm cloxacillin amounted to 48.8% and 36.9% of the dose, respectively, when calculated from the area under the serum concentration-time curve, and to 74.1% and 48.5%, respectively, when calculated from the urinary excretion [6].
  • Mechanism of synergistic action of a combination of ampicillin and dicloxacillin against a beta-lactamase-producing strain of Citrobacter freundii [3].
  • These data support previous findings with dicloxacillin which show that patients with CF exhibit unusually rapid, active tubular secretion of certain penicillins that may necessitate use of larger doses of these drugs in treatment of infections [7].
  • Biofilms formed in the presence of sub-MIC concentrations of dicloxacillin contained less biomass, and there were notable changes in the composition of the biofilm matrix [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of dicloxacillin


Biological context of dicloxacillin

  • With the exception of a minor reduction in renal excretion, the pharmacokinetics of dicloxacillin showed no significant changes [9].
  • The serum protein binding of dicloxacillin was similar in both groups of subjects [14].
  • The time of occurrence of the peak serum concentration was similar in both groups and the total urinary recovery of dicloxacillin was normal or increased in the CF patients, suggesting that the intestinal absorption of the drug was unaffected by the disease [14].
  • Following rifampin dosing, the mean dicloxacillin C(max) across genotypes decreased from 31.4 +/- 10.8 to 22.9 +/- 7.0 microg/mL (P < .05), whereas the mean oral clearance increased from 235 +/- 82 to 297 +/- 71 mL/min (P < .001), and the mean absorption time increased from 0.71 +/- 0.55 to 1.34 +/- 0.77 h (P < .05) [15].
  • CASE SUMMARY: A 41-year-old man receiving warfarin 22 mg/wk with a final baseline prothrombin time (PT) of 20.7 sec was prescribed dicloxacillin 500 mg qid for 10 days [16].

Anatomical context of dicloxacillin


Associations of dicloxacillin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of dicloxacillin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of dicloxacillin


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