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Acute Disease

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Disease relevance of Acute Disease


High impact information on Acute Disease

  • Effect of acute disease and ACTH on serum zinc proteins [6].
  • In the absence of IL-2, the acute disease is mild because of reduced T cell effector function, but a chronic and progressive disease develops late and is associated with a failure to generate FoxP3(+) regulatory T (T reg) cells in the periphery [7].
  • Furthermore, induction of tolerance to intact PLP (which inhibits responses to both the initiating PLP139-151 epitope and to the PLP178-191 epitope) after the acute disease episode is sufficient to prevent relapsing disease [8].
  • These experiments demonstrate that IL-10 is produced during infection with a protozoan parasite and suggest a regulatory role for this cytokine in the mediation of susceptibility to acute disease [9].
  • In all individuals tested, IL-10 mRNA production was increased in lymph nodes taken during acute disease over that observed in postacute samples [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Acute Disease

  • More importantly, induction of myelin-specific tolerance to relapse-associated epitopes, by i.v. injection of ethylene carbodiimide-fixed peptide-pulsed APCs, either before disease initiation or during remission from acute disease effectively blocks the expression of the initial disease relapse [11].
  • Bactericidal faecal concentrations were present in all patients with acute disease receiving oral or intravenous metronidazole, and all responded to therapy [12].
  • In contrast to findings in acute diseases associated with muscle wasting, we found increased muscle glutamine (GLN) levels in our patient group (mean +/- SEM = 10,782 +/- 770 versus 7,844 +/- 293 micromol/kg wet weight, p < 0. 01) [13].
  • A virus with a threonine-to-valine substitution (T81V) did not cause any changes in the pattern or extent of disease seen in mice, whereas a virus with a tryptophan substitution at this position (T81W) produced a similar acute disease but was attenuated for the development of the chronic disease [14].
  • Furthermore, malaria recrudesced in Nu/Nu mice after the termination of acute disease by treatment with clindamycin [15].

Biological context of Acute Disease


Anatomical context of Acute Disease


Gene context of Acute Disease

  • To address whether additional oncogenic events are required for progression to acute disease, we crossed hMRP8p210BCR/ABL mice to apoptosis-resistant hMRP8BCL-2 mice [25].
  • In contrast, uPAR-/- mice had a delayed, less acute disease reflected in delayed infiltration of inflammatory cells [26].
  • In contrast, a substantial level of monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 expression was not observed until late in acute disease and continued to be evident in the relapsing phase of the disease [27].
  • The best correlation with acute disease activity was given by TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8, and LTB4 [28].
  • In a study designed to evaluate the concept of inherited susceptibility to sarcoid arthritis (SA), 42 patients with histologically proved acute disease underwent typing of HLA-A, -B, -C and -DR antigens [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Acute Disease


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