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Gene Review

Plaur  -  plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Cd87, U-PAR, Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor, u-PAR, uPAR, ...
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Disease relevance of Plaur


Psychiatry related information on Plaur


High impact information on Plaur


Chemical compound and disease context of Plaur


Biological context of Plaur

  • This is the first demonstration that uPAR has a physiological role in fibrinolysis [15].
  • We show that fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) stimulates TTB cell migration and promotes polarization of uPAR at the leading edge of migrating cells [16].
  • Thus, in the absence of other challenging factors such as infection, injury, or other functional deficits, uPAR deficiency does not compromise fertility, development, or hemostasis [4].
  • In the present study, we provide experimental evidence that consolidates and further develops this model using data from a comprehensive alanine scanning mutagenesis of uPAR combined with low resolution distance constraints defined within the complex using chemical cross-linkers as molecular rulers [17].
  • These results demonstrate that the uPAR deficiency attenuates the severity of SM, probably by its important role in platelet kinetics and trapping [18].

Anatomical context of Plaur


Associations of Plaur with chemical compounds

  • The genomic sequences comprising exon 2 through 5 of the u-PAR gene were replaced by the neomycin resistance gene, resulting in inactivation of both u-PAR splice variants [9].
  • This complete alanine scanning of uPAR highlighted the involvement of 20 surface-exposed side chains in this interaction [17].
  • Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, as evidenced by the leakage of Evans Blue, was similar in +/+ and uPAR(-/-) mice [18].
  • Consistent with an increased platelet production, platelets from uPAR-/- mice had a higher RNA content, as seen by Propidium Iodide (PI) labeling and FACS analysis [21].
  • In contrast, the blood pressure of urokinase receptor knockout (uPAR(-/-)) mice and the response of their isolated aortic rings to phenylephrine were normal, indicating that the effect of uPA on vascular contraction is independent of uPAR [22].

Physical interactions of Plaur


Regulatory relationships of Plaur

  • The mitogenic and chemotactic responses of bFGF were specifically inhibited in u-PAR-deficient cells or in wild-type SMC, cultured in the presence of antibodies to u-PAR [24].
  • These uPA-induced signaling events are not mediated by uPAR, but mediated by unidentified, lower-affinity receptors for the uPA kringle [25].
  • The urokinase-type plasminogen activator and its receptor (u-PAR) contribute to prostate cancer metastases by promoting extracellular matrix degradation and growth factor activation [26].

Other interactions of Plaur


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Plaur

  • There was no indication of loss of fetal animals based on the Mendelian pattern of transmission of the mutant uPAR gene. uPAR-/- mice carried no detectable uPAR in lung, spleen, and other tissues when measured both immunologically by Western blot analysis and functionally by ligand cross-linking analyses [4].
  • The kinetic rate constants for the interaction between pro-uPA and 244 purified uPAR mutants with single-site replacements were determined by surface plasmon resonance [17].
  • By in situ hybridization, uPAR mRNA transcripts were detected in renal tubules and interstitial cells of the obstructed uPAR+/+ kidneys [29].
  • Purification of the two mouse u-PAR variant proteins by diisopropylfluorophosphate-inactivated mouse u-PA-Sepharose affinity chromatography yielded two silver-stained bands when analysed by SDS/PAGE, corresponding in electrophoretic mobility to those seen by ligand-blotting analysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)[30]
  • In those in which uPA, uPAR, and PAI-1 were all positive staining, stronger cancer invasiveness and higher mortality were found (P<0.05 vs. patients with all negative staining) [31].


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