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Partial Pressure

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Disease relevance of Partial Pressure


Psychiatry related information on Partial Pressure

  • During desynchronized sleep ventilation increases and becomes very irregular but the partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in arterial blood is little changed from wakefulness [6].
  • This is consistent with the result of catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol and the COD removal can be arrived at 98.2% at temperature 210 degrees C, oxygen partial pressure 3 MPa and reaction time 30 min [7].

High impact information on Partial Pressure

  • The mean partial pressure of oxygen in 33 patients was 78 mm Hg at entry and 93 mm Hg after the course of 566C80 (P less than 0.001) [8].
  • For example, low 13C/12C in Cretaceous sediments has been attributed to elevated atmospheric (and hence oceanic) CO2 partial pressures [9].
  • The response to anaesthetics is completely reversible and saturates at low anaesthetic partial pressures: the half-maximal response for halothane occurs at 0.0063 atm, close to its minimum alveolar concentration (0.0075 atm) in man [10].
  • We report on suppression of chemical turbulence by global delayed feedback using, as an example, catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation on a platinum (110) single-crystal surface and carbon monoxide partial pressure as the controlled feedback variable [11].
  • Although C4 plant expansions have been recognized in the late Miocene, identification of the underlying causes is complicated by the uncertainties associated with estimates of ancient precipitation, temperature, and partial pressure of atmospheric carbon dioxide (PCO2) [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Partial Pressure


Biological context of Partial Pressure


Anatomical context of Partial Pressure

  • Neohemocytes are substantially smaller than erythrocytes, contain 15.1 grams per decaliter of hemoglobin, and have a P50 value (the partial pressure of oxygen at which the hemoglobin is half-saturated) of 24.0 torr [23].
  • In common duct bile, observed ranges were as follows: pH, 7.37-7.85; CO2 partial pressure (PCO2), 21-32 mmHg; total CO2 concentration ([TCO2]), 16.4-41.4 mM; total bile salt concentration ([TBS]), 16-93 mM; and [Na], 153-192 mM [24].
  • To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of exposure to high partial pressures of O2 or NO2 on the physical state and function of pulmonary endothelial cell plasma membranes [25].
  • METHODS: Monkey and dog cerebral arterial strips with endothelium were suspended for isometric tension recording in Ringer-Locke solution aerated with 95% O2-5% CO2 (partial pressure, 570-600 mm Hg) or 95% N2-5% CO2 (approximately 10 mm Hg) [26].
  • Within skeletal muscle the extent to which myoglobin desaturates (deoxy-Mb) and the extent of this desaturation in relation to O2 availability provide an endogenous probe for intracellular O2 partial pressure (P(iO2)) [27].

Associations of Partial Pressure with chemical compounds


Gene context of Partial Pressure

  • Partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) levels in the hIL-10 group (6 hr of CIT) were higher than in empty vector and diluent groups (PaO2, 530 +/- 23 vs. 387 +/- 31 and 439 +/- 27 mmHg, respectively, p < 0.05) [32].
  • In these patients plasma elastase and serum IL-6 levels subsequently increased while the ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction inspired oxygen decreased, and they developed bilateral lung infiltration on chest radiography on days 3-7 [33].
  • In contrast, there was no correlation between MMP-1 and/or MMP-3 expression and impairment in gas exchange, as determined by the ratio of partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (Pao(2)/Fio(2)) on the day of BAL sample [34].
  • On the other hand, HIF-1alpha cannot be detected above a critical partial pressure of oxygen when it is subjected to rapid ubiquitinylation and proteasomal degradation [35].
  • The inhibition of Epo production at low partial pressures of oxygen by carbon monoxide provides evidence that a heme protein is integrally involved in the oxygen-sensing mechanism [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Partial Pressure


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