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Chemical Compound Review

Pondimin     N-ethyl-1-[3- (trifluoromethyl) phenyl]propa...

Synonyms: Ponderal, Ponderax, Fenfluramin, Pondimin (TN), SureCN39491, ...
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Disease relevance of Dexfenfluramine


Psychiatry related information on Dexfenfluramine

  • The distribution of cervical lengths was established and the significance of differences in median cervical length between subgroups according to maternal age, ethnic origin, maternal ponderal index, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, drug abuse and previous obstetric history was calculated [6].
  • Statistically significant findings were that patients with MVP were younger and more often female; reported an earlier age of onset of PD and more frequent panic attacks; and had a higher ponderal index, lower weight, and lower levels of triiodothyronine than patients without MVP [7].
  • The correlation between reaction time and the ponderal index [8].

High impact information on Dexfenfluramine

  • Increases in estimated percentage body fat and ponderal index (kilograms per cubic meter) were highly associated with changes in TRSF, but showed slightly different associations with the serum lipids and lipoproteins [9].
  • Maternal mean 24 h diastolic blood pressure at 28 weeks' gestation was also inversely associated with the infant's ponderal index at birth in multivariate analysis (p = 0.06) [10].
  • Serotonergic response patterns were assessed by measuring the increase in serum prolactin concentration during 5 hours following single-dose, oral administration of 60 mg of d,l-fenfluramine hydrochloride (Pondimin) [11].
  • The levels of estradiol in women born in the highest tertile of ponderal index (an indicator of neonatal nutritional status) were 37% and 46% higher, respectively, than levels of estradiol in women born in the low and middle ponderal index tertiles [12].
  • RESULTS: As expected, cord insulin concentrations correlated with all measures of birth size (weight, length, head and arm circumferences, sum of skinfold thicknesses, ponderal index: r=0.16-0.4, p<0.01 for all) and maternal BMI (r=0.11, p=0.005), maternal glucose (r=0.25, p<0.001) and maternal insulin resistance (r=0.23, p<0.001) [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dexfenfluramine

  • Data for adult anthropometry, fasting blood glucose, and blood glucose after an oral glucose load came from the randomized prospective Reykjavík Study. RESULTS: Postchallenge glucose concentrations were inversely related to birth weight and length in men and inversely related to birth weight and ponderal index in women (P < 0.001) [14].
  • The Gly/Arg972 of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), the Thr/Ile130 of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha (HNF-4alpha), the Pro/Ala75 of HNF-6, and the Ile/Leu27, Ala/Val93, and Ser/Asn4s7 polymorphisms of the HNF-lalpha gene were examined for association with birth weight and length and the ponderal index [15].
  • Serum DHEA-S and urinary 17-KS and creatinine were measured in 71 patients with and without signs of androgen excess who were attending the Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility Clinic. Serum DHEA-S levels did not correlate with body weight, surface area, or ponderal index, and were not elevated in obese women without androgen excess [16].
  • Atenolol was found to be associated with lower birth weight and ponderal index values, with a trend toward a higher prevalence of preterm (<37 weeks) delivery and small-for-gestational-age babies when compared to other antihypertensive drugs as monotherapy, or to no treatment [17].
  • Resulting assays and analyses showed that levonorgestrel concentrations of each implant formulation decreased significantly with time after placement, with increasing body weight, and with ponderal index [18].

Biological context of Dexfenfluramine

  • RESULTS: There were no statistically significant associations between birthweight, length or ponderal index, and either blood pressure or glucose tolerance in the twins [19].
  • Glucose intolerance and insulin resistance showed inverted U-shaped relations with ponderal index, in contrast with the monotonic inverse relation seen in this cohort at earlier ages [20].
  • We have therefore used 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate the bioenergetics of gastrocnemius and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles in 16 normoglycaemic women who had a low ( < or = 23 kg/m3) and 9 women who had a high (> 23 kg/m3) ponderal index at birth [21].
  • The 2-h, 75-g glucose load values were significantly associated in both periods with neonatal CC/TC ratio </=10th percentile and ponderal index >/=90th percentile, whereas maternal age >35 years was an independent predictor of both neonatal CC/TC ratio </=10th percentile and macrosomia [22].
  • Newborn weight was 211 g lower (P < 0.006) and ponderal index 1.2 units lower (P < 0.02) in infants born to women who lost weight in the first trimester [23].

Anatomical context of Dexfenfluramine


Associations of Dexfenfluramine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dexfenfluramine

  • IGF-II was weakly related to ponderal index (r = 0.18; P < 0.05) and placental weight (r = 0.18; P < 0.05), and the molar ratio of IGF-II to IGF2R was also related to birth weight (r = 0.15; P < 0.05) [33].
  • Changes in IGF-I, IGFBP3, BAP, PICP and P3NP over 30 days correlated with ponderal growth (whz change) over the same period (all P < 0.01) [34].
  • CONCLUSIONS: An inverse association of adiponectin with ponderal index by univariate analysis is not independent from confounding factors [35].
  • PGM1 did not make a significant contribution to birthweight, standardised birthweight, length or ponderal index of the baby as assessed by multiple regression [36].
  • In addition, daily fat intake was a positive predictor of postnatal length increases, and changes in prealbumin, insulin, and GH were negative predictors of postnatal changes in the ponderal index (weight x length(-3)) [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dexfenfluramine

  • Thinness at birth and in adult life has opposing effects such that resistance fell with increasing ponderal index at birth but rose with increasing adult body mass index [38].
  • In contrast, offspring of diabetic mothers of groups 2 and 3 showed an increased incidence of large-for-gestational-age infants, significantly greater means of ponderal index and thoracic circumferences, and significantly smaller cranial/thoracic circumference ratios with respect to the control group [39].
  • Correlation analysis of the data from these eight subjects showed that 17-KS, PBDS, and the serum DS were all correlated with body surface area, body weight, and ponderal index and that 17-KS excretion, PBDS, and serum DS were all correlated with one another [40].
  • We used data from that study and from a follow-up study conducted in 1998-1999 (when the subjects were 21-27 y of age) to determine associations of birth weight, length at 15 d of age, ponderal index, and length at 2 y of age with adult height, weight, fat-free mass (FFM), fat mass, percentage of body fat, and waist-to-hip ratio [41].
  • Upper-arm anthropometry, skinfold thickness, and Quetelet's and Ponderal indexes were poorly correlated with TBF and FFM (r2 < 0.65) [42].


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