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Disease relevance of Hemodilution


High impact information on Hemodilution


Chemical compound and disease context of Hemodilution


Biological context of Hemodilution


Anatomical context of Hemodilution


Associations of Hemodilution with chemical compounds

  • The increase in GMBF induced by 3 mL of isovolemic hemodilution (delta 23 +/- 7 mL.min-1.100 g-1) was attenuated in a dose-related manner with L-NMMA, 6.25 mg/kg IV (delta 15 +/- 4 mL.min-1.100 g-1) or 50 mg/kg IV (delta 5 +/- 2 mL.min-1.100 g-1 g; P less than 0.05) [7].
  • Although a strict fluid restriction of 1.5 liters/day was maintained for 1 week before and throughout the study, after 24 h of nitroglycerin infusion there was a significant and similar degree of hemodilution whether nitroglycerin was infused alone (9.1 +/- 4.3%) or with N-acetylcysteine (8.7 +/- 4.1%) [25].
  • In order to determine the effects of a low hemoglobin concentration on gas exchange in such patients, the authors studied the effects of isovolemic hemodilution in the dog oleic acid model of ARDS [26].
  • In four additional rabbits, further hemodilution to a CaO2 of approximately 3.5 mL O2/dL increased baseline CBF to 126 +/- 21 mL x 100 g-1 min-1, but again there was no effect of L-NAME [2].
  • This was followed by isovolemic hemodilution with Ringer's lactate plus an autologous blood transfusion (or HBOC-201) and 1 week later 45 gm bovine hemoglobin of HBOC-201 (or autologous transfusion) [27].

Gene context of Hemodilution

  • Patients were evaluated before and after therapeutic hemodilution. vWF alterations were quantified using the ratio of LMW/total multimers (densitometric analysis of luminographs after Western blotting) [28].
  • A fall in excess of that caused by hemodilution was demonstrated for von Willebrand factor antigen plus its associated FVIII and ristocetin cofactor activities [29].
  • During CPB and hemodilution, AI was correlated not only with Fb but also with haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin [30].
  • In addition, holo-RBP (retinol bound), apo-RBP (retinol free), and total protein were assessed in both groups to enable the hemodilution occurring during pregnancy to be taken into consideration and to evaluate the extent of saturation of RBP with retinol [31].
  • The percentage total slow-wave EEG activity (fractional sum of theta and delta activity, 1.0 to 7.5 Hz) determined by fourier analysis was reduced significantly in the affected MCA territory and in the contralateral occipital region within 1 to 2 hours after isovolemic hemodilution [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hemodilution


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