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Gene Review

HP  -  haptoglobin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BP, HP2ALPHA2, HPA1S, Haptoglobin, Zonulin
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Disease relevance of HP

  • Ectopic expression and activation of wild-type STAT3 or STAT3SA in HepG2 hepatoma cells similarly enhance transcription through the IL-6-response element of the HP promoter [1].
  • Furthermore, an association between HP type and infarction size was observed, HP 2-2 being associated with smaller infarctions [2].
  • Close linkage of HP on chromosome 16 and MEN-2A is excluded [3].
  • In an earlier paper, positive but nonsignificant lod scores were found in pair-wise linkage tests between multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN-2A) and both the haptoglobin (HP) locus on chromosome 16 and group-specific component (GC) locus on chromosome 4 [3].
  • This specific receptor-ligand interaction leading to removal from plasma of the Hp-Hb complex-but not free Hp or Hb-now explains the depletion of circulating Hp in individuals with increased intravascular hemolysis [4].

Psychiatry related information on HP

  • The disorders in Hp and Tf circulating levels are highly sensitive to (83%) and specific for (100%) melancholia as opposed to the healthy state [5].
  • We studied the pattern of acute-phase proteins (orosomucoid, C-reactive protein, and haptoglobin) in hepatocellular deficiency due to chronic alcohol consumption, characterized by a decrease in serum transferrin concentration [6].
  • Serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 22 ambulatory and 10 institutionalised patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 22 age-matched controls were assayed nephelometrically for concentrations of IgG, IgA, IgM, haptoglobin, transferrin, prealbumin and albumin [7].
  • The present study shows that the pattern of appearance of serum haptoglobin during the neonatal period is associated with ACP1 phenotype suggesting some important function of this polymorphic enzyme in human development [8].
  • On the other hand, the Hp 2-2 value is not increased in the systematic schizophrenias, but it displays a relative overplus in the unsystematic forms [9].

High impact information on HP


Chemical compound and disease context of HP


Biological context of HP

  • The allele frequency of HP A*2SS, which is common in the European population, is less frequent than HP A*2V1 in the Japanese population [18].
  • Of these three markers, only the HP locus was found to be codeleted with the TAT locus on the del(16) chromosome [19].
  • The DNA sequence(s) responsible for the normally high level of HP expression in liver either reside outside the 3.3-kb regulatory region of the HP chimeric gene or this region contains a suppressor sequence affecting tissue specific expression in the liver [20].
  • A significant decrease in HP 2-1 frequency was found, suggesting protection for heterozygotes in both DM and DR (with a relative risk of about 0.31) [21].
  • APRT was found to be distal to HP and FRA16D and was localized at 16q24, making the gene order cen-FRA16B-HP-FRA16D-APRT-qter [22].

Anatomical context of HP


Associations of HP with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of HP

  • Based on these results, we propose that Hpr mediates the high affinity binding of TLF-1 to T. b. brucei through a haptoglobin-like receptor [28].
  • Its function has remained unknown until recently when CD163 was identified as the endocytic receptor binding hemoglobin (Hb) in complex with the plasma protein haptoglobin (Hp) [4].
  • We have previously shown that Hp interacts with the beta2-integrin CD11b/CD18 [29].
  • Haptoglobin polymorphisms result in proteins with altered haemoglobin-binding capacity and different antioxidant, iron-recycling, and immune functions [30].
  • The ApoA-I structure was analyzed to detect the site bound by Hpt [31].

Regulatory relationships of HP


Other interactions of HP


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HP


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