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Disease relevance of Photochemistry


High impact information on Photochemistry


Biological context of Photochemistry


Anatomical context of Photochemistry


Associations of Photochemistry with chemical compounds


Gene context of Photochemistry

  • The maximum yield of photochemistry, measured by chlorophyll fluorescence, showed that the var1 mutants were sensitive to photoinhibitory light exposure at 800 micro mol/m2/s. CONCLUSION: VAR1 and VAR2 comprise an FtsH small gene family together with other FtsH genes in Arabidopsis [24].
  • We show that a recombinant FKF1 LIGHT, OXYGEN OR VOLTAGE (LOV) domain binds the chromophore flavin mononucleotide and undergoes light-induced photochemistry, indicating that FKF1 may function as a photoperiodic blue-light receptor [25].
  • Histidine tagging both allows convenient single-step purification of bovine rhodopsin and exerts ionic strength-dependent effects on its photochemistry [26].
  • The formation of a charge-transfer (CT) complex as the guest inside the cavity and the photochemistry of the CT complexes are discussed [27].
  • The initial photochemistry underlying cryptochrome function and regulation remain poorly understood [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Photochemistry


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