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Sperm Count

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Disease relevance of Sperm Count


High impact information on Sperm Count


Chemical compound and disease context of Sperm Count

  • Higher FSH levels and lower sperm counts correlated inversely in the cryptorchidism group, while luteinizing hormone, testosterone and other results of semen analysis did not differ [9].
  • Although body weight gain was depressed, none of the other measurements taken (epididymal sperm count, fructolytic activity of spermatozoa, relative weights of the reproductive organs, concentration of fructose in coagulating glands and fertility in relation to females impregnated, conceiving and litter size) was affected [10].
  • Although the group of 16 subjects was small, all were men with long-standing infertility that had been refractory to previous treatments such as exogenous injections of human chorionic gonadotropin and varicocelectomy; 10 of the 16 men (62.5%) showed improvement in sperm counts within 2 to 5 months of starting clomiphene [11].
  • The increase in infertility was calculated for a proportional reduction of all sperm counts within a population and for a group of workers exposed to dibromochloropropane [12].
  • Azoospermia or severe oligospermia was found in 13 of 17 patients receiving cyclophosphamide with or without colchicine, whereas the sperm count was almost normal in six patients treated with colchicine alone and in four patients receiving neither drug (control patients) [13].

Biological context of Sperm Count

  • In other sterile lines, TK was expressed at a lower level and sperm counts were normal but sperm motility was greatly reduced [14].
  • However, inactivation of the Arl4 gene resulted in a significant reduction of testis weight and sperm count by 30 and 60%, respectively, without reduction of litter size or frequency [15].
  • To test this hypothesis, we typed the Y chromosome in a group of Danish men with known sperm counts and compared the haplotype distribution with that of a group of unselected Danish males [16].
  • The presence of this transgene [and thus the interspecies hybrid (i.e. mouse alpha:human FSHbeta hormone)] in the background of mouse FSHbeta deficiency completely restored the testis size, sperm number, and motility defects to levels comparable to those seen in control male mice [17].
  • Reconstitution of male csfmop/csfmop mice with either circulating T in the adult or circulating CSF-1 throughout the postnatal period completely restored viable sperm numbers and significantly restored sexual behavior [18].

Anatomical context of Sperm Count


Associations of Sperm Count with chemical compounds


Gene context of Sperm Count

  • When three or more seminal fluid samples collected 1 month apart were available from the same individual, the coefficient of variation was 10.0 +/- 1.26% (+/- SE) for IGFBP-3 by RIA vs. 73.3 +/- 11.2% for sperm counts in the same samples [28].
  • Tenr mutant males have a reduced sperm count, and Tenr-/- sperm show a decrease in motility and an increase in malformed heads [29].
  • Epididymal sperm count and sperm motility were greater in 12-week-old rescued mice than in age-matched Dax1-deficient mice [30].
  • In addition, disruption of hsf2 resulted in reduced female fertility; however, despite ubiquitous expression in the testes and markedly reduced testis size and sperm count, only a small reduction in fertility was apparent in hsf2(-/-) male mice [31].
  • We therefore conclude that the deletion of the DAZ1/DAZ2 gene doublet in five out of our 63 oligozoospermic patients (8%) is responsible for the patients' reduced sperm numbers [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sperm Count


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